- absolute values, ranking
- Actual By Predicted plot
- Add-In
- missing data
- structure of
- Add-Ins menu
- Advanced Controls outline
- Agreement Comparisons panel
- Agreement within Raters panel
- All Pairs option
- All Possible Models option
- Alt key
- amounts, analyzing
- analysis
- of amounts
- baseline
- cluster
- conducting
- in JMP
- missing data
- results using Process Capability platform
- analysis data sets
- checking
- constructing
- Analysis of Variance table
- analysis sets
- constructing
- distribution of
- Analyze menu
- anatomy, of JMP
- Application Builder
- Augment Design platform
- automatic splitting
- Average Chart
- axis settings, copying and pasting
- baseline analysis
- baseline data
- Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)
- bias
- Bias Factors Std Dev, in Profiler
- BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion)
- bivariate plots, adding horizontal reference lines to
- black belt
- Boosted Tree model
- Boosted Tree report
- Boosting panel
- Box, George
- boxplots, displaying in Graph Builder
- broadcasting commands to all reports
- Bubble Plot (Graph menu)
- Bubble Size slider
- ButtonBox()
- buyer's viewpoint
- capability
- obtaining analysis of
- projected
- simulated
- Capability Box Plots
- case studies
- Classification of Cells
- Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process
- Improving the Quality of Anodized Parts
- Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing
- Reducing Hospital Late Charge Incidents
- Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier
- Categorical Profiler
- cause-and-effect diagram, constructing in JMP
- causes
- combining
- types of
- CDA (Confirmatory Data Analysis)
- Cell Plot script
- champion
- Char() command
- chunking variables
- CIELAB (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage)
- classification models, comparing
- Classification of Cells case study
- about
- background
- Collect Data step
- comparing classification models
- constructing training, validation, and test sets
- data exploration
- Frame Problem step
- Generalized Regression platform
- neural net models
- prediction models
- recursive partitioning
- Stepwise Logistic Model
- clbChangeScript
- Clean task, in data management
- Clear button
- Clear Row States command
- closing reports
- cluster analysis
- Collect Data step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
- about
- in Classification of Cells case study
- DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
- examples of
- in Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
- in Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing case study
- in Reducing Hospital Late Charge Incidents case study
- in Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
- coloring points
- colors, changing in reports
- Colors and Markers script
- Column Contribution report
- Column Info command
- Column Info window
- Column Property
- Column Switcher
- Column Viewer
- columns
- adjusting structure of
- excluding
- grouping
- hiding
- inserting descriptions in
- properties of
- saving specification limits as
- Columns menu
- about
- displays in
- illustrated
- Columns panel (JMP)
- Columns Viewer report
- Combine task, in data management
- Combine Windows feature
- commands
- See also specific commands
- Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIELAB)
- Compare Means option
- Comparison Circles, obtaining
- Concat() command
- Concatenate (Tables menu)
- concatenating data tables
- concavity
- confirmation runs
- Confirmatory Data Analysis (CDA)
- confirmatory study, exploratory study versus
- Confusion Matrices, constructing
- Confusion Matrix report
- Containers outline
- context sensitive commands
- Contingency Table
- contour plot, creating
- Contour Profiler (Graph menu)
- Control Chart Builder
- Control Charts
- Control key
- Control Limit property
- control limits
- Control Matrix
- control panel (Boosted Tree model)
- correlations
- pairwise
- Scatterplot Matrix and
- crisis yields, filtering
- critical to quality (CTQ)
- Critical to Quality Characteristics (CTQs)
- Critical to Quality Tree
- CTQ (critical to quality)
- CTQs (Critical to Quality Characteristics)
- Cumulative Validation plot
- Current Estimates panel
- Custom Design platform
- customers, in data sets
- data
- See also Collect Data step, in VSS Data Analysis Process; data quality
- baseline
- collection examples
- exploring
- free trade
- importing
- missing
- observational versus experimental
- scoping
- splitting
- validating
- verifying integrity of
- data analysis
- See also Visual Six Sigma (VSS) Data Analysis Process
- making lean
- obtaining
- Data Filter dialog
- data grid
- data management
- See also data
- data mining
- data quality
- See also data
- data table panels
- Data Table toolbar
- data tables
- adding descriptions for variables in
- concatenating
- creating views of
- dynamic linking to
- in JMP
- joining
- preparing
- saving
- using two
- Data Type
- Data View table
- dates, in JMP
