Abolition abolitionists
Dred Scott decision and
Emancipation Proclamation and
John Brown raid and
Quakers and
Underground Railroad and
violence against
Achison, David
Act to Impose Duties on the Importation of Slaves, An (1740)
Adams, Charles Francis, Jr.
Adams, Charles Francis, Sr.
Adams, Henry Brooks
Adams, John (Confederate general)
Adams, John (president)
Adams, John Quincy
Africans, The (Lamb)
Alabama claims
Alcott, Amos Bronson
Alcott, Louisa May, 86,250, Postwar of life of,
Alexander , E. Prteer
Allen, Richard
American and Foreign anti-Slavery Society
American Anti-Slavery Society
American Colonization Society
Amistad rebellion
Anaconda Plan
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, William “Bloody Bill,”
Andersonville Prison
Andrew, John A.
Andrews, Eliza
Anthony, Susan B.
Antietam (Sharpsburg), Battle of
“Lost Order”
Anti-Semitism in America (Dinnerstein)
Appomattox campaign
Arkwright, Richard
Armistead, Lewis
Army of Northern Virginia, Confederate
Lee's final order to
Army of Tennessee, Confederate
Army of the Potomac, U.S.
in Grand Review
Hooker and
Associated Press
Atlanta, burning of
Atlamtic Monthly
Atlas of the Civil War, The(McPherson)
Austin, Moses
Austin, Stephen F.
Bacon, Thomas
Baker, Edward D.
Baker, Jean
Ball's Bluff, Battle of
Banks, Nathaniel
Banneker, Benjamin
Barber, Lucius
Barksdale, William
Barton, P. T.
Barton, Clara, ix
postwar life of
“Battle Cry of Freedom, The” (Root)
“Battle Hymn of the Republic, The” (Howe)
Beauregard, Pierre G. T.
Bee, Barnard
Beecher, Henry Ward
Beecher, Lyman
Bell, John
Belle Isle Prison
Bellow, Henry
Belmont, August
Belmont, Battle of
Benezet, Anthony
Benjamin, Judah P.
postwar life of
St. Albans raid and
Benton, Thomas Hart
Bernstein, Iver
Bickerdyke, Mary Ann
Big Bethel, Battle of
Bill of Rights
Birney, James G.
Black Hugo
“Black Codes”
Blackford, Susan Lee
in American Revolution
“Black Codes” and
as Civil War soldiers
early history of
in free states
postwar attitudes toward
postwar history of
Reconstruction and
see also slaves, slavery
Blair, Francis Preston, Sr.
Blair, Montogomery
Bliss, D. W.
blockade, U.S. naval
“bloody shirt, the”
Booth, John Wilkes, xiii
Borden, Gail
Border Ruffians
Boston Journal
Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll
Boys' War, The (Murphy)
Bradford, William
Brady, Mathew
Bragg, Braxton
Brandon, Lane
Brandy Station, Battle of
Breckinridge, John C.
Brooks, Preston,
Brown, Henry
Brown, John
Brown, Joseph
Brown, William
Browne, Junius Henry
Brace, Blanche
Bryant, William Cullen
Buchanan, Franklin
Buchanan, James
Buchanan, McKean
Buckner, Simon B.
Buell, Augustus
Buell, Don Carlos
Buena Vista, Battle of
Buford, John
Bulloch, James D.
Bull Run (Manassas), First Battle of
Bull Run (Manassas), Second Battle of
Bureau of Colored Troops
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and
Abandoned Lands, see Freedmen's
Burns, Anthony
Burnside, Ambrose E.
Crater Battle and
Fredericksburg Battle and
Hooker's replacement of
McClellan replaced by
“Mud March” and
postwar life of
Vallandigham and
Burnt District
Butler, Andrew
Butler, Benjamin
and capture of New Orleans
postwar life of
Butt, Walter R.
Calhoun, John C.
Cameron, Edward
Cameron, Simon
Carney, William H.
Carrick's Ford, Battle of
Carson, John B.
Cartwright, Alexander J.
Cashier, Albert J.
Casler, John O.
