Chapter Fourteen
“Holy shit!”
Melanie and Cory sat cross legged on Cory’s bed facing one another with a plant between them. Cory had just finished explaining all about the puzzle boxes, the vision, and her powers. She had demonstrated her abilities, by making the plant grow.
Her best friend stared hard at the plant. “You’re not messing with me, are you? A film crew isn’t hiding in the closet ready to jump out and say, gotcha or anything?”
“Come on, Mel, you know me better than that.”
“Yeah well, never thought you were a witch either.” She leaned over and slapped Cory’s knee lightly. “Dang girl, you’re a witch! How awesomely cool is that!”
Laughing, Cory shook her head. Melanie always made her laugh when she started talking in slang. It was so incongruous with her prim looks.
“You really think Sebastian is a witch too, and might be pursuing you as some sort of couple of centuries year old grudge?”
“I know it sounds insane, but what other explanation is there for the aura? I’m probably grasping at straws here. Even if he does have power, it doesn’t mean he has anything to do with the ones who were after Josephine. But, he is being persistent, and honestly I never got the feeling he was all that into me.”
“What do you mean?”
“He says the right things, and is incredibly charming and attentive, but I get the impression it’s a show. Everything he does seems orchestrated for a purpose.”
Melanie scooted down to lie back against the pillows. “Some people are like that, have to plan every decision and step, but I see what you’re saying. You think there is no real emotion behind his words or actions?”
“Like that time he kissed me, it was very pleasant, but it also felt rather practiced. You know what I mean?”
Cory got up and put the plant away. Melanie rolled to her side and leaned on her elbow, propping her head up with her hand. “I think you need to avoid him until we figure all this out. There’s no reason to take any unnecessary chances. It’s obvious you aren’t that into him anyway. He’ll get the message.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
Melanie stood up and hugged her friend. “Then we’ll figure that out too. One step at a time. Now, the first step is to do some major research on the down low, of course. Which just so happens to be my specialty. Melanie Proctor, Librarian extraordinaire, at your service.”
Her confidence buoyed Cory’s spirits. She didn’t feel so alone in this anymore. Confiding in Melanie was the right decision. A fresh pair of eyes, ears, and brain might help her make sense of it all.
Avoiding Sebastian seemed the safest plan, but if he did have powers, and if he was pursuing her because he suspected she did too, then what was she going to do? What was his motive? Could he really be connected to what happened to Josephine almost two centuries ago?
If she could see his aura, it stood to reason he could see hers too.
Finn hesitated a second before opening his front door with a yank. He was a straight forward kind of guy, he said what he meant, and he did what he said he would. He’d said he would stop by before Melanie left today, and that was what he would do. All the mixed signals Cory sent his way had him questioning his every move, and that needed to stop. He didn’t have time for that kind of bullshit.
Her words said she wasn’t interested in a hook up, but now and then her eyes hinted at something else. She sure hadn’t liked her friend flirting with him yesterday, but the question was if it was because she was jealous, or if she was watching out for her friend. That was a bit insulting to both of them though.
He stalked across the yard between their houses and knocked on the back door. His mood wasn’t exactly conducive to a visit, but his word was his word.
“Finnegan, what a nice surprise. Come in, come in.” Addy stepped back and walked to the stove. “The girls are in the living room. I was in the process of making some tea. Would you like some, or anything else?”
“No thank you. I just stopped by to say bon voyage to Melanie. I told her I would.”
“Oh, that’s sweet, dear. You run along to the living room. I’ll be in in a minute.”
“Anything I can help you with?”
“No, no, it’s just a cup of tea.” She shooed him away, so he meandered into the living room.
Cory and Melanie had their heads close together on the settee and were whispering about something. Almost immediately, Cory’s midnight blue eyes spotted him. She tapped her fingers on Melanie’s thigh, and Melanie stopped whispering as her gaze met his. He had caught the word Sebastian, but he had no idea of the context. A deep grin bloomed on Melanie’s face, and she rose from the cushions and sashayed her way over to him.
“Finn, I was hoping you’d show up.”
He glanced from her to a still seated Cory, who was frowning. He dragged his gaze back to Melanie. “Told you I would. When are you heading out?”
“After lunch. You’re a man of your word, are you Finn?”
He shrugged. “Sometimes it’s all a guy’s got.”
She tilted her head to the side and perused his face. “I like you.”
He choked on a laugh. “I like you too.”
She grinned and grabbed hold of his arm. “Come sit. Tell me something about yourself, Finn. You’re a mechanic, aren’t you? What led you in that direction?”
