Chapter Twenty-Five
“What’s one more dead body to dispose of?” Sebastian shrugged and placed his hands in the pockets of his pants.
Cory squeezed Finn’s hand, hoping he wouldn’t lose his temper and try to strike out at Sebastian.
“Listen, you arrogant prick, I don’t trust you. I’ll be damned if Cory’s life will be in your hands. You can make all the threats you want. I could make some too, but that won’t protect Cory or teach her what she needs to learn. So, how about we skip the posturing bullshit and get to her training and the plan to thwart your evil family’s intentions?”
“On that note…” Cory released Finn’s hand and rubbed his shoulder. “You promised to observe only, and it’s best if you do it from a distance. Please go wait in your car, and remember your promise not to interfere. “
Finn stared down at Cory for a moment, before pressing a kiss to her forehead. A brief glare at Sebastian, then he spun away and stalked to his car. Instead of getting in, he folded his arms and leaned against the door.
Cory sighed, glanced at the ground a moment, straightened her shoulders, and faced Sebastian. “Let’s get started.”
“Excellent suggestion,” an unknown voice echoed across the meadow.
Cory whirled to her right to face the intruder. Scratch that, intruders. A man and two women stepped from the woods into the meadow.
Sebastian sauntered toward them, stopping several feet away. His hands still remained in his pants’ pockets.
Was he not concerned? Did he know them? Had he betrayed her?
Finn appeared at her side.
“Hello Miles, Miranda, Willow. What, may I ask, are you doing here?”
The man, Miles, stepped forward and spread his hands out. “Cleaning up your mess little brother. Father has lost confidence in you.”
Cory gripped Finn’s hand. They needed to run.
Before they could, a strong gust of wind swept them both up and slammed them to the ground.
“You’re not going anywhere, Miss Bishop.”
She lifted her head. Finn surged to his feet. Before he could take a step, Sebastian waved a hand, and Finn dropped to the ground. She stared in terror, the breath frozen in her chest until she saw the slight rise and fall of his own.
Alive but unconscious.
Panted breaths sawed from her chest. Her fingernails filled with dirt as she clenched her fingers in the ground preparing to rise.
Sebastian had betrayed their bargain.
The woman in the center tilted her head to the side. Her long brown hair cascaded over the side of her face as she stared toward Cory.
“What is it, Miranda?” Miles’ gaze was pinned on Cory.
Miranda’s mouth and eyes widened in horror before she dropped to the ground unconscious.
Miles glanced down at her, and then swung his gaze back up to Sebastian. Sebastian threw out his arms, and Miles flew backward like he was yanked by a bungee cord. He smashed into a tree and crumpled to the ground.
Sebastian ran to the woman left standing, watching the scene unfold with a detached air. “Willow, you need to run—now. Take my car.”
Suddenly her body soared through the air, landing in a heap on the ground. She moaned in pain but made no move to get up.
Sebastian spun back to Miles.
“I must say, you’ve surprised me little brother. Betraying our father? Your family? Starting a battle, you cannot win? You’ve drained your power knocking out so many at once, brother. How can you possibly hope to best me on your own? Little Willow is useless in a fight.”
Vines slithered across the ground and dropped from branches wrapping around Miles’ wrists and ankles. His body was wrenched up like a rag doll, and his arms and legs were yanked apart as he was suspended in midair.
“He’s not alone.” Cory slowly stood.
Sebastian glanced over his shoulder at her. “Be ready. That won’t hold him long. Miles’ power comes from the air. He can control the weather.” He gestured at Miranda, still on the ground unconscious. “Miranda is a telepath, also of the air, she read your mind. If she comes to, you must block your thoughts, or she’ll know your next move. Leave Willow be, understood?”
Electricity coursed through the air around them. Wind whipped against Cory. She glanced up at Miles straining against the vines. His eyes were closed, his head tilted back, his mouth moved, but she couldn’t hear the words over the rising wind.
Vines started snapping.
Cory sent a surge of power to the vines trying to hold them together.
Lightning flashed above them.
Thunder rumbled.
The wind shoved her back a step, and then another, before she caught her balance and planted her feet. She looked up to see Miles standing free about fifty feet away from her. Sebastian stood ten feet to her right. He looked up at the sky and smiled.
“A mistake to bring a storm, Miles.”
A deluge of rain fell from the sky, all centered on Miles.