Cass, Lewis
census, U.S.:
of 1790
of 1800
of 1810
of 1820
of 1850
of 1860
Chamberlain, Joshua L.
postwar life of
Chancellorsville, Battle of
Chandler, Zachariah
Canning, William Ellen
Charleston Mercury
chase, Salmon P.
background of
Cabinet revolt and
postwar life of
resignation of
Seward's rivalry with
as treasurer
Chattanooga, siege of
Chicago Times
Chickamauga, Battle of
Christian Recorder
“Civil Disbedience” (Thoreau)
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Civil Rights movement
Civil War:
as brothers' War
casualties in
financing of, 188
first black regiment in
first combat fatality in
first death in
Jews in
last battle of
medicine in
nursing profession in
onset of
and role of Federal; government
and slave system mentality
technology and
urban poor and
women's status and
Clay, Henry
Clayton, Henry D.
Clayton, Victoria V.
Cleburne, Patrick R.
Clem, Johnny
Cleveland, Grover
Cobb, Howell
Cobb, Thomas R. R.
Cockerilll, John A.
Cody, William “Buffalo Bill,”
Coffin, Charles
Coffin, Levi
Cold Harbor, Battle of
Committee of Fifteen (Joint Committee on Reconstruction)
Committee of Five
Compromise of 1850
Compromise of 1877
Compromise Tariff of 1833
Confederate States of America:
bread riots in
conscription in
Davis elected president of
economy of
foreign recognition of
income tax in
inflation in
Jews in
modern vestiges of
and policy on black Union soldiers
population of
postwar conditions in
twenty-nigger law of
Union contrasted with
Confessions of Nat Turner, The (Styron)
Confiscation Act (1861)
Congress, Confederate
Congress U.S.,
Civil Rights Acts passed by
Freedmen's Bureau established by
gag rule and
Internal Revenue Act passed by
Summer-Brooks confrontation in
three-fifths rule and
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Conscription Act, Confederate (1862)
Conscription Act, U.S. (1863),
Constitution, U.S.
Brown decision and
Fifteenth Amendment to
Fourteenth Amendment to
Fugitive Slave Act and
habeas corpus and
nullification issue and
Plessy decision and
printing of money and
Sixteenth Amendment to
slavery and
Thirteenth Amendment to
Constitutional Union party
Constitutional view of the War Between the States, A (Stephens)
Conyngham, David P.
Cooke, Jay
Cooke, John Esten
Cooke, John Rogers
Cooke, Philip St. George
Cooper, James Fenimore
Corbert, Boston
Couch, Darius N.
Council on Hegiene and Public Health
Craft, Ellen
Craft, William
Canandall, Prudence
Crater, Battle of the
Craven, John J.
Crawford, William
Crédit Mobilier scandal
“Crime against Kansas, The” (Summer)
Crittenden, George B.
Crittenden, Thomas L.
Cromwell, Oliver (soldier)
Cuffe, Paul
Curtin, Andrew Gregg
Curtis, George William
Custer, George Armstrong
Custer, Thomas
Dana, Charles
Daughters of the Confederacy
Davis, Burke
Davis, Jefferson
background of
bread riots and
elected C.S.A. president
flight and capture of
Fort Sumter crisis and
Johnston's relationship with
Lincoln contrasted with
Lincoln's assassination and
postwar life of
Davis, Jefferson Columbus
Davis, Joe
Davis, Sarah Taylor
Davis, Varina
Davis, William C.
Day, D.L.
Declaration of Independence
Jefferson and
slavery and
text of
“Declaration of the Causes of Secession” (South Carolina)
Democracy in America (Tocquevile)
Democratic party, U.S.
1860 election and
Denman, Buck
Descartes, René
Dessalines, Jean-Jacques
Destructive war, The (Royster)
Dickinson, David Stevens
Dinnerstein, Leonard
Disraeli, Benjamin
Disunion convention (1857)
Dix, Dorothea Lyre
Dix, John A.
“Dixie” (Emmett)
Dixon, Jeremiah
Dixon, Mrs.
Donner, George
Donner, Jacob
Doubleday, Abner, xviii,
Douglass, Stephen,
Douglass, Frederick, xvill, xviii,
Fugitive Slave Act denounced by,
Garrison and
John Brown and
postwar life of
draft riots
Dred Scott decision
text of,
Early, Jubal
Easter Plot
Ebenezer Creek incident
Edmonds, Sarah
Egerton, Douglass
Eggleston, George Cary
Eisenhower, John S.D.
election of 1860,
election of 1864,
11th Colored troops, u.s.
Ellen(escaped slave)
Ells worth, Elmer
Ellsworth, Oliver
Elmira Prison
Emancipation Proclamation
text of
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emigrant Aid Society
Emmett, Daniel Decatur
Enrollment Act (1863)
Equiano, Olaudah
Ericsson, John
Estebanico (explorer)
Everet, Edward
Ewell, Richard, S.