Melanie led him to the sofa and directed him to sit in the middle. She sat down so he was sandwiched between her and Cory. Cory’s warmth branded his side. He resisted the urge to lean into her. The woman sat rigidly with her arms clenched around her middle.
Finn cocked his head toward Melanie. “I grew up working in my uncle’s garage. I had a knack for fixing cars. Worked as a mechanic in the Air Force. After I got out, I attended school for it, and started working on high end sports cars.” He shrugged. “One thing led to another. I decided I wanted a change of pace and place. Found a garage for sale and bought it.”
“Everyone has a story. It always fascinates me how the circumstances of someone’s life shapes their decisions. For instance, if you had never had an uncle with a garage, would you have discovered your talent for cars, or would your life have gone in another direction?”
Finn smiled at her. “Can’t really say for sure, though I gravitated to them from as far back as I can remember. And you? What do you do? What circumstances shaped you?”
“Books. Love them. They were my escape growing up and continued into adulthood. I’m a librarian.”
“You don’t look like any librarian I’ve ever seen.”
Melanie laughed. “I’ll choose to take that as a compliment.”
“You should.”
Addy entered the living room with a cup of tea. “You sound like you’re having a good time. Can I get anyone anything?”
They all answered negatively, and she sat down in the wing back chair facing the settee. “Girls did you tell Finnegan about your finds yesterday?”
“We shopped at this marvelous antique store in town. I spent entirely too much money, but I am thrilled anyway. Cory even found a lovely watercolor, didn’t you, Cory?”
He glanced at Cory. She gave him a narrow-eyed look. “Yes.”
“We ran into Sebastian in town and had a delightful lunch with him.” Addy sipped her tea as both Melanie and Cory remained silent.
“Did you? He manages to pop up a lot. When does he work?”
Melanie snorted softly next to him, and he glanced at her to see her frowning down at the floor. Did she not like Sebastian? Was that what the two of them had been discussing when he walked in? Melanie telling Cory to steer clear of the slick talking lawyer? His estimation of her rose by the minute.
“Melanie, I hope you will be able to come back and stay for a longer visit this summer.”
“Thank you, Addy. I hope to come back in a few weeks, maybe for a few days instead of only a weekend. We’re changing the computer system at work, so it’s been a bit hectic lately. It should be finished within in the next week or so though.”
“It would be nice if you could take that week off you’ve been mentioning for what seems like forever. You need a vacation, Mel.”
Melanie sighed. “I know, but no one manages the library exactly like I want them too. I may have a tiny control issue.”
“May have?”
Melanie leaned forward to stick her tongue out at Cory. Cory laughed and returned the gesture. Finn shifted in his seat. He could supply a few other suggestions for Cory’s tongue.
Cory’s eyes filled, and she cleared her throat. She stood next to Melanie’s loaded car while Melanie started the car and then hopped out to stand in front of her. “Don’t you dare cry. If you do, I’ll be bawling the whole way home.”
Melanie had already said her goodbyes to Aunt Addy inside the house. Finn had left a little while ago, and Melanie had given him a big hug which he returned.
“I’m going to miss you, Mel.”
“Ditto, but I am going to take that vacation, so I’ll be back. Hopefully, with a ton of answers for you and your little problem.”
“Little problem?” Cory laughed. Melanie always made everything seem so doable.
“Yes, and I expect daily updates. We’ll compare notes on what we’ve discovered.”
Melanie wrapped her arms around Cory and rocked back and forth. “Love you.”
“Love you too, Mel. Drive safe.”
Melanie blew her a kiss and got into her car. She shut the door and rolled down the window. “Cory, I also expect to hear you’ve jumped that man’s bones.”
Cory blinked. “What man?”
Melanie smirked at her. “Please, you know dang well, what man. Finn.”
Cory swiveled to look behind her at his house. There was no movement that she could see. It didn’t look like he was home, but she wasn’t taking any chances. She stepped forward to the car. “Hush, what on earth are you talking about. You know I have enough on my plate. Besides, he no longer has an interest in me.”
“Uh huh. I notice you’re not denying you have an interest in him. Listen friend, that man’s eyes devour you every time you look away. He’s definitely still interested, and so are you.”
She opened her mouth to deny it, but snapped it closed. She couldn’t.
“You never know what surprises life has in store for you. Just take a gander at your life recently. I don’t want you to let something or someone slip on by because you’re afraid of making a mistake or getting hurt. Life is full of possibilities, we need to be open to them.”
Cory glared at her friend. “Pot calling the kettle, Mel.”
She laughed. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m much better at giving advice than taking it.” She put the car in reverse. “Take a chance, Cory.”
She waved and stood there until her friend’s car disappeared out of sight. She glanced at Finn’s house before walking back inside her aunt’s.