All page number refer to the print edition of this title.

Please note that pages in italic indicate illustrations.
Tables are indicated with a t.

    described, 1–2, 19–20
    Druidic tradition and, 1–2, 10–12,
        33–37, 42–43, 171, 211, 299–302
    elixirs, 31–32
    goals of, 19–20, 35
    Greater Circulation of, 1, 28, 30, 35,
        37, 43, 299, 302
    herbal traditions and, 10–13
    history of, 3–4, 13–27
    immortality and, 1, 14
    Lesser Circulation of, 1, 28, 35, 38, 300
    mystical/magical beliefs and, 33, 34
    See also philosopher’s stone; spagyric method
alcoholic spirits, 32, 135–41, 164. See also maceration
Al-Majriti, 23
    of cardinal essences, 41, 82, 111,
        188–89, 208–10
    of solid cardinals, 203–8
Aristotle, 15, 20, 21–22, 35
Arnald of Villanova, 24
Ashmole, Elias, 24
astrology, 64–65
Atlantis, 17
Augmentation succession, 277, 278, 279, 291, 292–93
Avicenna, 22
Awakening, 277, 278, 291–92
awareness, raising, 101, 253–56
ayurveda, 20–21

Bach, Edward, 27, 50, 75
Bach Flower Remedies, 50–52, 75
Bacon, Roger, 23, 24
bain-marie (Marie’s bath), 16
balance and harmony of opposites, 15, 270, 283
Barbault, Armand, 27
baths, 16, 249–50
beeswax, 121, 231, 233, 234
berries, 70
binding vessels, 270, 285, 287
bird’s-foot trefoil, 89, 98–100, 154,
        285. See also flower complex; two-part
        compound complex ritual
body adornment, 293
Boehme, Jacob, 26
brewing wand, 137

cake. See teisen iâr
calcination, 30–31, 32
    for casting circles, 263, 264, 267, 269
    uniting the flames, 159–61, 273–74, 286–87
candle triangle, 145–46, 158, 287
cardinal essences
    described, 40–41, 48, 68
    of flowers, 68–69, 81–84
    storing, 82
    of trees, 68, 109–12
    See also flower complex; tree complex
cardinal points, 101, 119, 122, 262
charcoal, 147
Chinese alchemy, 17–18
circle and cross, 83, 130
Circle. See protective Circle
cleansing. See purification
Cleopatra, 16
clothing, 101, 103, 250, 269
collective energy
    death and, 36
    Druidic tradition and, 38–39, 42, 84
    as fundamental universal power, 65
    invocation of, 160–62, 182–86, 194, 205–7, 224–29
    refinement process and, 155–56, 192–93
    spirit as part of, 215
coltsfoot, 90, 241, 242
compasses, 65, 101, 262
    combined, 186, 207, 219–29
    doses for, 95, 116
    for ingestion, 216, 236–39
    overview, 39–40
    potency of, 61, 188, 216, 218
    purpose of, 60, 214, 216
    refinement process for, 45–49
    for sexual energy, 240–44
    for skin applications, 217, 230–36
    See also flower complex; incense; mediums; tree complex
conservation, 55, 56–57
Continuance succession, 247, 278
convocation stone, 260, 262, 274–75, 288–89
Croll, Oswald, 26
cross and circle, 83, 130
Curie, Marie and Pierre, 26
cutting board, 144, 153

daggers, 100, 101, 121, 264–68, 269
dark practice, 214–15, 220
death, 36
Dee, John, 26
disruptive energy, 252–53
distillation, 135, 138–41, 300
Doctrine of Infinitesimals, 49, 51
Doctrine of Signatures, 98–99, 282
dog rose, 68–69, 93, 221. See also two-part
        compound complex ritual
Druidic tradition
    adaptability of, 9, 12
    alchemical tradition and, 1–2,
        10–12, 33–37, 42–43, 171, 211, 299–302
    darker side of, 214–15, 220
    immortality and, 1, 14
    “missing theories” of, 13, 300, 302
    mystical practices of, 8, 34
    oral tradition of, 3, 9, 11, 12, 43
    plants used by, 8, 60
    “self-evaluation” system, 301
    sexual ritual of, 1
    training in, 12
    view of nature, 35–37
    written records and, 11, 13, 155