Ewing, Thomas
Ewing, Thomas, Jr.
Fair Oaks (Seven Pines)
Farragut, David Glasgow
at mobile bay
Federalist party,
Female Anti-Slavery society
Fessenden, William
Fill more, Millard,
1st Alabama Siege Artillery (African Descent), U.S.
1st Minnesota Volunteers Regiment, U.S.,
1st Regiment Louisiana Native Guards, U.S.
1st Viriginia (Stonewell) Brigade, Confederate
Five Forks, Battle of
54th Massachusetts Volunteers Regiment, U.S.
Fitzhugh, George
Flexner, Stuart Berg
Floyd, John B.,
“Follow the Drinking Gourd” (song)
Foner, Eric
Foote, Andrew, H.
Ford, John T.
Forrest, Nathan Bedford
background of
Fort Pillow massacre and
KKK and
Fort donellson
Forten, Charlotte
Forte, James
Forte, Margaretta
Forten Fisher
Fort Henry
Fort Jefferson
Fort pillow massacre
Fort Stedman
Fort Sumter
Fort Wagner
“forty acres and a mule,”
Foster, General
Foster, Stephen
Foster, Margaret
Franklin, Benjamin
slavery and
Franklin, William, B.
Franklin, Battle of
Fraser, Richard A.R.
Frederick, Battle of
Free African Society
Freedmen's Bureau
Freedom (Patterson)
Freedom (Safire)
Freedom Riders
Freeman, Peter
Free Produce Movement
.Free-Soil party
Frémont, John C.
Fugitive Slave Act (1793)
fugitive Slave Act (1850)
Gabriel (slave)
Gabriel' Rebellion (Egerton)
gag rule
Galloway, Edward
Garfield, James a.
Garrett, Richard H.
Garrison, William Lioyd
Douglass and
postwar life of
Underground Railroad and
Genius of Universal Emancipation, The
Germantown Protest
Gerry, Elbridge
Gettysburg, Battle of, xiv, xv
importance of
Pickett's charge in
Gettysburg Address
text of
Gillaspie, W.M.
Gist, States Rights
Glory (film),
Gold Rush of 1849
Gone With the Wind (Mitchell)
Gordon, John B.
Gorgas, Josiah
Goss, Warren Lee
Granbury, H.B.
Grand Review
Grant, Hannah Simpson
Grant, Jesse
Grant, Ulysses S., xvii
anti-Semitism of
Appomattox campaign and
background of
at Belmont
at Chattanooga
drinking of
end of hostilities proclaimed by
at Forts Henry and Donelson
Lee contrasted with
Lee's surrender to
Mosby and
Petersburg siege and
postwar life of
POW policy and
promoted lieutenant general
Sherman and
at Shiloh
Twain and
Vicksburg campaign and
Wilderness campaign and
Great Britain
Great Britain (continued)
ironclads battle and
slave trade and
Trent incident and
Greeley, Horace
Davis' imprisonment and
posrtwar life of
prayer of twenty millions and
Greene, Catherine
Green, Dana S
Greene, Nathaniel
Griffing, Josephine S.,
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of
Gurney,Ralph Randolph
Habeas corpus
Hale,John P.
Halleck, Henry W.
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamlin, Hannibal
Hancock, Winfield
Hardee, William J.
Harmon, William
Harriet Lane
Harris, Clara
Harris, Elisha
Harrison (spy)
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, William Henry
Hartford Convention
Haviland, Laura S.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hayes, RutherfordB.
Hayne, Robert Young
Helm, Ben Hardin
Henry, Patrick
Henry Clay
Herbert, Bob,
Hernbaker, Henry
Herold, David
Heth, Henry
Hickock,James Butler,“Wild Bill,”
Hill, A.P.
Hill, Harvey
History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave, Related by Herself, The(prince)
Hobbes, Thomas,Mpg.31
Holmes, John
Homestead Act
Hood,John B.
Hooker, Joseph
Army of the Potomac and
Burnside replaced by
at chancellors vile,
Meade' replacement of
Hotze, Henry
Hough, Daniel
“house divided” speech
House of Representatives, U.S.
1864 election and
gag rule and
Thirteenth Amendment and
Wilmot Proviso and
Houston, Sam,
Howard, Oliver O.