Lightning struck the ground in rapid succession, closer and closer to where they stood.
Sebastian threw out his hands. The rain changed to ice, pelting Miles like thousands of shards of glass. He fell to his knees, and opened his arms wide staring up at the sky.
Cory sent every ounce of power she could muster to roots and vines to contain him.
Thunder crashed above.
The hairs on her arms stood on end.
A blur of yellow sped by.
Finn’s Mustang rammed into Miles and sent him flying through the air.
The thunder stopped. The wind died. An eerie calm blanketed the area.
Cory collapsed to the ground.
Finn exited his car and ran to her, dropping to his knees in front of her and wrapping his arms around her body. She sank against him, spent.
Sebastian was on all fours next to them, gasping from exertion. He glanced over at them. “Nice timing, D’Orsey.”
Finn lunged at Sebastian, punching him in the jaw. “If you hadn’t knocked me out, I could’ve helped a lot sooner.”
Sebastian rolled over and sprawled on the ground face up. “If I hadn’t knocked you out, barely mind you, then you would be dead. Miles would’ve killed you first. You should thank me for saving your life, but considering your timely action let’s say we’re even.”
Cory flung her arm out and grabbed Finn’s arm. He looked at her and gathered her back into his arms. “Are you all right?”
“Yes, just exhausted. A little bruised, but nothing serious.”
Sebastian slowly staggered to his feet.
“What are you doing?”
“Making sure the bastard is dead.”
“He’s not,” a soft voice whispered.
Willow hesitantly approached them.
Finn helped Cory to her feet. Sebastian looked at Willow and then to the woods where Miles should have been. They all followed the direction of his gaze.
Miles was gone and so was Miranda.
The three of them searched in every direction and braced for an attack.
“You’re safe—for now. They left.”
Sebastian stumbled slightly as he walked over to the woman. She gave him a small smile, and he hugged her close. They both turned to faced Finn and Cory.
“Willow this is Coralea Bishop and Finnegan D’Orsey. This is my sister Willow. She’s my twin.”
Willow whispered a shy, “Hello.”
Finn gave a short nod in greeting, and Cory attempted a small smile. Delicate was the first word that came to mind gazing at Willow. She was slender with pale blonde hair, and light skin.
Sebastian glanced down at the top of Willow’s head tucked against him. “What have you seen?”
Cory wrapped her arms around Finn’s waist and collapsed against him. Her limbs dragged like anchors. Her energy depleted, she wanted to crawl into his arms and forget all about today, but first she needed answers. “How do you know we are safe for now? What if they circle back, or get reinforcements?”
Sebastian raised his hand. “Hold off for a moment. Willow’s power is premonition. If she says we’re safe for now, then we are.”
“Okay, but you really need to explain everything to me, not just these bits and pieces you’ve been doling out.”
Sebastian sighed. “A full coven is made up of twelve because there are twelve central powers, three for each of the four elements. Air is manipulation over the weather, telepathy, or telekinesis. Fire is the manipulation of fire, healing, or mind control. Water is the manipulation of water, premonition, or the ability to communicate with aquatic life. Earth is plant manipulation, ability to communicate with animals, or the ability to manipulate the earth.”
Cory focused on Willow. “You can see the future?”
Willow frowned. “I get random images. I don’t often know what they mean, or how to put them together and interpret them. I don’t have any control over what I see.” She shrugged. “Pretty useless.”
Sebastian grasped her shoulders and directed her to face him. “That’s not true. You told us we’re safe for now. That gives us time to recharge and come up with a plan. Tell me what you saw.”
“I saw the confrontation today, that’s how I knew your plan to oppose father. I knew you would win today so I wasn’t afraid when father ordered Miles to come collect you and the heir. I’ve also seen Miles and Miranda back with father. Miles is hurt badly, but I think he recovers.”
“Any sort of time line with these premonitions?” Finn asked. “Because if this reprieve is giving us time to heal and plan, it’s doing the same for them.”
Willow shook her head. “No. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, you’ve helped. We still have some time before the eclipse. Father will regroup and come for Coralea again. He has to, he needs her power to strengthen his. We need to be ready.”
They all looked at Willow.
Willow peeked up at Sebastian as a tear slipped down her cheek.
“What is it, Willow?”
“I gave him someone else.”
Chapter Twenty-Six
Willow crumpled against Sebastian, her soft sobs drenching his shirt. Sebastian held his sister tight and closed his eyes. It was the most real emotion Cory had ever witnessed from him.