Egyptian alchemy, 16, 22
electricity, 133
    characteristics of, 15
    complexes and, 189, 210
    fifth element, 65, 84, 156, 192
    four basic, 15, 66, 110, 156, 192
elevating basic substances, 35–41. See also
        Greater Circulation; Lesser Circulation
elixir of immortality. See philosopher’s
        stone; Sphadick stone
Emerald Tablet, 14
equipment. See tools
esoteric tradition/inner elixir, 18, 19, 21, 33
essential oils, 31, 231, 233, 234, 251
ethyl alcohol, 135, 136, 137
European alchemy, 22–26
evaporations, 230–31, 234
evolution, 36
exoteric tradition, 18, 21, 42

“fat” moon, 258
female essence, 183, 186
fermentation, 68, 135–36, 137–38, 172–80
fermentation air lock, 150, 153
field guides, 72, 119
filter paper, 149–50
filtration. See leaching
Flamel, Nicolas and Perennelle, 24–25
flat-bottom flasks, 148–49
fleshy fruit, 69
flower complex, 154–89
    amalgamation of cardinal essences, 188–89
    fermentation of, 68, 172–80
    leaching the cardinals, 167–70
    macerating the cardinals, 164–67, 165, 166
    plants used for, 154
    refinement schematic for, 187
    separating the cardinals, 155–64
    in sex magic rituals, 240–41, 245–47
    sublimation of, 172
    unification of, 180–87, 187
    See also flowering plants
flowering plants, 75–104
    attributes and influences of, 89–96
    cardinal essences of, 81–84
    Doctrine of Signatures and, 98–99
    harvesting ritual, 96–104
    life cycle of, 75–76
    of the moon, 87–88
    poisonous, 94–95
    for sexual energy, 241
    structure of, 76–81, 79
    of the sun, 85–87
    See also flower complex
flower remedies, 50–52
    Bach Flowers, 24, 51, 171
fundamental trinity. See Tria-Prima

gatherings, 56, 270
gathering sites, 260–61
genus (family name), 73
giving and receiving, 55–56, 82, 97,
        101, 111, 121
glass bottles and stoppers, 147
glass funnel, 149
gold, 1, 14, 19, 27, 28, 33, 35, 37, 299
graters, 145
Greater Circulation, 1, 28, 30, 35, 43, 302
Greek philosophy, 14–15

Hahnemann, Samuel, 49–50, 52
harvesting rituals
    for flowering plants, 96–104
    planning for, 60–63, 75–76, 218
    preparation for, 97–98, 100–101
    protective Circle for, 102, 123
    tools for, 100–1, 121–22
    for trees, 68–69, 116–25
heater/temperature regulator, 151, 153
Hen’s Cake. See teisen iâr
herbal traditions, 11, 45, 74, 171, 215
    for baths, 249–50
    in Druidic tradition, 74
    harvesting, 70
    for purification, 251
    for sexual energy, 241–42
    See also Lesser Circulation
hermaphrodite, 66, 106, 189, 192, 208
Hermes, 14, 21
Hermetica, 14
homeopathy, 48, 49–50, 51, 62
home treatments, 216, 218
homosexuality, 241, 271
human development, 36–37
hygiene, 53–54, 132, 142, 173
    See also purification
Imhotep, 14–15
immortality, 1, 17–19, 20. See also
        philosopher’s stone
    burning, 82
    creating, 48, 82, 84–86, 189, 203–8
    as hermaphrodite, 189, 208–10
    for poultices and fomentations, 234
    for purification, 147, 250, 251
    in ritual “cake,” 82
incense burner or crucible, 1, 46–47
Indian alchemy, 20–21
Indian Hinduism, 20
    areas of, 117–19, 118
    associated, 67
    central, 67
    of flowering plants, 89–94t
    of the moon, 67, 87–88
    of the sun, 67, 85–87
infusions, 236, 238
inner elixir/Nei-tan, 18, 19, 21, 28
Intensification succession, 277, 278, 279, 293
internal energy, 39, 215, 251–54, 276, 290, 295, 302
inverted pyramid stance, 101, 122, 255, 263
Islamic alchemy, 10, 21–22