“How Did Lincoln Doe?” (Fraser)
Howe, Julia Ward
Howe,Samuel Gridley
Hunter, David
Hurst, Jack
I Hear America Talking (flexner)
Imboden, John D.
Impending Crisis of the South, The: How to Meet It (Helper)
indentured servitude
Industrial Revolution
Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, The African (Equiano)
Internal Revenue Act(1864)
Island Number Ten
Ivens, Barley
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, James T.
Jackson, Thomas. &restore,“
background of
death of,
Shenandoah campaign of
James, Frank
James, Jesse
Jefferson, Thomas
Banneker and
Declaration of Independence and
Louisiana Purchase and
Northwest Ordinance and
slavery and
Jefferson Davis; The Man and his Hour (Davis)
“Jim Crow”
“John Brown's Body Lies A-Moldering in the Grave” (song)
Johnson, Andrew
impeachment of
Johnston, Albert Sidney
Johnston, JosephF.
Joint Committee on Reconstruction (Committee of Fifteen)
Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War
Jones, Absalom
Jones, John B.
Jones, Thomas M.
Julian, George Washington
Justice and Expediency (Whittier)
Kansas-Nebraska Act(1854)
Keckley, Elizabeth
Keene, Laura
Kenesaw Mountain, Battle of
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert Cobb
Kershaw, Joseph B.
Key, Philip Barton
Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, A (Stowe)
Killer Angels, The (Shaara)
King, Robert
Knights of the White Camellia
Know-Nothing party
Kolchin, Peter
Ku Klux Klan, xiii
Laine, James H.
Lamb, David
Lamon, Ward Hill
Lawrence, Amos
Lea, A.M.
Leale, Charles A.
Leaves of Grass (Whitman)
Ledile,James H.
Lee, Custis
Lee, Fitzhugh
Lee ,Francis Lightfoot
Lee, George Washington Custis
Lee, Henry “Light-Horse Harry”
Lee, Mary Custis
Lee, Richard Henry
Lee, Robert E., ix, xiii
Appomattox campaign and
background of
at Chancellorsville
Fort Stedman assault and
at Gettysburg
Grant contrasted with
John Brown raid and
Johnson replaced by
“Lost Order” and
Peninsular Campaign and
Petersburg siege and
postwar life of
slavery and
surrender to Grant by
U.S. commission resigned by
Wilderness campaign and
Legal Tender Act (1862),
Letcher, John,
Levin (former slave),
Libby Prison,
Liberty Guards
Liberty patty, U.S.,
Lincoln, Abraham,
assassination of
assassination plots against
background of
Cabinet of
Chase-Seward rivalry and
Chase's resignation and
Davis contrasted with
dead children of
draft and
1864 election and
fall of Richmond and
first inaugural address of
Fort Summer crisis and,
Gettysburg Address of,
Grant's Order No.11 and
Greeley's prayer of twenty millions and
habeas corpus suspended by
Homestead Act and
Hooker letter of
“house divided” speech of
Hunter's proclamation and
Kansas-Nebraska Act and
McClellan and
postwar plans of
Radical Republicans and
second inagural address of
slavery and
Stowe and
“10 percent plan” of
Lincoln, Abraham (continued)
Thanksgiving proclaimed by
Trent affair and
Vallandigham and
Whitman's observation of
Lincoln, Eddie
Lincoln, Mary Todd
Lincoln, Robert Todd
Lincoln, Tad
Lincoln, Willie
Lincoln and Seward (Welles)
Lincoln at Gettyburg (Wills)
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Little Big Horn, Battle of
Livermore, Mary
Livingston, Robert
Lochren, William
Locke, John
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Longstreet, James K.
Long Surrender, The (Davis)
“Lost Cause” idea
“Lost Order”
Louisinia Purchase
Lovejoy, Elijach P.
Lowe, Thaddeus
Lowell, James Russell
Lowry Thomas P.
Lundy, Benjamin
MacArthur, Jr.
McCabe, Charles Caldwell
McClellan, George B.
at Antietam
background of
Burnside's replacement of
1864 election and
Lincoln and
McDowell replaced by
Peninsular Campaign and
postwar life of
at Rich Mountain
McDowell, Irvin
McIntosh, James M.
McIntosh, John B.
McKinley, William
McLaws Lafayette
McLean, wilmer
McPherson, James M., xix
Madison, James
Magruder John
Mallory, Stephen
Malvern Hill, Battle of
Manassas, Battles of, see Bull Run, First Battle of; Bull Run, Second Battle of
Manifest Destiny
March to the Sea
Ebenezer Creek incident and
Marshall, John
“Maryland! My Maryland” (Randall)
Mason, Charles
Mason, George
Mason, James M.
Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society
Mather Cotton
Meade, George Gordon
Mechanicsville, Battle of
Medical Inquiries and Observations upon diseases of the Mind (Rush)
Meigs, Montgomery
Melville, Herman
Memminger, christopher G.
Merryman, John
Mexican War
Mills, Luther Rice
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Mitchell, Margaret
Mitchell, W.B.
Mobile Bay, Battle of
Monroe, James
Monroe Doctorine
Moore, Frank
Morgan, J.P.
Morse, Samuel F.B.
Mosby, John S.
Mott, James
Mudd, Samuel A.
“Mud March,”
Murfreesboro (Stones river), Battle of
Murphy, Jim
Napoleon I, emperor of the French
Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War (Johnston)
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (Douglass)
Nashville, Battle of
National Era
Nelson, William
Newburyport Herald
New Deal
New England Anti-Slavery Society
New Orleans Daily Crescent
New York City Draft Riots, The (Bernstein)
New York Herald
New York Times
New York Tribune
New York World
Nichols, George w.
Nicolay, John G.
Niño, Pedro Alonso
Nixon, Richard M.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAT)
North Star
Northwest Ordinance (1787)
nullification, xvii, xix
Oberlin College
Olmsted, Frederick Law
Ord, Edward
Ordinance of Nullification (1832)
O'Sullivan, John L.
Otis, Harrison Gray
Our American Cousin
Our Nig: or Sketches from the Life of a Free Black (Wilson)
Owen, William Miller
Pale Faces
Palmerston, Lord
Palmito Ranch, Battle of
Parker, Theodore
“parole” system
Patterson, Orlando
Patterson, Robert
Patton, George S.
Payne, David
Peace Conference (1861)
Pemberton, John C.,
Pender, W. Dorsey
Peninsular Campaign
Perry, Matthew C.
Perryville, Battle of
Personal Memories of U.S. Grant (Grant)
Petersburg, siege of
Crater Battle in
Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society
Pickens, Francis W.
Pickett, George E.
Pierce, Franklin
Pillow, Gideon
Pinkerton, Allan
Pittsburg Landing, Battle of, see Shiloh, Battle of
Pleasants, Henry
Pleasonton, Alfred
Plessy v. Ferguson
“Plug Uglies,”
plummer, John W.
Poe, EdgarAllan
Poems on Various Subjects: Religious and Moral (Wheatley)
Polk, James K.
Polk, Leonidas
Pollard, Edward
Pope, John
Popular sovereignty, concept of
Porter, David Dixon
Porter, Fitz-John
Postlethwayt, Malachi
Powell, Lewis
Prentiss, Benjamin M.
Prince, Mary
prisoners of war
Prosser, Gabriel
Prosser, Thomas Henry
Pullman, George
Purvis, Harriet
Purvis, Robert
Quantrill, William
Raleigh Journal
Raleigh Standard
Randall, James Ryder
Randall, Willard Sterne
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson
Rathbone, Henry
Rebellion Record, The (Moore)
Reconstruction (Foner)
Reconstruction Acts of 1867
Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842 and to Oregon and Northern California in the Years 1843-44 (Frémont)
Republican party, U.S.
formation of
Radicals of
Resaca de la Palma, Battle of
Reunion and Reaction (Woodward)
Revels, Hiram
Reynolds, Belle
Reynolds, John Fe
Rice, David
Richardson, Albert
Richmond Examiner
Richmond Whig
Rich Mountain, Battle of
“Riot of New Orleans,”
Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. The (Davis)
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, George
Rose, Thomas E.
Rosecrans, William
Rothschild, Baron
Royal Africa company, English
Roster, Charles
Ruffin, Edmund
Ruggles, Calvin
Ruggles, David
Rush, Benjamin
Russell, William H.
Rutledge, John
Safire, William
St. albans raid
St. Domingue
Sanborn, Franklin
Sand Creek Massacre
sandy (slave)
Sanford, John F.A.
Sanitary commission, U.S.
San Jacinto
San Jacinto, Battle of
Santa Anna, Antonio LÓpez de
sayler's Creek, Battle of
Schofield, John
Schurz, Carl
Scott, Dred
Scott, Walter, xiv
Scott, Winfield
ears, Stephen W.
