As always, huge thanks to my brilliant agent, Charlie Brotherstone, for his unwavering support and for making good things happen for me. Once again, the talented and dedicated team at Boldwood have been a joy to work with and I’m grateful for everything they do to connect my stories to readers. To my editor, Rachel Faulkner-Willcocks, sincere thanks for whipping The Last Resort into shape and for sage advice when I was lost in the woods.

To the wonderful crew at the Novelry, gratitude is once again due. I used the Novelry courses to guide me when I was writing this novel and the input from author and writing coach Amanda Reynolds was invaluable.

Cyprus is a stunning country with a fascinating and complex history, and I wish I could have provided more than just a glimpse of it. I’m indebted to the Cypriot research contacts who helped me with this story. Thanks to Christy Melinioti, creator of the To Hani Coliving Space near Limassol. When I visited Cyprus, Christy generously invited me to view her beautiful property, which gave me huge inspiration for aspects of my fictional setting. She also shared insights into the island’s past and present and gave me plenty of plot ideas. As well as all this, she gave me some useful research contacts and kindly let me hassle her with various questions as I wrote the novel. I’d also like to thank Charalambia Constantinou. Charalambia, you’ve been amazing; thanks for all your detailed answers to my often ridiculous questions! Huge thanks must also go to Anastasia Schini Kakkoura for essential legal advice.

I’m blown away by the generosity and knowledge of everyone who helped me with research for The Last Resort. I couldn’t have done it without their input. Stuart Gibbon for police procedural research and expert advice. Stewart Hay for police anecdotes and gambling tales! John Nichol for insights into the Metropolitan police. Dr Mark Flynn once again provided his psychological expertise. Thanks, Mark, for this and also for letting me steal one of the many witty phrases that fill your emails. Thanks to Dr Olga Oikonomidou for sharing her contacts, bringing me real mountain tea from her home in Greece and for paying me the immense compliment of finding time to read my books when she’s not saving lives! Heartfelt thanks also to Dr Peter Copp, Valerie Muller and Karen Beveridge for steering me into calmer waters when necessary!

I want to thank my dad for his love and support and my sister Susan for the chats and the cheerleading when I needed it most. Liz, my oldest friend, thank you for being there for me in so many ways.

Susie and Mary… you are everything. Thank you both for the journey so far. Onwards!

The Last Resort was inspired by a play called The Visit by the German writer, Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Decades ago, when I was studying for my German A-Level, The Visit was one of the set texts. Written in 1956, this tragicomic morality tale has never ceased to be relevant. I loved it when I first read it and it has remained one of my favourite plays of all time. So, I reserve my final thanks for Friedrich Dürrenmatt. For his genius and for giving me the seed of the story that became this novel.