Book Title Page

Well, it’s about time I freed myself from that absurd asteroid! Two months stuck playing tea party with that gargantuan goofball was sixty days too long. Fortunately, I was able to escape by using parts from my disabled giant robot to create this magnificent handship, which I shall call my… um…


Nah. That’s clearly no good. It sounds like something my archnemesis Klosmo would have come up with. Perhaps if I add a bit of alliteration, it will seem more menacing. Yes! Now we’re getting somewhere. I shall instead call it my…

Harrowing Handship

Better, but still nothing to write home about. There must be something… I’ve got it! I will add an evil laugh and a few exclamation points and call it my…

Harrowing Handship!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!

Now THAT’S more like it! Quite fearsome sounding indeed. You tell someone you’ll be stopping by in your Harrowing Handship!!! BWAHAHAHA!!! and that person just might require a change of underwear.

And now on to my first destination-the planetoid Zurton. There I shall finally retrieve the all-powerful Zorb and use it to rule the universe! Only two short months ago I had that gleaming globe mere inches from my grasp, only to be foiled by Klosmo’s kid and his misfit friends.


And there’s the planetoid now!


The Zorb should be just over that ridge. I can practically feel its power running through my veins… er… cotton stuffing already. Let’s see… what should I conquer first? The space station? Earth, perhaps? Maybe an entire solar system! There are so many evil choices!


What is this?! It’s gone! Zarfloots, ZARFLOOTS, ZARFLOOTS!! This can only be the work of Klosmo! I remember seeing that crane in his laboratory. That sorry excuse for a scientist must have found a way to retrieve the Zorb without turning himself into mush. Or maybe he did turn into mush during the process of retrieving it. Ha, I should be so lucky. He must have it back with him on that despicable space station. Drat! I was hoping never to set foot upon that miserable mass of metal again.