Jabir ibn Hayyan, 21

Kepler, Johannes, 26
knives, 144–45

latent energy, 36, 39, 42
leaching, 148–50, 167–70, 198–201
legal and moral issues, 55–58
Lesser Circulation, 1, 28, 30, 35, 38, 211, 300
ley lines, 65, 253
    harvesting flowering plants and, 97
    metheglin as, 238, 287
    moon-cleansed water for, 82, 111
    for sex magic rituals, 243, 246, 277,
        287–88, 291, 297
    as spiritual/magical potions, 217, 236, 238–39
“like cures like,” 25, 49, 51
Linnaeus, 72, 73
longevity. See immortality
love spoons, 130–31, 130
Lull, Ramon, 23–24

    alchemy and, 31
    of flower cardinals, 164–67, 165, 166
    tools for, 147–48, 164–66
    of tree cardinals, 196–98, 197
magical attributes, 38, 39, 80
magical/spiritual elements, 8, 154, 156, 171, 216, 300
Magnum Opus, 17
Maier, Michael, 26
male essence
    choosing plants and, 67
    leaves as, 66, 109–10
    petals as, 66, 70, 80, 166
    uniting with female essences, 156
Maria Prophetissa, 16
measuring beakers, 147
    for ingesting complexes, 236–39
    for skin applications, 230–36
    See also evaporations; unguents
mental preparation and awareness, 100, 253–56
Merlin, 191
methanol, 136, 139
    collective energy and, 65
    “fat” moon, 258
    influences of, 66, 67, 87–88
    plants of, 66, 87–88
    symbol for, 88
    trees of, 112–13
moon-cleansed water, 146, 181, 257–58
moral and legal issues, 55–58
mortar and pestles, 145
must, 173–76, 175

Nagarjuna, 20
    alchemists and, 35, 36
    Druids and, 35–36, 55–56
    improving upon, 35–37
    rhythm of, 60–63
negative energy, 102–3, 123
Nei-tan, 18–19, 21, 42
nudity, 101
nuts, 70

oak trees, 105, 115, 120–21, 120, 122,
        123, 123. See also tree complex
Ogham stone, 83, 83
oral tradition, 3, 11, 43
    power of, 240, 245, 246
    sex magic rituals and, 278
    synchronizing, 271–72, 280
outer elixir/Wai-tan, 18, 21, 42

Paracelsus, 25, 27, 28, 98–99
peat, 147
personal preparation, 248–56
    cleansing the body, 248–50
    mental preparation and awareness, 253–56
    purifying internal energy, 251–53
philosopher’s stone, 18–19, 20, 21, 28, 35, 43, 211
photosynthesis, 106
    categorization of, 95
    choosing, 102–3
    energies and attributes of, 9–10, 38–39, 64
    female and male parts of, 66
    fresh vs. dried, 52
    identifying, 52, 62–63, 72–74
    separation and preparation of, 142–47
    of the sun, 85–87
poisonous plants/trees, 94, 115
poteen, 139–40
poultices and fomentations, 89, 217, 230, 231, 234
powder jars, 148
power position. See inverted pyramid stance
preparation. See purification
prima materia, 29
Principal Conduit, 246, 258, 275–81, 283, 289–97
Projection Cycle, 277, 280, 283
    Augmentation succession, 277, 278,
        279, 291, 292–93
    Awakening, 277, 278, 291–92
    Continuance succession, 247, 278
    Intensification succession, 277, 279, 293
    Relaxation succession, 278, 281
    the Quickening, 277–78, 280, 294–95
protective Circle, 259–69
    casting, 96–97, 259–60, 261
    for harvesting, 96–97, 102, 123
    sealing, 96–97, 264–68
    stave used for, 254, 263
    tools for, 263, 265
    triple-casting, 260–64
    unsealing and erasing, 268–69
    of gathering sites, 262
    for harvesting rituals, 97, 100
    herbs for, 251
    hygiene, 52–53
    incense for, 147, 250, 251
    of internal energy, 251–53
    personal, 248–50

