Leo and Rosalind strolled in the wake of the others.
‘Where is your sister?’
‘I left her at home. Lady Cecily and Lady Olivia were to collect her in their carriage.’
‘And you chose not to wait for them? Would you care to tell me why?’
Her own shame made her sharp. ‘I do not answer to you.’
An exasperated noise erupted from Leo and she sneaked a sideways look at him. He captured her gaze and their steps faltered.
‘I am not,’ he said, ‘trying to force you to my will. If you would only lower those prickly defences of yours for a minute or two, you might realise I am trying to help.’
She tore her hand from his sleeve and faced him. ‘And if I declare I do not need your help?’
‘If, my dearest Rosalind, you do not see that you need someone’s help, then you are not the intelligent woman I believe you to be. Your aunts’ opinions are nothing. There was no need to agitate them by appearing with Susie. Did you not stop to think of the connotation they would put upon her existence?’
‘I do not care what they think of me. They disowned Mama—until she remarried a man with a title. She was so happy her family received her again, it didn’t matter to her that they refused to acknowledge m-me and F-Freddie.’ Her voice had risen throughout her speech and now it cracked and a painful lump lodged in her throat.
‘Oh, sweetheart. What am I to do with you?’ Leo shook his head, captured her hand, placed it back on his sleeve and began once more to stroll. ‘You cannot battle the world. You cannot force others to hold a particular opinion when they are determined they are in the right. All you can do is leave them to their lives whilst you continue with yours.’
‘I am continuing with my life. Or I was, until I was forced into coming here.’ She swiped a lone tear from her cheek with her gloved hand. ‘What was I supposed to do, when my Aunt Tring was so foul to me yesterday?’
Leo halted. He nudged her chin up so she must look into his face. She settled her gaze on his lips. She could not cope with those all-seeing silvery eyes of his.
‘You could have confided in me.’
‘And what would you have done? Scolded them and f-forced them to be nice?’
His lips curved slightly, then pursed as though he were trying to conceal his grin. She was being childish, she knew, but her wits had scattered to the wind and she did not wish to be sensible and logical.
‘I am a duke, my darling girl. Where I lead, society follows. I have no need to force anybody to do anything. With me and my family on your side there is not a house in London that would deny you access.’
How must it feel to be so...so sure?
‘Have you any idea how arrogant that sounds?’
He quirked a brow and shrugged. ‘It is how it has always been. Just as you have grown up with the shadow of your mother’s disgrace, and have carried that burden, so I have grown up with the privilege and authority of knowing I would follow my uncle and my father to the dukedom.’
‘Your uncle? Was that Lascelles’s father?’
‘Yes. He was the Duke, as the elder of the two brothers. He never married, so the title passed first to my father and then to me.’
No wonder Lascelles is so bitter. She had known Lascelles was illegitimate, but not that his father had actually been the Duke.
‘Come, we had better keep walking or I shall not be responsible for my actions.’
‘What actions?’
They began to stroll once more. Ahead of them, Vernon, Lascelles and Susie had paused on the bank. Vernon and Susie watched the swans, but Lascelles was staring in their direction.
‘Why, that I shall not be able to resist kissing those luscious lips of yours, my sweet Rosalind. We do not wish to set tongues wagging more than they are already, do we?’
Rosalind heaved a sigh. ‘I realise I was wrong, confronting my aunts like that.’ She hated to humble herself, but the truth must be said if she were to retain her self-respect. ‘I allowed my emotions to overrule my good sense. I felt so small and, somehow, unclean when they cut me yesterday in the park. I was determined to prove their opinions did not matter to me, that I did not care.’
‘When, in actual fact, all you have done is proved how very much you do care.’
‘I see that now and I do regret it.’
‘Promise me in future you will come to me for help.’
‘I promise.’
‘I do wish, however, that you had not so recklessly dragged Susie into such a public altercation.’
Rosalind hung her head, guilt swirling. She would make it up to Susie.
‘Perhaps,’ Leo went on, ‘you can now see why she would be happier going to Westfield, where her origins will not cause comment.’
‘I have not changed my mind,’ Rosalind said. ‘Susie will stay with me.’
