I was halfway down the hallway when Johnny Woods came around the corner and nearly ran into me. He was carrying a folder in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. A small woman, curly brown hair, perfume, and curves, followed in his wake. Woods stopped short and saved his coffee from spilling on both of us.

“Whoa, sorry about that, fella.”

Johnny gave me his best guy smile. I gave him one right back.

“That’s okay, Johnny. I was just coming to see you.”

Woods gave the woman a quick nervous look. “We know each other?”

I offered a hand. Out of reflex, the mayor’s man grasped it.

“No, but we have some mutual friends,” I said. “Name’s Michael Kelly.”

I could see Woods trying to place the name. Then he did. And didn’t like it at all.

“What can I help you with, Mr. Kelly?”

“Maybe we could go into your office?”

Woods gave a halfhearted nod and led the way. His office consisted of white walls and a blue carpet. His desk was standard issue, gray gunmetal. The credenza behind him was filled with pictures of Woods and the mayor, signing bills, cutting ribbons, breaking ground. All the usual bullshit stuff politicians take pictures of. I sat on a metal chair with red padding. Woods had a nice leather one and eased himself into it.

“I assume you’re the same Michael Kelly who got himself booted off the force a while back?”

“I’m a private investigator now.”

“I know. You took down Bennett Davis last year, if I recall.”

“You recall well.”

“That was quite a high-profile thing.”

“Murder usually is. Especially when the killer is also a county prosecutor.”

Woods straightened some papers and adjusted a silver picture frame facing him on his desk. I caught a glimpse of Taylor. She was holding what looked like a good-size muskie. Woods had an arm around his stepdaughter. Seemed like a man who liked his life. At least, for that moment in time. Then the snapshot disappeared and the city fixer cleared his throat.

“So tell me, Mr. Kelly. What can I do for you?”

“It’s about a house on Hudson. Number 2121. Lovely place, turn of the century, stained glass, wooden floors, and a dead guy hanging off the second-floor railing.”

The blood in Woods’ face drained into his feet. He looked past me to see if his door was closed. Fortunately for him, it was.

“Ring a bell, Johnny?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Maybe this is something I should take to the police. Or, better yet, the press.”

I dropped a small black memory card onto the desk between us.

“Know what that is, Johnny?”

Woods didn’t say anything. Just looked at the card. I thought he was having one of those out-of-body moments they talk about on Oprah, but I couldn’t be sure.

“That’s a memory card from my digital camera,” I said. “It’s got about nine shots on it. Time-stamped. Of you walking down Hudson. Into the house and back out again. I’m afraid you look a bit rushed on the way out.”

The card was actually empty. Johnny didn’t need to know that. He’d been inside the house on Hudson and knew it. Now he knew I knew. That was all that mattered.

“What do you want, Kelly?”


“Why what?”

“Why the house on Hudson? Why Allen Bryant? What the fuck does the mayor’s hatchet man want with all of that? And murder on top of it?”

“Jesus, Kelly. Enough already. The boss is five doors down.”

“I assume this was a job for him.”

“Don’t assume anything. That’s rule number one. As for murder, like you said, I was as shook as anyone when I walked into the goddamn house. Christ, I’d never seen anything like that.”

Woods reached for a pitcher of water on his desk and poured himself a glass.

“Never seen a dead guy, Woods?”

“Honestly? Outside of a funeral home, no.”

“Who did you tell?”

“About me being inside Hudson? Nobody. Not yet. Been trying to figure it out.”

I figured Woods was telling the truth. At least, as far as he went. There was more, of course. There was always more.

“Have you talked to the police?” Woods said. “No, you couldn’t have. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here. What is this? Blackmail? Jesus Christ, I got nothing.”

“I’m not here to blackmail anyone, Johnny. If I wanted to do that, I’d take my memory card five doors down. I told you what I want to know. Why did you go to see Bryant in the first place? What’s the connection to downtown?”

“I can’t get into that.”

“No, huh?”

Woods shook his head and gave me the look of someone who didn’t know what he was made of inside and was deathly afraid of finding out.

“Let me explain something to you, Johnny. When you walked into that house, you walked into a murder. When you fled the scene—and you did flee the scene. I have some great shots of you getting into a Checker. Even got the tag number so we can track down the cabbie. Anyway, when you fled the scene, you became suspect number one. By my count, there is no suspect number two. What does all that mean? Even you can figure it out. Whatever you were doing there, it won’t matter. I go public and the Fifth Floor drops you like a bad habit. Police arrest you and it’s over. Your career, your life. Everything except your picture on the front page and a steady diet of prison sex. They’d enjoy a beefy guy like you, by the way. That’s your future, Johnny, and it’s all just a phone call away. So you figure out if it’s worth it to play the stiff-upper-lip routine for the mayor. Of course, maybe he’ll stand by you when it goes bad. What do you think?”

Woods looked at me. Then out the window. Then back at me.

“You’re a real motherfucker, aren’t you? I mean, I heard about you but, hell, I’m just doing a job here.”

“If it wasn’t a dirty job, you got no problems.”

“Christ, Kelly, it’s politics. What the fuck do you expect?”

“Tell me about it. If I can keep you out, I will.”

Woods hesitated, but not too long. Sometimes when you look inside, it doesn’t take that long. I think this was one of those times.

“Okay, I’ll give you some details, but not here. Not now.”


“Give me a number. I’ll call you.”

I scribbled down my cell number and shoved it across the desk. “Don’t wait too long, Johnny.”

He nodded.

“And make sure you have a story ready about why you met with me this morning. The mayor will want to know.”

Another nod.

“And make sure your girlfriend outside backs you up. They’re the ones who always get you.”

This time Woods just looked at me. Moved his lips and nothing else. “Close the door behind you.”

I did. The person with the curves was sitting at her desk, trying hard to pretend she wasn’t trying hard to listen through her boss’s door. It was a thick door. I figured she got every other sentence. Tops.

“Your boss wants to see you,” I said.

She got up, swift and stiff, head down, eyes averted, and slipped inside Johnny Woods’ inner sanctum. I was twenty feet down the hall and could still hear Johnny when he started to yell. Maybe the door wasn’t so thick after all.