

Amish pie, 197

Angel food cake, 215

Appetizers, snacks and beverages

baked cheese-filled pastry, 12

baked figs and goat cheese, 16

banana slushy punch, 28

blue cheese dip, 15

broiled cheesy appetizers, 11

cabbage centerpiece for appetizer, 14

carrot dip, 15

chipped beef spread, 14

concord grape butter, 25

concord grape juice, 29

cool orange, 25

crabbies, 17

cranberry frappé, 26

cranberry punch, 27

crescent-veggie bar, 22

egg rolls, 23

fruit dip for fresh fruit, 16

Greek delicacy, 13

high-fiber snack, 24

lemonade, 30

milk punch, 26

molded shrimp spread, 18

pan con tomate, Rooster-street style, 17

party punch, 27

rhubarb punch, 29

shrimp cheese spread, 19

S’mores, 24

spiced nuts, 23

spinach crab cakes, 20

spinach squares, 19

Thom’s panini, 18

turkey sliders, 22


baked, 249

butter, 50

cake, 208

dumplings, 250

gourmet apple crisp, 253

granny’s apple crisp, 252

pie, 191

quick apple cobbler, 252

sweet potato and apple casserole, 104

tapioca, 259

Apricot glazed ham with mustard sauce, 135

Arcade Market, 246

Arugula soup, 74


ham bake, 141

mushroom casserole, 115

soup, cream of, 73

Aunt Beth’s potato buns, timed!, 33

Aunt Vera Weaver’s baked cheese soufflé, 54


Baked apples, 249

Baked cheese-filled pastry, 12

Baked corn, 107

Baked eggplant casserole, 119

Baked figs and goat cheese, 16

Baked ham slice, 131

Baked oatmeal, 48

Baked salmon, 182

Baked squash, 121

Baked zucchini, 122

Baked zucchini almondine, 121


cookies, 227

cupcakes, 223

fresh banana rhubarb pie, 186

frozen banana split dessert, 268

honey banana bread, 40

raisin muffins, 41

slushy punch, 28

Barbecued lima beans, 113

Barbecued meatballs, 150

Barbecue relish, 96


casserole, 146

chipped beef spread, 14

creamed dried beef, 153

roast cabbage and beef, 147

stew, 60

Beef-macaroni skillet, 153

Best baby back ribs, 135

Best pineapple cake, 210

Beverages. See Appetizers, snacks and beverages


buckle, 254

cake, 206

oat muffins, 40

pie, 189

Blue cheese dip, 15

Bread filling, 100

Bread pudding, 261

Breads and breakfasts

apple butter, 50

Aunt Beth’s potato buns, timed!, 33

Aunt Vera Weaver’s baked cheese soufflé, 54

baked oatmeal, 48

banana raisin muffins, 41

blueberry oat muffins, 40

date-nut loaf, 39

dinner rolls, 34

egg, potato, and cheese casserole, 52

egg cheese, 51

fastnachts, 45

homemade bread, 31

homemade pizza, 35

homemade yogurt, 49

honey banana bread, 40

jam granola, 48

lemon bread, 38

mashed potato doughnuts, 46

oatmeal bread, 32

Pfannebecker’s Dewey buns, 44

pineapple bread casserole, 54

quiche Lorraine, 56

quick sticky buns, 43

sausage egg brunch, 53

springtime quiche, 56

sticky buns, 42

Thom’s bread French toast, 47


cheesy broccoli bisque, 71

cream of broccoli soup, 72

rice dish, 110

salad, 83

Broiled cheesy appetizers, 11

Brownies, 235

Brussels sprouts sauté, 118


apple butter, 50

concord grape butter, 25

pecan cookies, 228

Butternut squash tart, 120

Butterscotch pie, 193

Butterscotch supreme, 244



bundles, 147

centerpiece for appetizer, 14

roast cabbage and beef, 147

Cajun shrimp, 181


angel food, 215

apple, 208

banana cupcakes, 223

best pineapple, 210

blueberry, 206

carrot, 210