- Decision Tree model
- Defect table
- Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Validate (DMADV)
- Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control approach
- See DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach
- Define Abs [Amount] script
- democracy, trade policy and
- dendogram
- Derive task, in data management
- Describe task, in data management
- descriptions, adding for variables in data tables
- descriptive variables, using Local Data Filter for
- Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
- design of experiments (DOE)
- Design panel
- designs, developing
- Desirability Functions
- desirability traces
- detective, statistics as
- DFSS (Design for Six Sigma)
- Diagram plot
- disclosure icons
- distribution
- about
- of analysis sets
- dynamic linking and
- dynamic visualization of variables using
- exploring
- using
- of variables
- Distribution (Analyze menu)
- Distribution Analysis, obtaining
- Distribution platform (JMP)
- Distribution plot
- Distribution report
- Distribution script
- DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Validate)
- DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach
- application of
- defined
- using to deliver bottom-line results in short or medium term
- DOE (design of experiments)
- DOE Dialog script
- DOE menu
- duplicate rows, keys and
- dynamic linking
- to data tables
- distribution and
- dynamic visualization
- See also visualizing
- of multiple variables at once
- of prescriptions with tabular displays
- of sales reps and practices geographically
- using
- of variables one and two at a time
- of variables two at a time
- of variables using distribution
- Each Pair option
- Early Stopping
- EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis)
- Edit toolbar
- Effect Summary report
- Effect Tests table
- effectiveness, of measurement system
- Effectiveness Report
- Elastic Net model, fitting
- Elastic Net Prediction Equation, saving
- EMP Gauge R&R Results panel
- EMP Gauge R&R Results report
- entry order, viewing by
- error
- Estimation Details outline
- ETL (extract, transform and load) processes
- Evaluate Design platform
- examples, of Collect Data step in VSS Data Analysis Process
- excluding
- columns
- outliers
- points on histograms
- rows
- executive committee
- experimental data, observational data versus
- experimental design
- experiments, conducting
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- exploratory study, confirmatory study versus
- extract, transform and load (ETL) processes
- factors, specifying
- Factors panel
- File toolbar
- filtering
- crisis yields
- data values with Local Data Filter
- by month
- findings, summarizing
- Fit All Prediction Formulas script
- Fit Model (Analyze menu)
- Fit Model report
- Fit Special
- Fit Y by X (Analyze menu)
- fitting
- Boosted Tree model
- Decision Tree model
- Elastic Net model
- Lasso model
- lines
- logistic model
- models
- Neural Net models
- Fitting Options panel
- Fixed Effects Tests report
- FontColor()
- For() loop
- Formula column property
- Formula Editor
- formulas
- creating
- viewing in Formula Editor
- fractal dimension
- Frame Problem step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
- about
- in Classification of Cells case study
- DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
- in Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
- in Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
- in Reducing Hospital Late Charge Incidents case study
- in Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
- free trade data
- frequency, of measurements
- Full Factorial Design platform
- Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (Gauge R&R) study
- Gauge R&R Std Dev
- gbUpdateScript
- Generalized Regression modeling
- Generalized Regression report
- Go button
- Goal Plot
- Goos, Peter
- Optimal Design of Experiments: A Case Study Approach
- Graph Builder (Graph menu)
- about
- checking analysis data sets
- constructing a plot for two variables with
- using
- viewing outliers with
- visualizing two variables at a time with
- Graph menu (JMP)
- about
- displays in
- getting reports from
- illustrated
- GraphBox()
- graphs
- creating
- displaying elements of in Graph Builder
- green belt
- grouping
- columns
- predictors
- guidelines, Visual Six Sigma and
- Hidden Layer Structure panel
- hiding
- columns
- outliers
- panes in JMP
- points on histograms
- rows
- hierarchical processes
- histograms, selecting outliers on
- historical data, reviewing
- HListBox()
- horizontal reference lines, adding to bivariate plots
- Hot Xs
- Identify, Design, Optimize, and Validate (IDOV)
- importing data
- improvements
- confirming
- planning
- tracking
- verifying
- Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
- about
- background
- forming teams
- Frame Problem step
- manufacturing process
- Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
- Model Relationships step
- reviewing historical data
- Revise Knowledge step
- typical crisis
