Chapter Nineteen
“We can get fake passports and disappear. I have savings, always wanted to travel, but never got around to it. You leave now, and I’ll have everything ready by the time you get here.”
Tears welled in her eyes, and she took a deep breath. “Mel, you’re the best friend ever, but running isn’t the answer. If Sebastian is to be believed, and about this I do, then they would find me. Now that my powers have been unlocked, and until I learn how to control it, I’m like a beacon to those with power. I’d be delaying the inevitable and putting your life in danger. Not going to happen. In fact, I probably shouldn’t talk to you about any of this anymore and you definitely need to stop researching it. They could track you somehow.”
Cory sat down on her bed and leaned back against the pillows, closing her eyes. What the hell was she going to do?
“I’m not an idiot, Cory. No one is tracking the research I’m doing. I know how to cover my tracks. Being a paranoid, conspiracy theory junkie comes in handy in this type of situation. You try to cut me out and I’m going to move in with you. I’ll be stuck to you like super glue. I appreciate the consideration for my safety, but there’s no way in hell I’m letting you travel this road alone. Got it?”
Cory snorted. She’d do it too. Staring at the ceiling, she tried to think what the right thing to do was.
“I mean it, Cory.”
“I know you do, but I couldn’t handle it if something happened to you because of me.”
“How do you think I’d feel if something happened to you and I did nothing to prevent it? I need to try to help you. It’s what people who care about each other do. Besides, two heads are better than one. Now, discussion is over. You’re not persuading me to back off. We need to focus on getting you strong and ready for this battle. I’m going to find out all I can about Sebastian and his demonic family, and you’re going to learn from him while staying on your guard at all times. Don’t trust him Cory.”
“Witches, not demons.”
“Yeah well, witchy family doesn’t sound evil enough.”
Cory chuckled. “I love you, Mel. Thank you.”
“Love you too. Promise me you won’t keep anything from me. I don’t want to worry about any secrets.”
She battled with herself over the decision. Selfishly, she wanted to share this nightmare with someone she trusted. Wanted to be able to talk to someone and not feel like she was alone, or insane. But, she truly could never forgive herself if something happened to Melanie because of her. She should’ve lied when Melanie called her frantic over the text messages she had received. Instead, the truth about Sebastian and his so-called mission and proposal had tumbled from her lips in an avalanche of disbelief and terror. Now, her best friend was dragged even deeper into this mess with her.
“Of course.” She had to protect her. In a few days, she would come up with a believable story why it was all resolved and there was nothing more to worry about.
“The words, Cory, I want the words, and I’ll know if you’re lying. You suck at it.”
“Damn it, Mel.” Cory rolled her eyes. She did suck at it. Another reason she could never pretend to go along with Sebastian’s family, they’d be on to her in a heartbeat the first time she had to lie.
“Still waiting.”
“I promise, okay?” She would have to figure out a way to keep Melanie safe while keeping her in the loop.
“Good. Worrying about secrets between us would just take crucial energy and time away from what we need to be focused on. I don’t want to second guess what you aren’t telling me and then have to manipulate you into telling me.”
“So, you admit you’re a manipulator?”
“Please, like that was ever a secret.”
Cory swung her legs off the bed and stood up. “Your turn to promise. Promise me you will take every precaution and no chances. I don’t want you endangered by my mess.”
“Easy promise to make. There’s no need for you to spend an instant worrying about that. I am always super careful, and now I’ll make sure to be doubly so, okay?”
“So, no more secrets, right?”
“I already promised, Mel.” She bit her lip. “Although, there is one thing I haven’t told you.”
“I had sex with Finn.”
The cold air from the fridge provided a short reprieve from the hot summer temperature. Aunt Addy’s house had never been updated with central air conditioning. There were window units in the bedrooms, but the common areas grew uncomfortable on days like today. Her heated skin was sticky from the humidity despite the shower she had just taken.
Cory had dressed in shorts and a tank top anticipating working outside on her aunt’s gardens to help gather her thoughts and come up with a solid plan to deal with the surreal life she found herself in, but it was just too hot and humid.
The knock at the back door made her jump and jarred her from her musings. Shutting the refrigerator, she pivoted on her toes and stared at the window panes of the door. Trepidation caused her to hesitate, but logic dictated what threatened her wasn’t likely to come calling at her aunt’s back door. That and the fact she could see Finn’s familiar form.
What on earth was she going to say to him? She hadn’t seen or spoken to him since Sunday night, or technically Monday morning. She hadn’t had a chance to really think about their next meeting.
Deciding to open the door and find out what he wanted instead of trying to guess, she marched to the door and swung it open, pasting a smile on her face. He probably wanted to speak to her aunt about something anyway.
“I was beginning to think you weren’t going to open the door.”
Of course, if she could see him through the door, he could see her too. The light from the fridge probably made it even easier.
“Thought never crossed my mind.” Wonder why? It should have. She should be avoiding him and any other distraction like the plague. She was in a literal life and death situation. Getting any further involved with Finn had to be a terminally bad idea. She needed to put on the brakes. “I was simply lost in thought for a moment.” She stepped back. “Come in. It’s not much cooler inside, but I’d like to keep as much of the hot air out as possible.”
Finn sauntered past her and leaned against the counter with his arms folded across his chest and ankles crossed. She couldn’t help but smile. Even in this heat he wore jeans.
“Where’s Addy?”
She was right, he was here for her aunt after all. Her shoulders deflated a bit. Probably for the best, she had enough on her plate. “Aunt Addy won’t be home until late this afternoon. Do you want me to pass on a message?”
His leisurely gaze travelled over her. A tingle of awareness danced down her spine. She swallowed and crossed her arms. She needed to keep a distance between them. The other night was a one-time thing.
“No, I’m not here for her.”
Oh. Butterflies took flight in her stomach.
“I spoke to Addy yesterday, and she mentioned you had the day off today. Thought you might like to take a ride with me. I have to stop by a friend’s house and take a look at his car. His wife is a gardener. She has quite the spread. I thought you might enjoy seeing it.”
She should say no. End whatever was between them now before it progressed any farther.
“I have air conditioning in the car.”
A laugh burst from her, and she smiled and shook her head. She really shouldn’t, but she wanted to. Was it so wrong to want a few hours of reprieve from the crisis looming over her life?
“Did I mention, Sally, his wife is a great cook and invited us to lunch?”
Cory met his gaze, a negative answer on the tip of her tongue. It melted away. “Give me a few minutes to change.”
She turned to go, but he snagged her hand before she took two steps.
“Nope, no point in changing. It’s totally casual, and it’ll be hot outside looking at her gardens. You’ll want to be comfortable. Let’s go.”
The warmth from his hand encased hers. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry to let it go. She shrugged slightly. “Okay but let me grab my purse upstairs.”
“Don’t need it.” He snagged her phone off the table. “Here, that’s all you need.” He tugged on her hand and she followed him out the door, locking it behind her. She prayed she wasn’t making a mistake.