‘But that is entirely illogical. You have your own experiences to tell you that.’
‘It is not about logic, it is about the heart. I will not—oh, no!’
Rosalind snatched her hand from Leo’s arm.
‘Rosalind? What is wrong?’
‘It is Sir Peter Tadlow. Nell’s guardian.’
‘And there—’ Leo pointed at the path ahead of Sir Peter ‘—if I am not mistaken, is Helena herself, together with Cecily and Olivia. How opportune.’
‘Opportune?’ Rosalind glared at him. ‘What if he...? Oh! You would not understand. I must go.’
She half-expected Leo to try and stop her as she left the pathway they were following and hurried across the grass, but he did not. When she reached Nell, she glanced over her shoulder to where Leo followed in her footsteps, taking his time, his hat set at a rakish angle as he gently swung his cane. Then he paused, to allow Vernon, Lascelles and Susie to catch him up.
Rosalind swallowed her humph of disgust. For all his fine talk of confiding in him and allowing him to help, he was not there when she needed him. Facing Sir Peter was a far more daunting prospect than facing her aunts.
‘Good afternoon, Lady Cecily, Lady Olivia,’ Rosalind said, puffing slightly after her quick dash across the grass. ‘Thank you for bringing Nell to the park. Nell, do not be alarmed, but Sir Peter is approaching.’
‘Sir Peter? Oh, Rosalind, what if he makes me go with him?’
Olivia moved closer to Nell and put her arm around her. ‘He shan’t take you, Nell,’ she said. ‘We shall not let him.’
Rosalind stepped in front of Nell, shielding her from Sir Peter, her legs shaking at his overt fury. He stopped in front of her, too close for comfort. She steeled herself not to retreat.
‘Well, sir?’
‘I wish to speak to my ward.’
‘Say what you must, sir. Lady Helena is able to hear you quite adequately.’
‘What? Are you afraid I might snatch her? I would be within my rights, you know.’
‘Forgive my intervention...’ Cecily moved alongside Rosalind, standing shoulder to shoulder ‘...but it is my understanding that you are unmarried, Sir Peter, in which case you are unable to present Lady Helena to society. I should have thought you would be grateful Lady Glenlochrie has undertaken that duty.’
‘Helena has no need for a come-out. I have a husband lined up, ready and waiting for her...and an excellent match it is too. A viscount, no less. And who are you, madam, to busy yourself in matters which are no business of yours?’
‘She is,’ interjected a calm voice, ‘my sister.’
Sir Peter’s gaze swivelled to take in Leo and the others, who had now joined them. Rosalind smiled to see him blanch. That was the advantage of having a duke on your side. But then Sir Peter’s expression turned mutinous.
‘Lady Helena Caldicot is my ward,’ he said. ‘I am sure you will agree with me, Your Grace, that a ward’s affairs should be under the sole control of her rightful and legal guardian.’
‘Oh, indubitably so,’ Leo murmured.
Rosalind stiffened in dismay.
I might have known! How could he?
Sir Peter’s darting, triumphal look followed by Nell’s quiet moan from behind her set Rosalind’s pulse pounding.
‘You shall not take her,’ she cried. ‘She will not be sacrificed to that...that...scoundrel, Bulbridge.’
Sir Peter thrust his face into Rosalind’s and, despite her best efforts to stand her ground, she stumbled back and she heard Leo emit a low growl.
‘She will do as I say, madam.’ Spittle flew from Sir Peter’s lips, landing on Rosalind’s cheek. ‘You are fortunate I do not haul you before the courts to answer for your actions.’
In a daze, Rosalind reached to wipe her cheek, but was beaten to it by Leo, who cleaned away the saliva with a dab of his handkerchief.
‘Stand aside, my sweet. Leave this to me.’
He set his hands to her shoulders and gently pushed her back to stand next to Helena, then turned to face Sir Peter. Nell’s hand crept into Rosalind’s and clung tight. It went against the grain to relinquish control of her family business to Leo, but she had to admit she had no idea how she could withstand Sir Peter if he would not agree to Nell remaining in the care of Lady Glenlochrie.
‘I have no quarrel with you, Your Grace. Hand over my ward and I shall forget Miss Allen’s part in all this.’
