If you enjoyed BEYOND FEAR,

look out for Jaye Ford’s chilling new novel



When Livia Prescott fights off a terrifying assault in a deserted car park, the media hail her bravery. And after a difficult year – watching her father fade away, her business struggle and her marriage fall apart – it feels good to strike back for once.

But as the police widen their search for her attacker, menacing notes start arriving. And brave is not what she feels any longer . . .

Someone has decided to rip her life apart, then kick her when she’s down. But is it a stranger or someone much closer to home? In fact, is there anyone she can now trust?

When her family and friends are drawn into the stalker’s focus – with terrifying consequences – the choice becomes simple. Fight back, or lose the people she loves the most . . .


Read on for a taster . . .