
I would like to send a heartfelt thank you to my editor, Amanda Barnett, for seeing something of value in my writing and offering me my first publishing contract for Bloodlines,” and my second for “Legacy of Magic.” Without her taking a chance on an unpublished aspiring writer my dream of seeing my stories in print (or digital) would not have come to fruition last year.

In that vein, I need to thank the entire team at The Wild Rose Press. I have learned so much as a result of their tireless efforts. A special thank you to Rae Monet for creating the beautiful covers for both my books.

My dream wouldn’t be possible without the endless support of my wonderful husband. When that nasty self-doubt creeps in he’s always there to shine some desperately needed positive encouragement.

Finally, thank you to my family and friends, your interest and support means the world to me and you have my everlasting gratitude.