Mrs. Simson is sitting on the bench in Gather’s room, looking up at the space where her friend should be standing, willing Gather to come back.

The museum officials must have put her in storage. But how would that explain the footprints?

Her cleaning shift over, Mrs. Simson has nothing to do but sit and wait.

Go home, she tells herself. You’re being foolish. Go home.

But she can’t bring herself to leave Gather’s room.

Her friend is out there and none of the officials seems to know about it, even though they are paid to be responsible.

It is up to her to tell them.

She leaves Gather’s room, locking the door behind her, and climbs the stairs to the chief executive’s office.

Her heart is racing.

She knows the chief executive officer is not God or even the president, but he is the highest person in the museum, and she, the cleaner, is the lowest. Her religion teaches her that all people are equal under heaven. She believes this, but she doesn’t know if the chief executive believes this. She has never talked to him.

Today, she has to. Her friend is missing and something must be done. Who better to know what to do than the top person in the whole museum?

She pulls together all her courage, raises her hand and knocks on his door.

There is no answer.

She waits and she waits.

He might be in a meeting, or sleeping late, or on holiday. He might be in his office and just not answering the door.

Mrs. Simson can’t wait all day.

In her cleaning uniform pocket she always carries a small notebook and a pen. It helps her keep track of cleaning supplies she needs to order and tasks she has to do.

In the hall outside the chief executive’s office, she tears an empty page from her notebook. It takes a moment for her to decide what to write.

Then she has it. Six words that will say it all. Six words that will spur the officials into heroic action to ensure the safety and well-being of her best friend.

Gather has gone for a walk.

She slips the note under the chief executive’s door, feeling proud that she has done what she can.

Then she goes back to Gather’s room. She wants to be there if her friend comes back.