- Uncover Relationships step
- Utilize Knowledge step
- Improving the Quality of Anodized Parts case study
- about
- background
- Collect Data step
- Frame Problem step
- Model Relationships step
- Revise Knowledge step
- Roadmap
- Uncover Relationships step
- Utilize Knowledge step
- In-Control Part Std Dev
- Individual Measurement chart
- Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing case study
- about
- background
- Collect Data step
- promotional activity
- regional differences for
- scoping data
- Uncover Relationships step
- validating data
- infrastructure, of typical Six Sigma deployment
- Input/Output process map
- integrity, of data
- interactions
- interoperability, with R
- Intraclass Correlation
- IR charts, obtaining
- Is Missing() function
- JMP®
- about
- Analyze menu
- anatomy of
- application building in
- Columns menu
- data tables
- DOE menu
- dynamic linking to data tables
- featured analyses
- featured visual displays
- Graph menu
- opening
- personalizing
- programming in
- reports
- Rows menu
- scripts
- Tables menu
- techniques
- visual displays
- Visual Six Sigma Roadmap and
- VSS Data Analysis Process and
- window management
- JMP Home Window
- JMP Pro version 29
- JMP Scripting Language (JSL)
- JMP Starter Window
- Join (Tables menu)
- Jones, Bradley
- Optimal Design of Experiments: A Case Study Approach
- JSL (JMP Scripting Language)
- kappa value
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
- keys, duplicate rows and
- KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
- labelled rows
- Lack Of Fit Test
- Lasso model, fitting
- Lasso Prediction Equation, saving
- Lasso tool
- Lasso with Validation Column Validation
- launch platforms
- lawyer, statistics as
- Leaf Report
- Learning Rate
- Least Squares Mean Table
- Legend window
- lines, fitting
- LineUpBox()
- linking with Contour Profiler
- ListBox()
- Local Data Filter
- about
- filtering data values with
- finding relationships using
- using for descriptive variables
- using for response variables
- Lock Columns
- Lock Scales option
- logistic model, fitting
- long term
- Magnifier tool
- Make Validation Column script
- management
- manufacturing process, in Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
- marking points
- Mast, Jeroen de
- master black belt
- Maximize Desirability
- mean fractal dimension
- Means Comparison report
- Measurement System Analysis (MSA) study
- about
- following-up with
- in Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
- for MFI
- for Xf
- measurement systems, fixing
- measurements
- Measures of Fit for Diagnosis report
- Minimum Size Split
- missing data
- add-in for
- analyzing
- application building
- identifying
- JMP 12 functionality for
- understanding
- Missing Data Pattern (Tables menu)
- Missing Data Pattern report
- Missing Value Clustering
- Missing Value report
- Missing Value Snapshot
- Model Comparison report
- Model Launch outline, panels in
- Model Launch panel
- Model NTanH(3) report
- Model NTanH(3) NBoost(10) report
- Model Relationships step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
- about
- conducting the experiment
- design development
- DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
- Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
- Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
- Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
- uncovering Hot Xs
- Model script
- Model Summary report
- Model with Random Effect script
- modeling, planning for
- Modeling menu
- Modeling Type
- Modeling>Model Comparison (Analyze menu)
- Modeling>Neural Net (Analyze menu)
- Modeling>Partition (Analyze menu)
- models
- about
- building
- fitting
- prediction
- month, filtering by
- mosaic plots, creating
- MSA (Measurement System Analysis) study
- about
- following-up with
- for MFI
- for Xf
- Multiple Fits over Splits and learning rate
- Multi-Vari chart, creating
- Multivariate k-Nearest Neighbor Outliers option
- Multivariate Methods>Cluster (Analyze menu)
- Multivariate Methods>Multivariate (Analyze menu)
- Multivariate Methods>Principal Components (Analyze menu)
- Multivariate Normal Imputation
- multivariate outliers, identifying
- Multivariate Robust Outliers option
- Multivariate SVD Imputation
- Neural modeling
- neural net model launch dialog, obtaining
- Neural Net models
- about
- background
- Neural Net
- Neural Net
- Neural platform in JMP
- noise
- noise function
- Non Critical quadrant, in Product Categorization Matrix
- nonparametric fit
- notes, viewing for variables
- Notes Column property
- Number of Subgroups, in Profiler
- numbers, recoding
- Objects outline
- Objects panel
- observational data, experimental data versus
- one way plot, creating
- opening JMP
- Optimal Design of Experiments: A Case Study Approach (Goos and Jones)
- optimal factor level settings, determining
- optimal strategies, identifying
- optimization
- simultaneous
- using Profiler for multiple
- options
- See specific options
- for Add-Ins menu
- in Classification of Cells case study
