We are grateful to the scholars and institutions who have contributed to this book in various ways, all helpful: Alfred J. Andrea, Nicole Bériou, Brenda Bolton, Leonard E. Boyle, OP[†], Kathleen Brahney, Daron Burrows, Gary Dickson, Jean Flori, Benjamin Z. Kedar, Robert Lerner, Jean Longère, Michael Lower, Thomas Madden, John C. Moore, Carolyn Muessig, James Muldoon, Ken Pennington, Jonathan Riley-Smith, Jay Carter Rubenstein, and Christopher Tyerman. We also thank the Bibliothèque Municipale in Douai, the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, the Bodleian Library, Oxford, the DePaul University Library, the Newberry Library, the Northwestern University Library, the Parker Library of Corpus Christi College (University of Cambridge), the Vatican Library, the Archivio Segreto Vaticano, the Van Pelt Library Center of the University of Pennsylvania, the Wheaton College Library, Yale University Libraries, and the Free Library of Guilford, Connecticut. Jessalynn Bird acknowledges and thanks the Thouron and Fulbright scholarships.
We gratefully acknowledge the superb and generous technical assistance of Michael Powell. At a critical moment, his information technology skills saved a good portion of the text of the book and converted it to workable files. Michael did so cheerily and quickly, in spite of a serious bout of illness. He also assembled the next-to-final text of this book. We also greatly appreciate the perceptive and very helpful advice of an anonymous reader for the University of Pennsylvania Press. And we are grateful for many other kinds of crucial assistance by Dr. Corin Pitcher.
To our great sorrow, our dear friend, collaborator, and adviser Jim Powell died unexpectedly as the result of an automobile accident in January 2011, after having printed out a hard copy of the manuscript of this book and correcting it by hand a month earlier. His contribution to it is inestimable, his learned affection greatly missed, and we dedicate the book to his memory.
The editors and the University of Pennsylvania Press have done their best to determine the possession of rights to the use of the material printed here. We have attempted to make copyright clearance for all texts, although a number of presumed rights holders have not been traceable or have not responded to correspondence. Should any other party assert that its rights have been infringed, we are willing to make all accommodations necessary.
The following items, listed in the order of their appearance in the Table of Contents, depend on reprint rights that we have in every case attempted to obtain.
Nos. 3 and 6: Permission to reprint courtesy of the Catholic University of America Press.
No. 4 is translated with the acknowledgement of Prof. Kenneth Pennington.
No. 5: Originally published by Thomas Nelson, London; rights remain in the estate of Prof. Christopher R. Cheney.
No. 9: Permission to reprint granted by Aris & Phillips, an imprint of Oxbow Books LTD, to reproduce material from Christians and Moors in Spain, vol. 1 (pp. 139–141) and vol. 2 (pp. 14–25), edited and translated by Colin Smith, 1988–1989.
Nos. 24, 28, 52, and 73: Permission to reprint granted by the University of California Press, from Francesco Gabrieli, Arab Historians of the Crusades, pp. 264–266, 267–275, 293–295, 298–302, 344–350.
No. 26: Permission to reprint granted by the Columbia University Press. E-rights for John LaMonte, The Wars of Frederick II against the Ibelins in Syria and Cyprus remain in the estate of Prof. John LaMonte.
No. 33: Permission to reprint granted by Dr. Kathleen Brahney.
No. 50: Permission to reprint granted by Penguin Books Ltd, London, UK.
Nos. 51 and 53: Permission to reprint material from René Hague, The Life of St. Louis (Sheed and Ward, 1995), pp. 241–246, 247–254, granted by Continuum International Publishing Group.
No. 55: From The Register of Eudes Rigaud of Rouen, translated by Sydney M. Brown, edited by Jeremiah O’Sullivan. Copyright [H17015] Columbia University Press. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
No. 58: Permission to reprint granted by Prof. Jonathan Riley-Smith.
No. 60: Permission to reprint granted by The Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
No. 61: Permission to reprint granted by Princeton University Press.
No. 63: Rights remain in the estates of Mr. H. G. Richardson and Mr. G. O. Sayles.
No. 72: Permission to excerpt and reprint granted by the Publishers from The Templar of Tyre, ed. Paul F. Crawford (Farnham: Ashgate, 2003), pp. 104–114, 115–117. Copyright [H17015] 2003.