‘How very generous.’
Leo’s voice—low, menacing—sent a shiver snaking down Rosalind’s spine. She cast a surreptitious glance around. Once again, everyone appeared mesmerised, their full attention on the Duke. Sir Peter retreated a couple of steps. Leo followed.
‘All I want is my ward.’ Tadlow’s voice trembled. ‘You agreed that a ward should obey her guardian.’
‘Ah but, you see...’ Leo cocked his head to one side ‘...I am very much afraid you are no longer Lady Helena’s guardian.’
Nell clutched harder at Rosalind’s hand and they exchanged startled glances.
‘What?’ Sir Peter shook his head in denial. ‘You jest, Your Grace.’
‘Oh, trust me—I am in no mood to jest with you, Tadlow.’
‘And whilst I am correcting your misconceptions, I should also inform you that neither are you any longer the guardian of the young Earl of Lydney.’
Rosalind released Nell’s hand and started forward. What was going on? A large hand closed around her upper arm. Vernon. He shook his head, mouthed shh to her and tugged her back to take her place next to Nell, exactly where Leo had placed her.
Humph! Despite her irritation, however, she stayed put whilst Sir Peter blustered about his rights.
‘I have the papers to prove my guardianship, signed by the Lord Chancellor himself,’ he said.
‘And I am very much afraid I have papers—signed by Eldon only yesterday—transferring the guardianship of both Lord Lydney and Lady Helena Caldicot to me.’
Leo was now Nell and Jack’s guardian? Rosalind struggled to draw breath.
‘You sound confused, Tadlow, but there really is nothing to puzzle over,’ Leo said. ‘You abused your position of trust over those two youngsters and I was asked to take action to protect their interests.’
‘As I have already confirmed. Do not ask me to repeat myself.’
‘But how?’
‘I do have a certain amount of influence with both Eldon and Sir William Grant, you understand.’ Leo’s confident stance belied the note of apology in his voice. ‘I...er...persuaded them to expedite my petition.’
‘This is preposterous, sir!’
‘No! What is preposterous is an uncle fleecing his young nephew and attempting to marry off his young niece in order to reduce his own debts. That, sir, is preposterous and I suggest that a prolonged sojourn in the country would be to your great advantage.’
Sir Peter, shoulders slumped, swung his head from side to side in bewilderment. ‘I cannot believe this,’ he muttered. He straightened. ‘Where is the proof?’
‘Come to Beauchamp House tomorrow at ten and you shall see the papers.’ Leo’s voice was laced with boredom. ‘Good day, sir.’
As soon as Sir Peter was out of earshot, Rosalind said, ‘Is this true?’
‘Of course it is true.’
‘But who asked you to take over the guardianship?’
‘Sir William Rockbeare. He asked me to investigate Tadlow upon my return to London,’ Leo said. He studied Rosalind’s expression. ‘Cecily, would you walk on with Olivia and Helena, please?’
‘But I want to know—’
‘Livvy. You will do as I say. And take Susie with you. Miss Allen and I have matters to discuss.’
‘Come along, girls,’ Cecily said. She threw a swift smile at Rosalind, gathered the younger element and walked on.
‘Well—’ Lascelles looked from Leo to Rosalind, and back again, with a smirk ‘—it would appear my cousin has behaved true to form and not consulted you in any of this, Miss Allen.’
‘No, he did not.’
The implications of the last few minutes were still sinking in. Her whole family. He had taken them over. Freddie, Nell and Jack. Panic swirled inside. What was she to do?
I still have Susie. He has not taken Susie from me. He said it would be my decision.
Except...she had seen him in action now...if he did not want her to raise Susie, would she really be able to withstand him? Anger and confusion churned Rosalind’s stomach, nausea threatening to overwhelm her.
What should I do? What can I say?
Rosalind caught the flick of Leo’s head in Lascelles’s direction. He was doing it again. Manoeuvring everyone to suit his purposes.
‘I should prefer Mr Lascelles to remain.’ She challenged Leo with her stare.
Every plane in his face hardened and then, with a flick of his brows, he granted permission. A solid weight of anger lodged in Rosalind’s chest. She did not need his permission.