- for Decision Tree model
- in Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
- in Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing case study
- Outlier Boxplot Option
- outliers
- checking for
- excluding
- hiding
- selecting on histogram
- overall process capability
- Overall Sigma Summary Report
- Overall Statistics report
- Overfit Penalty
- pairwise correlations
- PanelBox()
- panes, manipulating in JMP
- Parallelism Plots
- Parameter Estimates for Centered and Scaled Predictors report
- Parameter Estimates for Original Predictors outline
- Parameter Estimates report
- Pareto Plot
- Part Mean Shift, in Profiler
- Part Std Dev, in Profiler
- partition analysis, obtaining
- Partition platform
- Partition report
- partitioning, recursive
- Partitioning modeling
- PCA (principal components analysis)
- Percent format
- percentages, calculating using Formula Editor
- performance gap
- platforms
- See also specific platforms
- in Classification of Cells case study
- in Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
- in Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing case study
- Platforms option
- Potential Outliers
- "The Power to Know™"
- Ppk
- prediction formulas
- entering as column properties
- saving
- saving to data table
- prediction models
- Prediction Profiler
- predictive analytics
- predictors
- assessing sensitivity to settings
- contribution of
- grouping
- Preferences menu
- pricing deficit
- pricing management process
- primary key, finding
- principal components analysis (PCA)
- Print() command
- Process Capability platform
- process maps
- process owner
- processes
- defining
- verifying stability
- Product Categorization Matrix
- Product Variation variance component
- products, in data sets
- Profiler (Graph menu)
- Profit Matrix
- project charters, developing
- projected capability
- projects, identifying
- promotional activity
- properties, of good measurement systems
- Properties outline
- Prune button
- Quality and Process>Control Chart Builder (Analyze menu)
- Quality and Process>Diagram (Analyze menu)
- Quality and Process>Measurement Systems Analysis (Analyze menu)
- Quality and Process>Pareto Plot (Analyze menu)
- Quality and Process>Process Capability (Analyze menu)
- Quality and Process>Variability/Attribute Gauge Chart (Analyze menu)
- Quantile Range Outliers option
- Quantiles panel
- Quantiles report
- R chart, constructing
- Range Chart
- recoding numbers
- recursive partitioning
- about
- Boosted Tree model
- Decision Tree model
- red triangle icons
- Red X
- See Hot Xs
- Reducing Hospital Late Charge Incidents case study
- about
- Collect Data step
- Frame Problem step
- identifying projects
- Uncover Relationships step
- uncovering Hot Xs
- Reformat Script option
- regional differences
- Regression Plot
- relationships
- exploring for two variables at a time
- finding using Local Data Filter
- REML Variance Component Estimates report
- Remove button
- Repeatability variance component
- reports
- See also specific reports
- broadcasting commands to all
- changing colors in
- closing
- defined
- in JMP
- sorting
- Reproducibility variance component
- Reshape task, in data management
- response distribution analysis
- Response Goal window
- response variables
- adding
- using Local Data Filter for
- responses, specifying
- results
- analyzing using Process Capability platform
- interpreting
- Revise Knowledge step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
- about
- addressing conclusions with
- confirmation runs
- determining optimal factor level settings
- DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
- Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
- Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
- linking with Contour Profiler
- projected capability
- sensitivity
- Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
- RMSE (root mean squared error)
- Roadmap
- Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
- JMP and
- Visual Six Sigma
- Robust Fit Outliers option
- root mean squared error (RMSE)
- row states
- rows, excluding and hiding
- Rows menu
- about
- displays in
- illustrated
- Rows panel (JMP)
- Run Script
- running scripts in JMP
- Sample Size and Power platform
- Save Formulas option
- saving
- data tables
- Elastic Net Prediction Equation
- Lasso Prediction Equation
- Logistic Prediction Equation
- Neural Net 2 Prediction Equation
- prediction formulas
- prediction formulas to data table
- Scale panel
- Scaled-LogLikelihood plot
- scatterplot, creating
- Scatterplot 3D (Graph menu)
- Scatterplot Matrix (Graph menu)
- Screening Design platform
- Scripting Index
- scripts
- See also specific scripts
- running in JMP
- Second function
- Select Columns window
- selected rows
- seller's viewpoint
- senior executive
- sensitivity
- Sensitivity Indicator
- serial processes
- SetWrap()
- Shift Detection Profiler
- Sigma column properties
- signal function
- Simulate button
- simulated capability
- simulating process outcomes
- Simulator