chocolate, 204

chocolate cake with peanut butter icing, 203

cinnamon flop coffee, 221

date nut, 212

feather, 217

fresh apple, 208

ganache icing, 224

marble, 204

matrimony, 212

molasses crumb, 219

oatmeal, 214

orange-glazed shortcake, 206

pineapple zucchini, 211

pumpkin roll, 213

rhubarb sour cream, 209

shoo-fly, 220

sponge cake receipt, 218

strawberry shortcake, 205

yummy cupcakes, 222

yum-yum coffee, 220

Candies. See Desserts and candies

Caramel pudding, 260


cake, 210

dip, 15

ginger lime, 114

salad, 86

scalloped carrots, 114

Cassoulet, simple, 69


casserole, 111

gnocchi with roasted cauliflower, 112

salad, 84

Central Market House, structure of, 3637

Central Market Trust, 7, 8

Charles, Carl, 133


Aunt Vera Weaver’s baked cheese soufflé, 54

baked cheese-filled pastry, 12

baked figs and goat cheese, 16

blue cheese dip, 15

blue cheese potato salad, 82

broiled cheesy appetizers, 11

cake, 265

and corn chowder, 67

creamy cheese soup, 68

egg, potato, and cheese casserole, 52

egg cheese, 51

and honey-glazed carrots, 115

and macaroni, 130

scalloped onions, 125

shrimp cheese spread, 19

Cheesy broccoli bisque, 71

Cheesy crab pie, 176

Chèvre cheesecake, 266


with 40 cloves garlic, 159

crackers, 162

filling bake, 167

granny’s chicken pot pie, 164

homemade chicken corn soup, 61

hot chicken salad, 168

Hungarian chicken livers, 160

lattice-top chicken bake, 166

one-dish chicken and gravy, 161

pineapple salsa chicken, 161

plantain and chicken curry, 165

pot pie with puff pastry, 163

provencal with pesto, 158

sour cream chicken, 160

Chickpea salad, 88

Chipped beef spread, 14


cake, 204

cake with peanut butter icing, 203

chip squares, 237

fudge, 273

potato fudge, 274

Choucroute garnie, 139

Christmas plum pudding, 255

Cinnamon flop coffee cake, 221

Coconut pie, 197

Company stew, 59

Concord grape butter, 25

Concord grape juice, 29

Concord grape pie, 188


banana, 227

brownies, 235

butter pecan, 228

chocolate chip squares, 237

crescent nut rolls, 229

English lemon tarts, 239

hermits, 2026

Hungarian kiffles, 234

ice box, 231

kourabiedes, 230

magic cookie bars, 236

marble squares, 237

mincemeat-filled, 232

molasses, 227

Nellie blythes, 238

potato chip, 226

pumpkin, 225

raisin-filled, 231

sand tarts, 235

sugar, 228

tea, 230

white brownies, 236

Cool orange, 25

Corn chowder, 67

Corn fritters, 108

Corn pie, 109

Cottage ham and string beans, 140


cakes, 177

casserole, 176

cheesy crab pie, 176

deviled crab meat, 175

meat soup, creamy, 63

spinach crab cakes, 20

Crabbies, 17

Cracker pudding, 262


dessert, 248

frappé, 26

orange salad, 89

punch, 27

relish, 88

Creamed dried beef, 153

Cream topping for fresh fruit, 269

Creamy cheese soup, 68

Creamy crab meat soup, 63

Creamy rice pudding, 262

Crescent nut rolls, 229

Crescent-veggie bar, 22

Crumbs for top of pie, 202

Curb market, 138


Dandelion greens, 117

with hot bacon dressing, 116

Date nut cake, 212

Date-nut loaf, 39

Desserts and candies

apple dumplings, 250

apple tapioca, 259

baked apples, 249

blueberry buckle, 254

butterscotch supreme, 244

cheese cake, 265

chèvre cheesecake, 266

chocolate fudge, 273

