Bergin, Tom, In the Steps of Burke and Wills, ABC/Griffin Press Ltd, Sydney, 1981.
Bonyhady, Tim, Burke and Wills: From Melbourne to Myth, David Ell Press, Sydney, 1991.
Clune, Frank, Dig: The Burke and Wills Saga, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1991 (first pub. 1937).
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Corke, David, Partners in Disaster: The Story of Burke and Wills, Nelson, Sydney, 1985.
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Moorehead, Alan, Cooper’s Creek, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1963.
White, John, The Stockade and the Tree, Footprint Press, Melbourne, 1992.
Beckler, Hermann, A Journey to Cooper’s Creek, Stephen Jeffries and Michael Kertesz (trans. and eds), Melbourne University Press and State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, 1993.
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Stuart, John McDouall, Explorations in Australia: The Journals of John McDouall Stuart, during the Years 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861 and 1862; When He Fixed the Centre of the Continent and Successfully Crossed It from Sea to Sea, William Hardman (ed.), 2nd edn, Saunders, Otley & Co., London, 1865.
Stuart, John McDouall, Exploration of the Interior: Diary of J. M. Stuart from March 2 to September 3, 1860, S. A. Government Printer, Adelaide, 1860.
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Sturt, Charles, Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia, during the Years 1828, 1829, 1830 and 1831, vols I & II, Smith Elder & Co., London, 1833.
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Madigan, Cecil T., Crossing the Dead Heart, Georgian House, Melbourne, 1948.
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Lockwood, Kim, Big John: The Extraordinary Adventures of John McKinlay, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, 1995.
Mudie, Ian, The Heroic Journey of John McDouall Stuart, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1968.
Tipping, Marjorie, Ludwig Becker: Artist and Naturalist with the Burke and Wills Expedition, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1979.
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Young, Rose, G. F. Von Tempsky, Artist and Adventurer, Alister Taylor, Martinborough, 1981.
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Tolcher, Helen, Drought or Deluge, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1986.
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Blanchen, B. J., ‘From Melbourne to Menindie: A Tourist’s Guide Based on the Diaries of Ludwig Becker’, La Trobe Library Journal, October 1978, pp. 34-36.
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McKellar, John, ‘William John Wills’, Victorian Historical Magazine, 2 February 1962, pp. 337-50.
McLaren, Ian, ‘The Victorian Exploring Expedition and Relieving Expeditions, 1860-61: The Burke and Wills Tragedy’, Victorian Historical Magazine, 29 April 1959, pp. 211-53.
Threadgill, Bessie, South Australian Land Exploration, 1856 to 1880, vols I & II, Board of Governors of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, 1922.
McKnight, Tom L., The Camel in Australia, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1969.
McNicoll, Ronald, Number 36 Collins St: The Melbourne Club, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1988.
Rajkowski, Pamela, In the Tracks of the Camelmen: Australia’s Most Exotic Pioneers, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1987.
Riffenburgh, Beau, The Myth of the Explorer, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994.
Sadleir, John, Recollections of a Victorian Police Officer, George Robertson, Melbourne, 1913.
Serle, Geoffrey, The Golden Age: A History of the Colony of Victoria, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1968.
Stawell, Mary, My Recollections, Richard Clay & Sons, London, 1911.
Stroud, Mike, Survival of the Fittest, Vintage, London, 1999.
Argus, Age, Ballarat Star, Bendigo Advertiser, Castlemaine Advertiser, Examiner and Melbourne Weekly News, Galway Advertiser, Geelong Advertiser, Herald, Illustrated London News, Illustrated Sydney News, Loughrea Journal, Melbourne Leader, Melbourne Post, Melbourne Punch, Mount Alexander Mail, Ovens and Murray Advertiser, South Australian Register, Southern Courier, The Times, Yeoman and Australian Acclimatiser.
The La Trobe Library at the State Library of Victoria houses the largest collection of material relating to the Burke and Wills expedition, including many original letters, diaries, records of the Royal Society and a transcript of the royal commission of inquiry. Other documents including Burke’s pocketbook and Wills’ diaries and field books are held at the National Library of Australia in Canberra. The Mitchell and Dixson libraries at the State Library of New South Wales also hold manuscripts relevant to Burke and Wills and the subsequent rescue expeditions. Much of the material pertaining to John McDouall Stuart is housed in the Mortlock Library, Adelaide.