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Ccopyright © Sarah Murgatroyd 2002
Introduction copyright © Geoffrey Blainey 2012
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First published by The Text Publishing Company 2002
This edition published 2012
Designed by WH Chong
Typeset by J&M Typesetting
Printed and bound in Australia by Griffin Press, an Accredited ISO AS/NZS
14001:2004 Environmental Management System printer
Primary print ISBN: 9781921922268
Ebook ISBN: 9781921921865
Author: Murgatroyd, Sarah, 1967-2002.
Title: The dig tree / by Sarah Murgatroyd ; introduction by Geoffrey Blainey.
Edition: 1st ed.
Series: Text classics.
Subjects: Burke and Wills Expedition 1860-1861. Australia—Discovery and
Other Authors/Contributors: Blainey, Geoffrey, 1930-
Dewey Number: 919.4043