Quickening, the, 277–78, 280, 294–95
quintessence. See collective energy

Rasasatnakara, 20
refinement process
    choosing a method for, 68–69
    collective energy and, 155, 156
    overview, 41, 45–49
    schematics for, 187, 209
    See also flower complex; tree complex
Rhazes, 22, 24
ritual gatherings, 96
    choosing, 242
    duration of, 247
    role of participants, 246
    described, 46–47
    framework for, 96
    protean core of, 97
ritual workings, defined, 46–47
rose hips, 70
Rosicrucians, 25
Rutherford, Ernest, 26–27

safety issues
    dark potions and, 215, 220
    for ethyl alcohol, 136
    methanol as poison, 136, 140
    poisonous plants/trees, 94, 95, 116
    responsibility for, 57
salt canisters, 263, 265, 272, 284
salts/ashes, 30, 32
salves, 230, 231
seeds, 69–70
“self-evaluation” system, 301
sex magic rituals
    complexes in, 240–41, 245–47
    “fat” moon and, 258
    the group, 283–98
    inverted pyramid stance for, 254, 263, 273, 285
    the pair, 270–82
    partner balance for, 270, 283
    plants used in, 64–65, 241–42
    priest/priestess role in, 271
    Projection Cycle, 276, 280–82, 283, 291–97
    spells for, 275, 277, 281, 289–90
    tools, 272–73, 284–85
    unguents used for, 232–34, 243, 247
sexual potency, 240–44
Sexual Practices of the Druids, 56, 97,
        101, 245, 294
shyness, 242–43
Siddha medicine, 20–21
signatures, 98–99
skin applications, 217, 230–36
solid cardinals, 172–80, 203–8
Soxhlet Extractor, 31
spagyric method
    Druidic tradition and, 300
    extracting the essence, 29–30, 38
    Paracelsus and, 25
    plants used for, 29–30, 40, 300
    preparing an elixir, 31–32
spatulas, 148
species name, 95
    book of, 155
    See also sex magic rituals
Sphadick stone, 20
spirit, defined, 215
spiritual/magical elements, 8, 42,
        43, 105, 154, 171, 216, 300. See
libations; ritual workings; unguents
    bronze, 148
    love spoons, 130–31, 130
standing stones, 65, 83, 268–69
staves, 100, 121, 254, 255, 263
Stephanus of Alexandria, 16
St. John’s wort, 93, 99
Stonehenge, 65
sublimation, 172, 202–3
sun, 65, 67, 85–87, 86
syrups, 217, 236–37

Tantra, 20, 21
Taoism, 17, 18
teisen iâr, 83, 83, 112
Thoth, 14
tinctures, 29, 210, 236, 237
tools, 142–53
    cost of, 152
    for fermentation, 150–53
    for harvesting, 100–1, 121–22
    hygiene standards for, 152
    for leaching cardinal essences, 148–50
    list of, 153
    for macerating cardinals, 147–48
    ritual items, 145–47
    scientific, 128–29
    for separation and preparation of plants, 144–47
    for sex magic rituals, 284–85
    traditional, 128–29
    for unification, 180–81
    utilitarian, 129
    See also daggers; specific rituals; specific workings
transmutation, 17, 21, 23, 26, 33
tree complex, 190–210
    amalgamation of cardinal essences, 208–210, 209
    amalgamation of solid cardinals, 203–8
    leaching of cardinals, 198–201, 201
    maceration of cardinals, 196–98, 197
    plants used for, 68–69
    refinement schematic for, 209
    rituals using, 112–13
    separation of cardinals, 191–96
    for sexual energy, 242
    sublimation of, 202–3
trees, 105–25
    areas of influence and, 117–19
    attributes and influences of, 113–16, 118
    cardinals of, 109–12
    harvesting ritual, 116–25
    incense of, 111–12
    life cycle of, 105–6
    looping the branch, 121, 124, 125
    names of, 107, 109
    negative energy and, 123
    signature of, 109
    structure of, 107–9, 108, 191–92
    of the sun and moon, 112–13
    See also tree complex
Tria-Prima, 25
triple-knotted ropes, 100, 121, 265
Tsou-Yen, 17
tweezers, 145
two-part compound complex ritual, 220–29

    defined, 230, 232–34
    for home treatment, 282
    for sex magic rituals, 233–34, 244,
        273, 292, 293–94, 296
    for skin applications, 230, 232

Valentine, Basil, 25
Vedas, 20

Wai-tan, 18, 21, 42
wand making, 65–66
water, moon-cleansed, 146, 181, 257–58
water supply, 66, 132
Welsh language, 3–4
Western alchemy, 14, 33
workings, defined, 46, 47
working stone, 133, 158–59, 204, 260.
        See also specific rituals
workshop, 53–54, 104, 128–34, 155