(Note abbreviations: PRO = Public Record Office, London. HMC = Historical Manuscripts Commission, London, which has calendared many private collections of papers with generous excerpts and sometimes even full texts of letters. A set of HMC volumes is in the British Museum and other libraries.)
Admiralty Papers: Correspondence between Admiralty and naval commanders, including Admirals Sir Samuel Graves, Lord Howe, Thomas Graves, Marriot Arbuthnot, Sir Samuel Hood. PRO Series ADM 1 & 2 (for digests of in-letters, see ADM 10, 11, 12).
———: Logs of HM ships. Series ADM 51.
Amherst Papers: PRO.
Artillery: Correspondence between artillery officers and artillery HQ. PRO Series C05.
Auckland Papers: Mostly to and from William Eden, later Lord Auckland, who at one relevant time controlled the British Secret Service. Additional MSS, British Museum.
Cleaveland, Samuel: PRO War Office Papers. Series WO55.
Colonial Office Papers: Correspondence between the Secretary of State and his staff with governors and commanders in chief in America, including Thomas Hutchinson, Generals Thomas Gage, Sir William Howe, Sir Henry Clinton, John Burgoyne, Lord Cornwallis. The files include enclosures such as relevant reports to the commanders from junior officers, intercepted enemy letters and local newspaper clippings. PRO Series C05.
———: Canada: military and civil correspondence to and from Sir Guy Carle-ton and his staff and from naval and military commanders operating in the province. PRO Series CO42.
Cornwallis Papers: PRO, London.
Dartmouth Papers: HMC, 1895 and 1896 (20). British Museum.
Duncan, Captain Henry, Journal. Miscellany, Navy Records Society, Empress House, London.
Eden, William: See Auckland Papers.
Eyre-Matcham Papers: HMC, Various 1909. British Museum.
Germain, Lord George: See Stopford-Sackville Papers.
Graves, Admiral Samuel, Conduct (journal). Additional MSS, British Museum.
Graves, Admiral Thomas: See Sandwich Papers.
Haldimand Papers: Additional MSS, British Museum.
Hastings (Lord Rawdon) Papers: HMC, 1934 (78).
Home Office: Calendar of Home Office Papers (George III) 1770-75. Cabinet minutes, interdepartmental correspondence, etc., mostly in Colonial Office and State Papers. PRO, London.
Hood, Admiral Sir Samuel: Navy Records Society, Empress House, London.
Howe, General Sir William: Evidence before committee of the House of Commons. PRO.
Hutcheson, Francis: See Haldimand Papers.
Jenkinson Papers: Additional MSS, British Museum.
Knox Papers: HMC, Various 1909.
Lothian, Marquess of: HMC, 1905.
Rawdon, Lord: See Hastings Papers.
Royal Institution: American MSS in the Royal Institution of Great Britain. HMC 1904-1909.
Sandwich Papers: Navy Records Society, Empress House, London.
State Papers (Domestic), George III: Cabinet minutes, interdepartmental correspondence, etc. PRO.
State Papers (Foreign) (France): Correspondence with ambassador. Series SP 78.
Stopford-Saekville (Lord George Germain) Papers: HMC, 1910 (49). British Museum.
Stormont, Lord: See State Papers (Foreign).
Tupper, Major: PRO. Admiralty Papers—see also Allen French’s The First Year of the American Revolution.
War Office: Correspondence between commanders and their staffs with Secretary for War, etc., Series WO 1, 2, etc.
Ainslie, Thomas: See Wurtele, Frederick C.
Anburey, Thomas, With Burgoyne from Quebec, 1963.
———, Travels Through Interior parts of America, 1789.
André, John, Journal, 1908.
Barker, John,British in Boston, 1924.
Baurmeister, Adjutant General Carl, Revolution in America, 1957.
Burgoyne, John, Letters to His Constituents, 1779.
———, Orderly Book of Lieutenant General John Burgoyne, 1860.
———, State of the Expedition, 1780.
———, Substance of General Burgoyne’s Speeches, 1778.