chocolate potato fudge, 274

cranberry dessert, 248

cream topping for fresh fruit, 269

diplos, 271

espresso mousse, 241

frozen banana split dessert, 268

fruit pizza, 269

fruit pizza crust, 270

gourmet apple crisp, 253

graham cracker fluff, 243

granny’s apple crisp, 252

orange custard fondue, 264

orange fluff dessert, 263

orange rhubarb, 257

Oreo cookie dessert, 267

peanut brittle candy, 274

peanut butter fudge, 272

pineapple dessert, 263

potato butter mints, 275

pumpkin custard, 249

quick apple cobbler, 252

rhubarb crunch, 257

rhubarb sauce, 258

Spanish cream, 242

strawberry pretzel dessert, 247

strawberry tapioca, 259

vanilla extract, 275

Deviled crab meat, 175

Dinner rolls, 34

Diplos, 271

Double good blueberry pie, 189

Dried snitz (sliced apple) pie, 190

Dulo, Dorothy, 216

Dutch noodles Florentine, 141


Eastern Market, 245

Easy eggplant bake, 120


cheese, 51

potato and cheese casserole, 52

red beet eggs, 97

rolls, 23

sausage egg brunch, 53

stuffed eggs, 97

and vegetable casserole, 127

Eggplant Creole, 118

Eggplant Parmesan, 119

English lemon tarts, 239

Espresso mousse, 241


Fastnachts, 45

Feather cake, 217


chowder, 64

herbed fish en papillote, 172

Frozen banana split dessert, 268

Frozen yogurt pie, 201

Fruit dip for fresh fruit, 16

Fruit pizza, 269

Fruit pizza crust, 270

Fulton Market, 246


Ganache icing cake, 224

Ginger lime carrots, 114

Glouner, Sue, 21

Gnocchi with roasted cauliflower, 112

Godfrey, Roger, 216

Gourmet apple crisp, 253

Gourmet potatoes, 100

Gourmet tossed salad, 79

Grace’s chow chow, 92

Graham cracker fluff, 243

Granny’s apple crisp, 252

Granny’s chicken pot pie, 164

Grape-nut pudding, 260

Greatest apple pie, 191

Greek delicacy, 13

Green bean salad, 85

Grilled leg of lamb, 155

Groff, Earl, 81


Haddock flake pie, 174


apricot glazed ham with mustard sauce, 135

asparagus ham bake, 141

baked ham slice, 131

cottage ham and string beans, 140

elegant creamed ham, 136

glazed ham balls, 132

vegetable chowder, 57

Weaver’s ham loaf, 134

zucchini potato dish, 140

Harvard beets, 124

Herbed fish en papillote, 172

Herb Shop, 171

Hermits, 226

Hess, Wendy Jo, 199

High-fiber snack, 24

Homemade bread, 31

Homemade chicken corn soup, 61

Homemade pizza, 35

Honey banana bread, 40

Hot bacon dressing, 117

Hot chicken salad, 168

Hot herbed tomatoes, 122

Hummus salad, 88

Hungarian chicken livers, 160

Hungarian kiffles, 234


Irish tomato salad, 83

Italian steak sandwiches, 151


Jam granola, 48


Koenigsberger klopse (delicate croquettes in sauce), 149

Kourabiedes, 230



balls with sour cream and capers, 157

grilled leg of lamb, 155

stew, 156

Lancaster Central Market, 9

history of, 5

market auctions and rents, 8

market days and hours, 78

market manager, 89

and Philadelphia, 9394

renovations, 67

Lancaster City, farmers markets in, 245246

Lancaster City Hall, 5

Lasagna, vegetable, 128

Lattice-top chicken bake, 166

Lemonade, 30

Lemon bread, 38

Lemon sponge pie, 190


Mr. Bill’s lobster bisque, 65

Mr. Bill’s lobster rolls, 183

Mr. Bill’s lobster stock, 66

Long’s cocktail sauce, 184

Long’s gourmet seafood sauce, 183


Macaroni and cheese, 130

Magic cookie bars, 236

Marble cake, 204