‘It would appear, my dear Coz, that Miss Allen has experienced sufficient of your individual attention for one day.’ Lascelles sauntered across to stand by Rosalind’s side.
Leo’s attention remained solely on Rosalind and she was, contrarily, comforted by Lascelles’s presence. Vernon remained several feet distant, watching them with every evidence of enjoyment.
‘Why did you not tell me?’ She would not wait for him to dictate the conversation. He was just a man. She must not be intimidated by his title or his power. ‘You have done this—’ she waved an agitated arm ‘—behind my back. Why? First you lure Freddie away and now you have taken control of Nell and Jack.’
Just saying the words brought that roil of panic back into her insides. My entire family!
‘Have you already decided to take Susie, too? Do you imagine by taking my family I shall have no choice but to accept—’
She stopped with a gasp. Lascelles stirred next to her.
‘No choice but to...?’ he murmured. ‘Oh, do tell, Coz. Have you fallen that hard for the Delectable Dorcas?’
‘That is none of your concern, Lascelles,’ Leo growled, the intent in his silver gaze—still riveted to Rosalind’s face—sending thrills of nervousness, coupled with anticipation, up and down her spine.
‘There was neither need nor time to consult anyone,’ he said. ‘My man Medland dealt with the matter and—’
‘You could have warned me what you were planning.’
‘And if I had?’
‘Then I would have—’
She bit her tongue. What would she have done? Begged him to leave Nell and Jack under Tadlow’s control? Was Leo not the better bet as their guardian? Frustration seized her. There was nothing she could have done, had she had the time and opportunity to think it through. As a female, she could not be appointed guardian and Tadlow was Nell and Jack’s only male relative.
The fact that Leo was right only incensed her further. She thrust her nose in the air and averted her gaze.
‘Mr Lascelles, would you kindly escort me to my sister? I wish to go home.’
‘With pleasure, ma’am.’ He crooked his elbow.
‘Rosalind...’ There was dire warning in the way Leo enunciated her name.
‘Your Grace?’ She placed her hand upon Lascelles’s arm.
‘We have yet to finish our discussion about Susie and her future.’
Without volition, Rosalind’s fingers clutched at Lascelles’s sleeve. Gone was the slightest vestige of intimacy or warmth in Leo’s expression or his voice. Had she lost his good opinion entirely? Indecision rendered her speechless.
‘You wish to leave this uncertainty hovering over you?’ Leo bit the words out into the silence.
No, she wanted to cry. The thought of not knowing was dreadful indeed, but she could not cope with any more. Not now. Her nerves were shred to ribbons and confusion fogged her brain. Before she could even begin to reply, though, Leo spoke again.
‘I shall call upon you at two tomorrow. We shall take Susie to visit Westfield. Once you have seen the place, we shall decide what is best to be done...for all concerned.’
Chill fingers clutched at her heart. He was every inch the intimidating Duke: remote and severe. Leo was nowhere to be seen. He did not wait for her reply, but spun on his heel and strode away. Vernon, with a lift of his brows and a nod of his head, followed.
Rosalind silently castigated herself as they left. Her obstinacy over the guardianship bordered on the irrational—she was aware of it and yet—as with her aunts—she had not been able to bring herself to back down.
‘My cousin has ever been thus,’ Lascelles said, patting her hand. ‘He listens to no opinion but his own and he has the power to ensure his will is always served. I pity you, my dear lady, for he will not relinquish control of your family now he has them where he wants them.’
And now she was left with Lascelles—the very last man she wished to associate with—and she had no one to blame but herself and her own stubbornness.
‘I have no need of pity, sir.’
‘But what is to become of you, my dear, with all your family now under his control? And there is that poor, sweet, innocent girl, to be tarnished by the circumstances of her birth for ever. My cousin will for certain decide to send her away.’
‘I will not allow it.’ Why would Lascelles not be silent? She needed to think.
‘I very much fear, once my cousin decides upon a course of action, he is not easily swayed. Why, even I find it impossible to stand against him and I am not only a man but two years his senior. What hope have you of withstanding his decree?’
‘I will take whatever steps I must to prevent Susie being sent to that place,’ Rosalind vowed. ‘The Duke will not get his own way this time.’