Insight Investigators: Background Report

Rachel Jane Wilde (known as Quinn): Born 6th July 1958 to Amanda and Jonathon Wilde. (Both parents now deceased.) Until the age of four, she was raised in Warwick, where her father was Director of Estates at Warwick University. Not long after Rachel’s first birthday, her mother took her to live in a commune in Islington run by a guy from Dublin called Tom Quinn. (Seems Rachel renamed herself in his memory as soon as she legally could.) Tom Quinn was a dubious character. Claimed he had special healing powers and often told followers he was the second coming of Christ. He died in 2008 in Dublin.

When Rachel was thirteen, Tom Quinn was arrested and charged with tax evasion and the commune fell apart. Amanda went back to her husband in Warwick. Rachel had trouble settling back into ‘normal’ life. When she was expelled from school at sixteen, she left home and moved into a squat in Brixton.

After that there’s little official trace of her, but I did manage to track down some former Pure Heart members who’ve been willing to talk.