Marble squares, 237

Mashed potato doughnuts, 46

Matrimony cake, 212


apricot glazed ham with mustard sauce, 135

asparagus ham bake, 141

baked ham slice, 131

barbecued meatballs, 150

beef casserole, 146

beef-macaroni skillet, 153

best baby back ribs, 135

cabbage bundles, 147

choucroute garnie, 139

cottage ham and string beans, 140

creamed dried beef, 153

Dutch noodles Florentine, 141

elegant creamed ham, 136

filled noodles, 145

glazed ham balls, 132

grilled leg of lamb, 155

ham zucchini potato dish, 140

Italian steak sandwiches, 151

Koenigsberger klopse (delicate croquettes in sauce), 149

lamb balls with sour cream and capers, 157

lamb stew, 156

meat loaf, 148

no-peek casserole, 152

pineapple glaze, 134

porcupine balls, 148

roast cabbage and beef, 147

roasted pig stomach, 143

Salisbury steak, 152

sausage casserole, 137

savory sausage and potato pie, 136

savory sweet pot roast, 154

snitz and knepp, 142

stuffed acorn squash, 144

sweet and sour brisket, 154

tangy fruity meatballs, 150

Weaver’s ham loaf, 134

Meck, Rose, 103

Milk punch, 26

Mincemeat-filled cookies, 232

Minestrone, 68

Molasses cookies, 227

Molasses crumb cake, 219

Molded shrimp spread, 18

Mother Stover’s peach pie, 187

Mr. Bill’s lobster bisque, 65

Mr. Bill’s lobster rolls, 183

Mr. Bill’s lobster stock, 66


banana raisin, 41

blueberry oat, 40


asparagus mushroom casserole, 115

marinated, 85


Nellie blythes, 238

Never-fail pastry, 202


Dutch noodles Florentine, 141

filled noodles, 145

homemade, 129

No-peek casserole, 152

Northern Market, 245


pudding, 261

spiced nuts, 23



baked oatmeal, 48

blueberry oat muffins, 40

oatmeal bread, 32

oatmeal cake, 214

One-dish chicken and gravy, 161


beets, 124

cool orange, 25

custard fondue, 264

fluff dessert, 263

pie, 188

rhubarb, 257

Orange-glazed shortcake, 206

Oreo cookie dessert, 267


Pan con tomate, Rooster-street style, 17

Panini, Thom’s, 18

Party punch, 27

Pasta. See Vegetables and pasta

Peanut brittle candy, 274

Peanut butter fudge, 272

Peanut butter pie, 194

Pecan pie, 200

Pepper cabbage, 84

Perciatelli with creamy clam sauce, 180

Pfannebecker’s Dewey buns, 44


Amish, 197

blueberry, 189

butterscotch, 193

cheesy crab, 176

coconut, 197

concord grape, 188

crumbs for top of, 202

double good blueberry, 189

dried snitz (sliced apple), 190

fresh banana rhubarb, 186

fresh strawberry, 186

frozen yogurt, 201

greatest apple, 191

haddock flake pie, 174

lemon sponge, 190

Mother Stover’s peach, 187

never-fail pastry, 202

orange, 188

peanut butter, 194

pecan, 200

pumpkin, 192

pumpkin delight, 191

raisin, 193

raisin cream, 192

rhubarb meringue, 187

rice krispie, 202

savory sausage and potato, 136

shoo-fly, 194

strawberry snowbank, 185

Sunday, 196

tomato, 123

vanilla, 198

wet-bottom shoo-fly, 195


bread casserole, 54

cake, 210

dessert, 263

glaze, 134

salsa chicken, 161

zucchini cake, 211


fruit pizza, 269

fruit pizza crust, 270

homemade pizza, 35

Plantain and chicken curry, 165

Porcupine balls, 148


Aunt Beth’s potato buns, timed!, 33

blue cheese potato salad, 82

butter mints, 275

chip cookies, 226

chocolate potato fudge, 274

egg, potato, and cheese casserole, 52

