So the dance is this Thoosday. That’s only five days away. I don’t think I mentioned it before, but out here a week is eleven days long. Eight school days and a three-day weekend. And days last twenty-two hours. Minutes and seconds are all goofed up, too. Just thinking about it gives me a headache.
I fill up my lunch tray and head over to our table. It looks like everybody else is already there.
“Hey, Kelvin! Snap out of it! Spotch just told us about the Zorb! We’ve got to get rid of that thing, like, yesterday. Being turned into goo is bad enough, but goo floating around in a ball of water? That’s just nasty.”
“Not to mention the whole destruction-of-the-universe thing if it falls into the wrong hands. What’s your dad thinking? He might be brilliant, but he’s not very smart.”
The Luna-induced fog in my head clears away with the sound of panic at the table. The Zorb is more important than her interest in me. Slightly. I guess.
“Sure wish you really were the supergenius we all thought you were right about now, Kelvin.”
Don’t I know it. But at least I do have brains enough to know who can help us.
“Hey, I agree with you guys. Spotch and I already talked about it. We figured Brian was the only one smart enough to come up with any ideas.”
“Actually, I may have something. Give me a couple days to think about it.”
“A couple days? We could be oozing down a drain by then.”
Nice going, Gil. That’s all we need right now is a nervous Brian Stem. His brain will shrink down to the size of a grape and his solution will be to throw pickles at the Zorb.
“Don’t worry about it, Brian. Take your time and we’ll see what you come up with in a couple days. Right now we all have classes to get to.”
“Yup. And you have something to become known for, Kelv.”
Oh yeah. In all the Luna and Zorb excitement, I almost forgot.