
Driving north, Rick led the convoy as fast as possible despite the dark and objects in their way.

“You’ve got to slow down, mate,” Corey said as he braced one hand on the dashboard. “You’ll never make it back there in time.”

Clarisse nearly tossed the radio against the window. “He’s not answering. Where is Graham? We have to get word to him.”

“He’s probably in the bookroom,” Rick said. “The reception down there is terrible.”

“I should call Macy then. Maybe they can try to tell Graham we’re on our way but have to check on Bang first.”

“It works both ways. He won’t hear her either,” Rick glanced at her. “Clarisse…we can’t stop for Bang. We’ve got to head straight to Coeur d’Alene.”

“We can’t leave him! We don’t even know how serious his injuries are. He might require life-saving measures…I really need to be there. We don’t even know his real condition,” Clarisse said.

Corey tried to reassure her. “He’s fine. I mean, he’ll be fine. We’ve dealt with concussions before. Happens all the time.”

Clarisse just shook her head at him, though he couldn’t see the repugnance in her eyes since the cab of the truck was pretty much dark.

“We’ve got to get to Graham. He has no idea he’s about to be jumped this soon. He’s only preparing for the inevitable,” Rick said.

“We have a few people on the way, ready to help out,” Corey reminded him.

“Have you guys dealt with these people?” Rick asked.

“We’ve had some run-ins. They took a lot of our women and we dealt with their plague just like everyone else…but no, we haven’t had the pleasure of dealing with them the way you guys have.”

“Rick,” Clarisse said. “Rick, listen. Graham would want us to make sure Bang is all right first. Don’t you think?”

“Sure…yes. That’s what Graham would want. But Graham doesn’t always get what he wants,” Rick said, shouting.

“Graham is aware of his own position and there are men coming to help him. We can’t just drive by Bang when he could be in mortal danger,” Clarisse said.

“Dammit, this is impossible!” Rick shouted and slammed a hand against the steering wheel. “Look, we can’t split up. It’s a small scouting party,” Rick said. He looked at Corey, nodding. “We’ll have to leave Bang for now and then we’ll return for him as soon as this is over. We can slow down at the turn and let Corey out on our way.”

“No,” Corey said. “Can’t do that. I’m supposed to remain with you, back to your town to help out. That’s the deal. You lost a man…I’m his replacement until he’s better.”

Ignoring him, Clarisse turned to Rick, “We have to put up with him?”

“Besides,” Corey said, breaking in, “they’ll only shun her. I doubt they’ll even let her see him. Not without her man present.”

If looks could kill, Clarisse would have him dead in no time.

Corey put his hands up in defense. “Not my rules. I just live by them.”

“Fine,” Rick said. “It has to be this way, Clarisse. I don’t like it any more than you do. Do you understand? We need to get there as fast as we can and help Graham out. We’ll return for Bang as soon as we can. You can come back with Dalton in a day or two.”

At that thought, Clarisse said, “Oh, Dalton will love this. You think I’m bad, wait until he hears you guys wouldn’t let me see my patient because I’m a woman. I can’t freaking believe this.”

Corey stared straight ahead. “It’s not out of malice. That’s what you don’t understand. Their ways are different. They’re actually very protective of women. They’re cherished.”

“That’s a kind excuse for suppression if I ever heard one,” Clarisse said and picked up the radio again.

“Lie,” Rick said. “Just pretend. Just play by their rules, Clarisse, until we get through this.”

“Oh my…I cannot believe this is happening,” Clarisse said and finally got hold of Macy on the radio. What she heard next changed everything.