filling, 99

gourmet potatoes, 100

leek soup, 74

mashed potato doughnuts, 46

savory sausage and potato pie, 136

scalloped potatoes, 101


chicken crackers, 162

chicken filling bake, 167

chicken pot pie with puff pastry, 163

chicken provencal with pesto, 158

chicken with 40 cloves garlic, 159

granny’s chicken pot pie, 164

hot chicken salad, 168

Hungarian chicken livers, 160

lattice-top chicken bake, 166

one-dish chicken and gravy, 161

pineapple salsa chicken, 161

plantain and chicken curry, 165

shepherd’s pie, 169

sour cream chicken, 160

turkey filling, 168

turkey loaf, 169

turkey sausage with fettuccine, 170


bread, 261

caramel, 260

Christmas plum, 255

cracker, 262

creamy rice, 262

grape-nut, 260

nut, 261

rhubarb, 256

rhubarb tapioca, 258

sweet potato, 105


cookies, 225

cream soup, 75

custard, 249

delight pie, 191

pie, 192

roll, 213

sage butter sauce for pumpkin ravioli, 122


Quiche Lorraine, 56

Quick apple cobbler, 252

Quick sticky buns, 43


Rafiki’s Deli, Central Market stand, 216


banana raisin muffins, 41

cream pie, 192

pie, 193

Raisin-filled cookies, 231


jello salad, 90

warm raspberry salad, 82

Red beet eggs, 97


crunch, 257

fresh banana rhubarb pie, 186

meringue pie, 187

pudding, 256

punch, 29

salad, 88

sauce, 258

sour cream cake, 209

tapioca pudding, 258

Rice krispie pie, 202

Roast cabbage and beef, 147

Roasted pig stomach, 143

Roasted summer vegetables, 126

Roast pork fried rice, 178


Sage butter sauce for pumpkin ravioli, 122

Saife, Omar Al, 233

Salads and relishes

apple salad, 90

barbecue relish, 96

black bean salad with roasted red peppers, 87

blue cheese potato salad, 82

carrot salad, 86

cauliflower salad, 84

cranberry orange salad, 89

cranberry relish, 88

fresh broccoli salad, 83

gourmet tossed salad, 79

Grace’s chow chow, 92

green bean salad, 85

hummus salad or chickpea salad, 88

Irish tomato salad, 83

marinated mushrooms, 85

pepper cabbage, 84

raspberry jello salad, 90

red beet eggs, 97

rhubarb salad, 88

seven-layer salad, 78

spiced cantaloupe, 91

spinach salad, 80

spinach salad with hot bacon dressing, 80

stuffed eggs, 97

sunshine salad, 77

ten-day pickles, 95

warm raspberry salad, 82

zucchini pepper relish, 96

Salisbury steak, 152


baked salmon, 182

poached salmon, 182

Sand tarts, 235

Sauerkraut soup, 75

Sausage casserole, 137

Sausage egg brunch, 53

Savory sausage and potato pie, 136

Savory sweet pot roast, 154

Scalloped carrots, 114

Scalloped potatoes, 101

Scallops and pasta Romano, 179


baked salmon, 182

Cajun shrimp, 181

cheesy crab pie, 176

crab cakes, 177

crab casserole, 176

deviled crab meat, 175

haddock flake pie, 174

herbed fish en papillote, 172

Long’s cocktail sauce, 184

Long’s gourmet seafood sauce, 183

Mr. Bill’s lobster rolls, 183

perciatelli with creamy clam sauce, 180

poached salmon, 182

scallops and pasta Romano, 179

shrimp or roast pork fried rice, 178

stuffed flounder in basil cream sauce, 173

tuna spinach casserole, 175

Seven-layer salad, 78

Shenk, Roger, 62

Shepherd’s pie, 169

Shoo-fly cake, 220

Shoo-fly pie, 194


Cajun shrimp, 181

cheese spread, 19

fried rice, 178

molded shrimp spread, 18

