Chapter Eighteen

That didn’t sound promising in the least. Death, or wishing for it, was something she wanted to avoid. Life of servitude? What did that mean?

“Who exactly do you serve and why? And what does it have to do with me?”

Sebastian stood at ease with his hands once more in his pockets staring off into the distance. His gaze rested on Cory for a moment before he finally replied. “It all centers around power. You have it, others want what you have. If they can’t control the power through you, then they’ll take it from you.”

“Take it from me how? People can do that? And what do you mean control me?”

“He’s not what I would describe as a person, not anymore anyway. His humanity, if he ever had any, has long since disappeared. He’s the only one I know of who can steal another’s power.”

“Who is he, and how does he steal powers?”

“The exact process is known only to him, but it is a ritual which can only be done during a total solar eclipse. The next one is less than two months away, August twenty-first. Which is why we don’t have much time. You need to learn to access your power and control it at will, or you won’t have a chance.”

Cory rubbed the goosebumps spreading up her arms. A few months ago, her life was hard enough, her marriage had ended badly, she had no job or home, but at least she had her health. Now, it looked like someone wanted to take that from her as well.

“Stealing my power will kill me?”

His gaze delved into hers. “Most likely. There have been a few to survive it over the years, but not for long, and it was not an existence I would wish on anyone.”

Okay, not a viable option, got it. “What did you mean about controlling me and my power?”

Sebastian sighed. “Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it. That is not likely to be an option for you. He’s desperate for power and you’re the only outsider with power right now.” He shrugged. “Of course, if he decided your power was more valuable to him than another’s then he wouldn’t hesitate to take theirs instead if he thought he could control you. I have my doubts whether you could manage the subservient role, however.”

Cory’s foot began to tap. “Are you saying if I could convince him I would join his little band of witches, or warlocks, or whatever you call yourselves then he might keep me around instead of killing me and taking my power? Yet, at the expense of one of your members?”

Could she convince someone that she would serve them to save herself? Depends on what she had to do? Could she do it, knowing someone else would die in her place? Well, hell, were they evil? That might help.

“Witches and essentially yes.”

Cory paced the length of her car and back. A band of witches were out to steal her power, most likely killing her in the process, or making her wish she was dead. There was a slight chance she could convince them she wanted to join them instead, but then someone else would die in her place. Someone who apparently was okay with her dying though, right?

“What did you mean by serving? What precisely does that entail?”

“Performing magic rituals, seeking and bringing witches to him, and in your case getting pregnant by him and bearing a little witch to inherit your power and be raised and controlled by him.”

Bile rose in her throat. Stopping to glare at him, Cory clenched her fists. “Excuse me?”

A tiny dimple appeared at the corner of his mouth. “Look Coralea, I told you, you wouldn’t like the options. You are a full-grown woman. He will only see two purposes for you. Take your power or use you to bear a child who will inherit your power whom he can control. Killing you after you do, of course.”

Nausea churned in her stomach. Bear a child with an evil madman so it could be raised to do more evil? Not going to happen. That left only one option, learn to fight in a little less than two months’ time. Was it even possible? What choice did she have? If Sebastian was to be believed, none.

“Is it possible to teach me in such a short time?”

“There is no other option for you, so it better be possible. You have to learn.”

“Who will I have to fight, and what will it accomplish? Won’t it just be a delay, or is that the point? Delaying until the next solar eclipse? Allowing me to get stronger?”

“No, the goal is to kill him once and for all. He’s weakened right now. Which is why he needs your power so badly. It may be our only opportunity. He hasn’t fed since the total eclipse in Russia in 2008, and the one he took wasn’t strong.”

Cory recoiled. “Fed?”

“I told you, he needs the powers he steals during the total solar eclipse to survive.”

“Like a power vampire?”

“Yes, he’s over three centuries old.”

She opened her mouth, and then shut it. She looked down at her arms and reached over to pinch herself hard on the bicep.

“What are you doing?”

She clenched her teeth and pinch harder. “This is a nightmare, and I want to wake up.”

Sebastian sighed. “Welcome to my world. The only way to wake up and free yourself is learning to fight, like I’ve told you repeatedly. Now stop behaving like a child, and let’s get started. I can always go back to the original plan and deliver you to him. Don’t make me regret giving you a chance.”

Cory glared at him through narrowed eyes. “Don’t make it sound like your motives are altruistic. You want my help to end your life of servitude, as you put it.”

“Just so, but I will save my own hide first. So, if you don’t step up to the plate and stop dithering, I have a backup plan.”

“Duly noted, I can’t trust you. Thanks for the warning.”

“You can trust me to train you, as long as you put in the effort and focus required.”

“How many witches are in your little group, and how many will I have to fight? Will you be one of them?”

“It’s called a coven. He’s been building one he has complete control over. He can’t wield each power himself, so he makes sure he controls those who do. A full coven is made up of twelve, three from each element of power. He was in a rage once and let it slip that he destroyed his original coven. I don’t know all the details. I do know he’s been hunting the descendants of that original coven. You, being the latest. There are currently five members, including him and myself. He has a tendency to lose his temper and kill members who don’t perform exactly how he dictates. Others he sacrificed over the years to sustain himself.”

A shudder rippled through her. “You didn’t answer how many I would have to fight or whether you would be one of them.”

“It depends. If I’m able to sway others to our side, then there will be less.”

Cory closed her eyes briefly. He wasn’t answering her question completely, but then maybe his avoidance was the answer. He’d already told her he would save himself first. She would learn from him, but never trust him. He could betray her at any moment. She had experienced betrayal. She hoped she had learned from her mistakes. She would be ready and prepared. What else could she do?

“Why do you serve him, and who is he? The more knowledge I have the more I will be prepared.”

An uneasy silence stretched between them. She started to think he wouldn’t answer her.

“He threatens someone I’ve sworn to protect. Who he is, is the same one who pursued your ancestor across the ocean after destroying their coven. He’s been searching for your line and power for centuries. He’s my father.”