Works Cited




In 2009 an electronic catalogue system was introduced in DWQ. This change included a new archival taxonomy as opposed to the earlier handwritten catalogues. For instance, the old archival unit called ʿAhd Ismāʿīl is now included in the new Usrat Muḥammad ʿAlī unit in the electronic catalogue. I provide here the main electronic catalogue headings (the first number of the archival code) that I have used in this book:


Wathāʾiq ʿĀbdīn (The papers of the ʿĀbdīn Palace)


Majlis al-Nuẓẓār wa-l-Wuzarāʾ (The Council of Ministers)


Muḥāfaẓat Miṣr (The Cairo Governorate)


Ḍabṭiyyat Miṣr (The Cairo “Police”)


Bayt Māl Miṣr (The Cairo Treasury)


Dīwān / Wizārat al-Māliyya (The Ministry of Finance)


Dīwān /Wizārat al-Ashghāl al-ʿUmūmiyya (The Ministry of Public Works)


Usrat Muḥammad ʿAlī (The Mehmed Ali Family)


Al-Zuʿamāʾ al-Miṣriyyīn (The Egyptian “Leaders”)

Sijillāt al-Maʿiyya al-Saniyya (ʿArabī and Turkī; The Records of the Khedivial Entourage, Arabic and Turkish) registers and documents are on microfilm.

For the archival units based on the old catalogues, which are mostly in boxes (maḥāfiẓ), I use the following abbreviations:


Collection ʿĀbdīn


Collection ʿAhd Ismāʿīl


Collection Majlis al-Wuzarāʾ (Majlis al-Nuẓẓār)


Collection al-Waqāʾiʿ al-Miṣriyya


Dīwān al-Khidīwī


Milaffāt Khidma (Pension dossiers of state employees)


Ḥujjat Waqf 1215


Play n. 2306

Play n. 129

BA BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA, accessed 22 January 2015



The Grand Vezier’s Office:


Bāb-i ʿĀlī Sadāret Evrāki, Sadāret Āmedī Kalemi Defterleri


Bāb-i ʿĀlī Sadāret Evrāki, Sadāret Divan Kalemi


Bāb-i ʿĀlī Sadāret Evrāki, Sadāret Divan Kalemi, Mühimme Kalemi


Bāb-i ʿĀlī Sadāret Evrāki, Mektubi Kalemi, Sadāret Mektub Mühimme Kalemi


Bāb-i ʿĀlī Sadāret Evrāki, Mektubi Kalemi, Nezaret Devair Giden Defteri



Dahiliye İradeleri (Decrees, Interior Ministry)


Meclis-i Mahsus İradeleri (Decrees, Sultanic Privy Council)


Meclis-i Vala İradeleri (Decrees, Legislative Council)


Eyālāt-ı Mümtāze İrādeleri (Decrees, “Distinguished Provinces”)




Private papers, by courtesy of Mr. Alexandre Cordahi. Mostly letters from his grandfather, “Farid,” Alfred Paul Elias Cordahi (1888–1986), written in the early 1980s about their family history. Farid’s father, Paul and his uncle Buṭrus (Pierre) were cousins of Sulaymān Qardāḥī, and for a while Paul worked in Sulaymān’s theater troupe.



Beirut Consulate to Embassy in Constantinople


Alexandria Consulate to Embassy in Constantinople


Cairo Consulate, dossiers of deceased


Cairo Consulate, consular court records




Jurjī Zaydān Papers

United Kingdom






GB165–0294 (Vivian)

GB165–0120 (Gordon)


Foreign Office: FO/78/1754, FO/78/1755, FO/424/A

Home Office: HO/45/9469/78581, A 2748


Hekekyan Papers

United States of America


Eli Smith Papers

Theater Collection


Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣriyya (Egyptian National Library)

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Encyclopaedias (dictionaries are not given)

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La Correspondance Égyptienne illustrée, 1896

The Egyptian Gazette, 1895

Al-Farāyid, 1893

Le Figaro, 1869, 1889

Le Gaulois, 1869

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Al-Liwāʾ, 1900

The London Gazette, 1880, 1882, 1891

Al-Maḥrūsa, 1882, 1886

Le Ménestrel, 1835, 1862, 1868–1870, 1872, 1889

Le Monde Illustré, 1869

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The Nineteenth Century, 1882

Al-Nūr al-Tawfīqī, 1888

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Books, Articles, and Theses

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