Chapter Thirty-two:

The Midnight Feast

The alarm had probably been ringing for a long time when I woke up — I know in my dream a bell was ringing for quite a while.

When I woke all the way up the bell was still ringing. It took me a little while to figure out where I was, what the ringing sound was, and why I had set the alarm. By the time I had done that, the ringing had stopped and the hands of the clock pointed to six after midnight.

I sat up. The room was freezing (as usual, a window was open).

“Clare!” I whispered.

No answer.


No answer.


No answer.

I got out of bed — it was REALLY cold — and put on my dressing gown (now I saw why the girls in the school stories always did!) and even my slippers.

English people were always talking, in books and real life, about how good for you “country air” was. That was probably why whoever put us to bed at Sibton Park always opened a window once we were under the blankets. Marza was very proud of how healthy we all were. My first term, Matron said once, “You were a pale London child, too, when you first came and now look at you! Marza was just saying yesterday how nice and rosy your cheeks have become!”

Then I went over to Clare’s bed. I said her name a few times; she rolled over and went on sleeping. I shook her arm a little bit, then a bit harder. She opened her eyes, blinked a few times, then closed them again.

I grabbed her arm.

“Clare! The midnight feast!”

She nodded and sat up.

It took the two of us a long, long time to wake Veryan and Jennifer.

Finally we spread the feast on a blanket and sat down on it ourselves, huddled together in a little circle. A little light came in through the windows — from stars? a moon we couldn’t see? No one had a torch: They were always confiscated, so old girls never even bothered to bring them.

Things we weren’t supposed to have — like torches — were taken away and locked up by Matron. This was called being “confiscated.” You got the things back at the end of term.

At first, we didn’t talk much: Everyone kept yawning and yawning, you could hear them. Then, I said, “Let’s have a toast! It’s true that we don’t have any glasses, but we can all hold a swallow of lemon squash in our mouths. The last person can say the toast and then we can clink hands — like this.” I made a loose fist and raised it, the way grown-ups raise their wineglasses, and lightly touched it to my other hand. “When we’ve all done it to each other, we’ll swallow the lemon squash! It will be a real toast, just without wineglasses.”

“All right,” Clare said. “Who’s going to make the toast?”

“I will,” Jennifer said.

It was hard not to giggle after we had taken our sips and passed the bottle to the next person, but no one did. Jennifer raised the bottle, and we raised our fists while she said the toast. Then she took a sip and we clinked fists (exactly the way grown-ups clink wineglasses), swallowed, and all started laughing.

“Let’s sing something,” Veryan said.

Everyone thought this was a good idea; we started with a song from singing class we all liked:

Early one morning

Just as the sun was rising

I heard a maiden sing in the valley below.

Oh, don’t deceive me,

Oh, never lea-ea-ve me —

The tune is really happy: very high notes going up and up in a descant. I liked the song so much that I sang a little. But I sang very quietly, so as not to ruin the sound: the others all had pretty voices.

Ho-ow could you treat a maiden so?

Remember the vows that you ma-a-ade to your Ma-a-ry

Remember the bower where you vowed to be true!

O, don’t deceive me,

O, never leave me,

How could you treat a poor maid so?

By this time everyone was more awake. We sang more songs, and talked, and laughed — I sang out loud on the chorus of one. We always almost shouted it in a Scots accent:

Oh you’ll tock the high road

An’ I’ll tock the low road

But I’ll be in Scotland aFORE ye. …

Then I said, “Let’s sing a song and then, at the end of it, all throw confetti up into the air at exactly the same time.”

“Yes, let’s!” Clare said. “What about ‘Auld Lang Syne’ for the song?”

“Perfect,” I said.

“And, while we sing it, we can wish that we’ll always be friends,” she said, a little shyly.

“Or at least think of each other whenever we sing that song,” I said.

Jennifer said, “When grown-ups sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ at the end of parties they always stand in a circle and hold hands. Shall we do that?”

“What about throwing the confetti?” I said.

“We could do that at the end of the NEXT song. At really grand parties, they sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ and then the band plays ‘God Save the Queen.’ ”

Everyone thought that was a good idea; and, I thought, I could just hum and think of “My Country ’Tis of Thee” while they sang their words.

So we all stood up and held hands and sang — even I sang:

Should old acquaintance be forgot

And never brought to mind?

Should OLD acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne?

I don’t know why, the words aren’t sad, and the tune isn’t sad, either; but the song has a sad feeling. I felt sad, anyway; it was as though I was myself, but also outside myself, watching four young girls hold hands and sing a song about time.

I don’t know how the others felt — everyone was quiet while Clare shook confetti into our hands. Then Jennifer said, “Let’s not throw it all at once. It will last longer if we do it one at a time. Let’s pause at the end of each line, and each time, one of us will throw hers, starting with you, Libby!”

I liked that idea and so did everyone else. They sang “God Save the Queen” loudly, and we all threw our confetti REALLY high. It landed on people’s pajamas, and in their hair, and all over the blanket and floor.

Some landed in the butter (which we hadn’t used at all, I noticed), too.

That was the end of the party. Jennifer and Veryan carried the blanket to the window and shook it, and Clare and I picked confetti off the floor and threw most of it in the wastebasket (I kept the box and some of the pieces, too).

“What on Earth are we going to do with all this butter?” Jennifer said. “We can’t just throw it in the wastebasket: she’ll see it!”

“Rinse it down the drain,” I said.

“What DO you mean?”

“Dissolve it: I’ll show you,” I said. I took the butter, unwrapped it, and turned on the water.

I thought it would just melt like ice and go down the drain, but it didn’t. I tried squishing it and pushing it down the drain with my hands; but all that happened was that my hands got greasy.

I reported all this back to the others and everyone was giggling and making silly suggestions when suddenly, the door opened, the light flashed on, and Matron stood in the doorway.

She was wearing a dressing gown, and her hair was in two long gray braids: tight ones, not one graceful loose one like Marza’s.

“What are you doing out of bed — and at the basin — at this hour, Libby?” she said.

I turned around, keeping the basin hidden behind me.

“I was rinsing something,” I said.

Sometimes, when we were getting ready for bed, we did wash our handkerchiefs in the basin.

“At one o’clock in the morning? I never heard of anything so silly. Get back into bed at once!”

I was afraid that if I moved out of the way she’d see the butter, but she switched off the light immediately and said that if there was any more talking or “silliness,” we’d have to stand in corners again. (This was the latest punishment for talking after Lights Out: The whole dormitory had to go downstairs, no matter how late it was or how cold, and stand in the corners of the room just outside the Long Room.)

“It’s odd that the singing didn’t wake her, but the water did,” Clare whispered when she’d left.

“And lucky,” I said. “We got to have the whole Midnight Feast!”

In the morning, butter was still in the sink; some might have gone down the drain, but not much.

In the end we scraped it all off and threw it out the window. Our fingers, handkerchiefs, and the basin were all quite greasy by the time we went down to breakfast, but (we hoped) no one would be able to tell that the basin had been full of butter.