Moon-cleansed water forms the core of many workings and is involved in one way or another with nearly every activity the Druidic priest or priestess undertakes. It is not difficult to make, although its creation may disrupt your sleeping pattern a little.

For this working you will need:

Begin with good-quality bottled springwater. If you have a source of fresh springwater close to you, consider using it, particularly if it is drawn from a place that you have an affinity for. Remember, though, that you and the other participants in your rituals will sometimes consume this water. So unless you are absolutely sure that your source is pure, unpolluted, and safe to drink, stick to the bottled springwater.

You will need to plan your cleansing working to coincide with a “fat” moon. A fat moon is apparent a few days before, during, and after the full moon, when the visible moon is at its largest and emits the maximum amount of moonlight. This is generally a very good time to facilitate your sex magic rituals, particularly those held outdoors and those involving predominantly female participants. Every Druidic priestess is most active in her workings and rituals during the fat moon phase. It is also an excellent time for group sex magic rituals with a female Principal Conduit. If a priestess also facilitates the ritual, the generated energy can be extremely potent indeed.

The moon-cleansing working begins at dusk, or, more accurately, as soon as the moonlight is visible. The cleansing process is very simple. If you have drawn your water from a local source, just seal it in a sterilized, clear glass bottle and place it outside in a location where it is exposed to the maximum amount of moonlight. I place mine on top of two standing stones that I have in my garden. In the morning, before the sun rises, decant the cleansed water into a sterilized blue glass bottle and seal it.

If you are using store-bought springwater, simply remove the label from the bottle by soaking it in water for a few minutes and then peeling. This gives the moonlight access to more of the water in the bottle. Then place the bottle outside as explained above. There is no need to break the seal on the bottle until you decant it just before dawn. Store the moon-cleansed water in its blue glass bottle or container until you are ready to use it. It becomes part of your cache and will be cleansed and purified regularly along with your other tools.