Just the Facts






That’s the second most common question I hear at the office—the first being “What do I do?”

Some patients follow whatever action plan I recommend, no questions. (“Rachel, just tell me what to eat!”) But many want to know the science behind my recommendations. It helps them stick to the plan and explain it to their friends and family, who can then provide moral support—or, better yet, join them.

Knowing the science also helps them cut through the hype. Here in the United States, we’re surrounded by thousands of foods and supplements making all sorts of health claims—many of which aren’t confirmed or even approved by the FDA. That’s why so many people jump at products or programs that lack nutritional fundamentals, such as weight-loss plans that leave them starving for nutrients, or organic vegan options that make them overweight.

They need the science, and I’m more than happy to provide it!

Working as a nutrition researcher in cancer institutes and hospitals, I became well-versed in how to incorporate clinical research into the patient setting. A few years later, I started Beller Nutritional Institute to translate all that science into an accessible format that my patients could understand and appreciate.

So instead of writing two books—one offering nutrition advice with scientific notations, the other providing a fun-filled action plan—I decided to do what I do at the office: put it all together. After all, delicious should always go with nutritious!

You saw my secrets and recommendations in the action-oriented first part of this book. Now for the research. But don’t fear: I’ve written it so it’s easy to swallow.