S’mores, 24

Snacks. See Appetizers, snacks and beverages

Snitz and knepp, 142


arugula, 74

beef stew, 60

cheese and corn chowder, 67

cheesy broccoli bisque, 71

company stew, 59

corn chowder, 67

cream of asparagus, 73

cream of broccoli, 72

cream of vegetable, 70

creamy cheese, 68

creamy crab meat soup, 63

fish chowder, 64

ham vegetable chowder, 57

homemade chicken corn soup, 61

minestrone, 68

Mr. Bill’s lobster bisque, 65

Mr. Bill’s lobster stock, 66

potato leek, 74

pumpkin cream, 75

sauerkraut, 75

simple cassoulet, 69

turkey vegetable, 57

veal shin, 58

Sour cream chicken, 160

Southern Market, 245

Spanish cream, 242

Spiced cantaloupe, 91

Spiced nuts, 23

Spicy green beans, 113


casserole, 116

crab cakes, 20

salad, 80

salad with hot bacon dressing, 80

squares, 19

tuna spinach casserole, 175

Sponge cake receipt, 218

Springtime quiche, 56

Standholder Review Committee, 8

Sticky buns, 42

Stoner, John, 55


fresh strawberry pie, 186

pretzel dessert, 247

shortcake, 205

snowbank pie, 185

tapioca, 259

Street scape project, 7

Stuffed acorn squash, 144

Stuffed eggs, 97

Stuffed flounder in basil cream sauce, 173

Sugar cookies, 228

Sunday pie, 196

Sunshine salad, 77

Sweet and sour brisket, 154

Sweet potato

and apple casserole, 104

casserole, 106

croquettes, 102

pudding, 105


Tangy fruity meatballs, 150

Tea cookies, 230

Ten-day pickles, 95

Thomas, Ruth, 251

Thom’s bread French toast, 47

Thom’s panini, 18


hot herbed tomatoes, 122

Irish tomato salad, 83

pie, 123

Tuna spinach casserole, 175


filling, 168

loaf, 169

sausage with fettuccine, 170

sliders, 22

vegetable soups, 57

Turkey Lady, The, 21



extract, 275

pie, 198

Veal shin soups, 58

Vegetable lasagna, 128

Vegetables and pasta

asparagus mushroom casserole, 115

baked corn, 107

baked eggplant casserole, 119

baked squash, 121

baked zucchini, 122

baked zucchini almondine, 121

barbecued lima beans, 113

bread filling, 100

broccoli rice dish, 110

Brussels sprouts sauté, 118

butternut squash tart, 120

cauliflower casserole, 111

cheese and honey-glazed carrots, 115

cheese scalloped onions, 125

corn fritters, 108

corn pie, 109

dandelion greens with hot bacon dressing, 116

easy eggplant bake, 120

egg and vegetable casserole, 127

eggplant Creole, 118

eggplant Parmesan, 119

ginger lime carrots, 114

gnocchi with roasted cauliflower, 112

gourmet potatoes, 100

Harvard beets, 124

homemade noodles, 129

hot herbed tomatoes, 122

macaroni and cheese, 130

orange beets, 124

potato filling, 99

roasted summer vegetables, 126

sage butter sauce for pumpkin ravioli, 122

scalloped carrots, 114

scalloped potatoes, 101

spicy green beans, 113

spinach casserole, 116

sweet potato and apple casserole, 104

sweet potato casserole, 106

sweet potato croquettes, 102

sweet potato pudding, 105

tomato pie, 123

vegetable lasagna, 128

Vegetable soup, cream of, 70


Wagon boys, 207

Warner, James H., 36

Weaver’s ham loaf, 134

West End Market, 246

Western Market, 245

Wet-bottom shoo-fly pie, 195

White brownies, 236



frozen yogurt pie, 201

homemade, 49

Yummy cupcakes, 222

Yum-yum coffee cake, 220


Zink, Jim, 171


baked zucchini, 121, 122

pepper relish, 96