- simultaneous optimization
- SIPOC (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers) map
- Six Sigma
- See also Visual Six Sigma
- about
- background of
- beyond traditional
- common perceptions and definitions of
- DMADV approach and
- DMAIC structure and
- dynamic visualization
- infrastructure
- measurements
- models
- observational versus experimental data
- questions related to deployment of
- statistics
- variation
- SliderBox()
- Small Tree View option
- Solution Path report
- Sort (Tables menu)
- Sorted Parameter Estimates table
- sorting reports
- SpacerBox()
- Spec Limits column property
- specification limits
- saving as column properties
- setting
- specifications, proposing
- Specifications report
- Split button
- Split History report
- splitting
- about
- automatic
- data
- history for
- Stack command
- standard deviation plot, removing
- standard deviations, entering as column properties
- Statistical Discovery
- statistical modeling
- statistical significance
- statistics
- defined
- as detective
- as lawyer
- Six Sigma and
- Std Dev chart
- Step button
- Step History panel
- Stepwise Logistic model
- stepwise models
- checking and revising
- variable selection with
- Stepwise Regression
- control panel
- modeling
- Stepwise report
- Stop button
- Strategic Critical quadrant, in Product Categorization Matrix
- Strategic Security quadrant, in Product Categorization Matrix
- strategies, Visual Six Sigma
- structure, of Add-Ins
- Subgroup Size, in Profiler
- Subset (Tables menu)
- Summary (Tables menu)
- Summary Reports
- Summary Statistics report
- Summary tables
- Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers (SIPOC) map
- supply/demand balance, in data sets
- Surface Plot (Graph menu)
- Surface Profiler
- Table panel
- Table Variable
- tables, creating for summary statistics of variables
- Tables menu
- about
- displays in
- illustrated
- tabular displays, dynamic visualization of prescriptions with
- Tabulate (Analyze menu)
- tabulation results, producing
- Tactical Profit quadrant, in Product Categorization Matrix
- TanH
- teams, forming
- techniques, JMP
- test sets
- comparing models on
- constructing
- testing and inference
- Test-Retest Std Dev, in Profiler
- TextBox()
- timelines, setting new
- Tip of the Day window
- toolbars, customizing in JMP
- traces, visualizing
- trade policy, democracy and
- training sets, constructing
- transfer functions
- Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
- about
- background
- Collect Data step
- Frame Problem step
- Model Relationships step
- Revise Knowledge step
- Uncover Relationships step
- Utilize Knowledge step
- Transpose (Tables menu)
- tree map
- tree structure, in JMP
- Treemap (Graph menu)
- Trip, Albert
- Tukey HSD option
- two-way interactions, adding
- Uncover Relationships step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
- about
- in case studies
- DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
- Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
- Informing Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing case study
- in Reducing Hospital Late Charge Incidents case study
- Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
- uncovering Hot Xs
- unhiding panes in JMP
- Utilize Knowledge step, in VSS Data Analysis Process
- about
- DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach and
- Improving a Polymer Manufacturing Process case study
- Improving the Quality of Anodize Parts case study
- Transforming Pricing Management in a Chemical Supplier case study
- Validation Column
- Validation Method
- Validation Portion
- Validation report
- validation sets, constructing
- Value Colors column property
- Value Labels property
- Var Comps Model
- Variability Chart
- Variable Importance feature
- variables
- adding descriptions for in data tables
- chunking
- creating tables for summary statistics of
- distribution of
- dynamic visualization of multiples at once
- dynamic visualization of one and two at a time
- dynamic visualization of two at a time
- dynamic visualization of using distribution
- exploring relationships for two at a time
- response
- viewing notes for
- visualizing one at a time
- visualizing two at a time
- variance components
- variation
- defined
- Six Sigma and
- versions, JMP
- viewing
- by entry order
- formulas in Formula Editor
- notes for variables
- virtual column
- visual displays, in JMP
- Visual Six Sigma
- See also Six Sigma; specific topics
- about
- data analysis process
- data quality for
- guidelines for
- roadmap for
- strategies of
- Visual Six Sigma (VSS) Data Analysis Process
- about
- illustrated
- JMP and
- visualizing
- See also dynamic visualization
- about
- one variable at a time
- traces
- two variables at a time
- Vital X
- See Hot X
- VListBox()
- voice of the customer (VOC)
- Weight column
- Window List pane (JMP Home Window)
- windows, managing in JMP
- Wisconsin Breast Cancer Diagnostic Data Set
- See Classification of Cells case study
- XBar chart, constructing