She and Finn shared a glance. He rubbed her upper arm, and she gave him a gentle hug. “What does she mean, Sebastian?”
Sebastian murmured something to Willow and then met Cory and Finn’s gaze. “Part of Willow’s abilities involve visions of others with power. Father exploits her abilities in order to locate witches he can use.”
Willow raised her tear streaked face. “One of the only reasons he keeps me around. My only other use to him is to help control Sebastian. If I didn’t exist, he could have disappeared a long time ago. I’m the noose around his neck.”
“Hush, little one, that’s not true. You’ve managed to keep me relatively sane all these years. Besides, disappearing isn’t a reality at least not for long anyway. Father would manage to find us.”
“This ability is how you found me?”
Willow met Cory’s gaze with a sideways glance, before she looked at the ground and nodded.
Sebastian tightened his arm around Willow’s shoulders. “It’s not as cut and dried as it seems. Willow only knew Josephine’s heir was here. She didn’t know whom it was, or if you had discovered your power. I was sent to find you. I was the one who traced the line to Adelaide and got close to her. I made sure I was there the day you arrived. I sensed the power buried inside you.”
“So, you what, decided to date me? To what end? When did you decide to train me to go against your father?”
“I’d already had a plan in my head before we met, but I had no idea whether you were strong enough. I needed a way to get close to you, and dating was the easiest, and most enjoyable option. Of course, D’Orsey here kept getting in the way.”
Finn took a step closer to Sebastian, but Cory quickly stepped between them. “You’re a real piece of work, Marks,” Finn snarled.
Cory shook her head. “It doesn’t matter at this point. What I want to know is what happens now, and what about this other person Willow gave him?”
Sebastian sighed. “Well that depends on whether Father finds this person, and whether they have enough power to satisfy him. Now that Miles and Miranda know you exist and have power, you can bet they’ll be rushing home to tell Father.”
“He wants Justin.” Willow wiped the tears from her cheeks and wrapped her arms around herself.
Sebastian looked down at his sister. “Who’s Justin?”
‘The one in my vision, Justin Crown. He is of the Earth as well, but he can manipulate it. He’s demonstrated his power. I told Father about him because I had a vision you would go against him, and Coralea would help you. I knew Father would switch his efforts to Justin once I told him about the earthquake he had caused since he didn’t know who you were or if you had power.”
Cory gasped. “Earthquake? He caused an earthquake?”
Willow cringed and nodded.
“Father would definitely want him.” Sebastian rubbed his chin and sighed.
“Yes, he left as soon as I told him. He told Miles to come check on you, and then join him. Miles only took me along because there was no one left at home to watch me.”
Finn wrapped an arm around Cory’s shoulders. “Does this mean Cory is safe?”
Cory glanced up at Finn and then back to Sebastian and Willow.
“Only for the short term. She’ll never be safe as long as our father is alive. She’ll always be a target.”
Finn spun away and pounded his fist on the roof of his car. Cory winced.
What were her options? Running? Sebastian made it clear there was nowhere to run Edward Marks wouldn’t find her. She had to learn to protect herself and those she loved. She needed to destroy Edward Marks.
Willow stepped forward. “We’re all targets. We need to help one another in order to survive. We need to find others to join us in this fight. It’s the only way.”
They all stared at Willow.
Sebastian sighed. “Have you seen this?”
“No, I don’t need a vision to know this. We can’t run, Sebastian. We need to stop him. We can’t let him ruin any other lives.”
Cory stepped forward and touched Willow’s slender shoulder. “I agree.”
“Great, you agree. Do either of you have any sort of plan? How are we going to stop him? Better question is how are we going to stay alive?” Sebastian headed for his car. “I need some damn water.”
“I didn’t tell Father Justin’s last name. I told him where he was when he created the earthquake, but that’s not where he is now. We have some time, not much, but some.”
Sebastian paused and looked back at her. “You’re amazing, Willow. You did buy us time. Miles’ injuries buy us some more time, but we need to stay focused.” He continued to his car and drank a couple of bottles of water. He returned and handed each of them a bottle.
After taking a large swallow, Finn leaned back against his car. “It seems to me the first order of business is building our defenses so we’re ready when and if they do come.”
Sebastian glared.
Cory nodded at Finn. “Willow is right. We need to find others. We need to build our own coven.”