Chapter 13: Closing

In 1997, Egan appealed Fairley’s sentence to the Pennsylvania Superior Court, claiming that the jury should not have seen graphic photos of the victims and that the DA had lacked probable cause for the searches. His appeal was denied and the sentences affirmed. “To my knowledge,” said Egan, “Fairley never filed any subsequent appeal.”

In 1998, Fairley’s parents agreed to pay $1.6 million to Lisa’s husband and mother in their wrongful death suit. On September 12 that same year, the Manderach Memorial Playground was dedicated in Limerick. Citizens had collected the funds to build it in Lisa and Devon’s memory, and school children had helped to design it.

Memorial Park

Detective Peffall, who in 1996 was named Pennsylvania Homicide Investigator of the Year, kept Fairley’s mug shot. “Of all the cases I have, it’s his mug shot I keep in a desk drawer,” he said, “to remind me of the evil that’s out there in the world.”

This was not the last murder committed by someone who identified with a vampire figure. Just over a year after Fairley’s violent incident, Rod Ferrell committed a double homicide in Florida as part of his vampire fantasy. In 2002, Allen Menzies fixated on a vampire film and stabbed his best friend to death to please the vampire queen. There will always be unstable people who take symbols of blood and death too far. Unfortunately, they will always find victims.