Eight gaed oot ayont the faem,
Eight gaed oot and fower cam’ hame.
Eight gaed oot in royal flicht,
Jewell’d wings athort the nicht:
Fower cam’ hame at brak o’ daw,
But fower cam’ never hame at a’.
For the other members of a Catalina
aircraft shot down while protecting
the North African convoy, and for
Lovely and fair she lies,
Tranquil and mild,
Hands on her bosom crossed
Like a tired child.
Mourn for her tenderly,
Yet be at rest,
Wearing her memory
A flower in your breast,
Sure that her spirit white,
Free from all pain,
Flowerlike, shall blossom
In beauty again.
Whinchak an’ shilfie
Fleein’ roun aboot,
Steerie blue-bonnet
Joukin’ in an’ oot,
Soarin’ as it sings,
God was shairly lauchin’
When he gied them wings.
ayont: beyond
faem: foam
athort: across
daw: dawn
whinchack: whinchat
shilfie: chaffinch
steerie: bustling
blue-bonnet: blue tit
joukin’: dodging
lairock: lark