———, Supplement to the State of the Expedition, 1780.
Caldwell, Colonel: See Wurtele, Frederick C.
Clarke, John, Narrative of the Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775.
Clinton, Sir Henry, The American Rebellion, 1954.
———, Narrative of Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton, 1783.
———, Observations of Mr. Stedman’s History, 1794.
———, Correspondence: See B. F. Stevens’ Campaign in Virginia.
Coffin, John: See Wurtele, Frederick C.
Cornwallis, Lord, Correspondence of Lord Cornwallis, ed. by Charles Ross, 1859.
———, Correspondence: See B. F. Stevens’ Campaign in Virginia.
Daly, Patrick: See Wurtele, Frederick C.
De Berniere, Ensign, Account (Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections. Series 2, Vol. 4).
Digby, William, British Invasion from the North, 1887.
Evelyn, W. G., Memoirs and Letters of W. G. Evelyn, 1879.
Ewald, Johann: See Uhlendorf.
Gage, Thomas, A ccount of the Battle Fought in America, 1115.
———, Correspondence with the Secretaries of State. (Yale Historical Publications, Manuscript and edited texts no. 11), 1931.
Hadden, J. M., Journals and Orderly Book, 1963.
Hanger, George, Life and Adventures of Colonel George Hanger, 1801.
Hinrichs, Johann: See Uhlendorf.
Howe, Sir William, Narrative in a Committee of the House of Commons, 1779, 1780.
———, Sir William Howe’s Orderly Book, ed. by B. F. Stevens, 1890.
Hunter, Sir Martin, Journal of Sir Martin Hunter, 1894.
Hutchinson, Thomas, Diary and Letters of Thomas Hutchinson, 1883-1886.
Kemble, Stephen, The Kemble Papers (New York Historical Society Collections, Publication Fund Series, Nos. 16 and 17), 1868.
Lamb, Roger, Journal, 1809.
———, Memoir of His Own Life, 1811.
Lister, Jeremy, Concord Fight, 1931.
Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, Historical Documents, Series 4, No. 4.
Montresor, John, The Montresor Journals (New York Historical Society Collections, 1882).
Murray, Sir James, Letters from America, 1951.
New York Historical Society Collections, Journal of Occurrences in Quebec, 1868.
Pausch, Georg, Journal of Captain Pausch, 1886 (Mansell’s Historical Series, No. 14).
Percy, Hugh Earl, Letters from Boston and New York, 1902.
Pettengill, R. W., Letters from America, 1924.
Riedesel, Friedrich Adolf von, Memoirs of General von Riedesel, 1868.
Riedesel, Friderike, Charlotte Louise von, Letters and Memoirs of Baroness von Riedesel, 1827.
Robertson, Archibald, His Diaries and Sketches in America, 1930.
Sandwich, Earl of, Private Papers of John, Earl of Sandwich, 1771-1782, 1932.
Serle, Ambrose, American Journal, 1776-1778, 1940.
Simcoe, J. G., The Journal of Operations of the Queens Rangers, 1787.
———, Simcoe’s Military Journal, 1844.
Stedman, Charles: See General Works.
Stevens, B. F., Campaign in Virginia, 1781, 1888. (Letters of Clinton and Cornwallis.)
Stone, W.L., Letters of Brunswick and Hessian Officers. 1891.
Tarleton, Banastre, A History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781,1787.
Uhlendorf, Bernhard A., The Siege of Charlestown, 1938 (University of Michigan Publications, Historical and Political Science, Vol. 12).
Von Huyn, J. C: See Uhlendorf.
Waller, Marine Adjutant, Orderly Book (Massachusetts Historical Society). See also Allen French’s The First Year of the American Revolution.
Wurtele, Frederick C, Blockade of Quebec, 1905 (Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 7th Series of Historical Documents, 1905).
Allen, Ethan, Narrative of the Capture of Ticonderoga, 1849.
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Cresswell, Nicholas, Journal, 1924.
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Sullivan, John, Letters and Papers (New Hampshire Historical Society Collections, Vols. 13-15), 1930.
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