ND Massachusetts Artillery, U.S.
Secret Six
Selling of Joseph, The (Sewall)
Senate, U.S.
first blacks in
Texas annexation and
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and
Wilmot Proviso and
“separate but equal,”
“Sermon to Negro Slaves” (Bacon)
Seven Days' Battles
Seven Pines (Fair Oaks), Battle of
7th Kanss Cavalry, U.S.
7th New York Rrgiment, U.S.
Sewall, Samuel
Seward, William H.
Chase's rivalry with
postwar life of
symour, Horatio
Sanks, w.F.G.
Sharpsburg, Battle of, see antiem, Battle of
Shaw, robert Gould
Shays, Daniel
Shays's Rebellion
Shenkman, Richard
Sheridan, Phillip H.
Sherman, Ellen Ewing
Sherman, Roger
Sherman, William T., ix, xvii, xix
Atlanta occupation and
background of
in Carolinas
Ebenezer Creek incident and
Field Order No. 15 of
Grant and
March to the sea of
postwar life of
Savannah captured by
at Shiloh
slavery as seen by
“war is hell” statement of
shiloh (Pittsburg Landing), Battle of
Shotwell, Randolph A.
Sickles, Daniel
Sidney (former slave)
Sifakis, Stewart
6th Massachusetts Regiment, U.S.
Slater, samuel
Slavery (Channing)
slaves, slavery, xii, xix
as ancient institution
biblical justification of
“Black Codes” and
colonization and
Constitution and
Declaration of Independence and
economies of
Founding Fathers and
Franklin and
Freedman's Bureau and
full legalization of
gag rule and
Great Britain and
Hunter proclamation and
indentured servitude and
Industrial Revolution and
introduced into New world
Jefferson and
Jim Crow and
Lee and
literacy and
Louisiana Purchase and
March to the Sea and
Mexican War and
Missouri Compromise and
Native Americans and
Northwest Ordinance and
nullification debate and
political parties and
popular sovereignty concept and
population of
postwar settlement of
proposed arming of
Quakers and
Sherman's view of
southern economic system and
southerners' defense of
states' rights and
Thirteenth Amendment and
three-fifths rule and
Triangle Trade and
uprisings, rebellions by
Wilmot Proviso and
see also abolition, abolitionists; blacks
Slidell, James
Slidell, John
Slocum, Henry
Smith, A.B.
Smith, Adam
Smith, Charles H.
Smith, Gerrit
Smith, James
Smith, James Power
Smith, Kirby
Smith, Maggie
Smith, Samuel
Smithson, James
So Far from God (Eisenhower)
Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes (Woolman)
Sons of Midnight
Soule, John
“South Carolina Exposition and Protest, The” (Calhoun)
Southern Commercial Convention (1859)
Southern Homestead Act (1867)
Special Orders No. 191 (“Lost Order”)
Spectator (London)
Spence, Mrs.
Spiritualism movement
Spotsylvania Court House, Battle of
Stanley, Henry Morton
Stanton, Edwin
Star (London)
Star of the West
states' rights, xiii, xix
Stearns, George L.
Stedman, Edmund Clarence
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton
Stevens, Thaddeus
Stewart, A.M.
Stiles, Robert
Still, William
Stone, Charles P.
Stone, Robert K.
Stones River (Murfreesboro), Battle of
Stono Rebellion
Story the Soldiers Wouldn't Tell, The: Sex in the Civil War (Lowry)
Stoughton, Edwin H.
Stowe, Calvin Ellis
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Strahl, O.F.
Streight, Abel D.
Strother, D.H.
Stuart, James E.B. “Jeb
Stuart, John T.
Styron, William
Sumner, Charles
Sumner, Edwin V.
Supreme Court, U.S., xiii
Brown decision of
Dred Scott decision of
Fugitive Slave Act and
Plessy decision of
Surratt, John
Surratt, Mary
Swinton, William
Tallmadge, James
Taney, Roger B.
Tappan, Arthur
Tappan, Lewis
Tariff Act (1832)
Tariff of Abominations (1828)
Taylor, B.F.
Taylor, Zachary
“10 Percent Plan
Tenure of Office Act (1867)
13th West Tennessee Cavalry, U.S.
Thomas, George H.
Thompson, David L.
Thompson, George
Thompson, Justice
Thompson, Clifford
Thoreau, Henry David
three-fifths rule
Tilden, Samuel
Times (London)
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Todd, Samuel B.
Toombs, Robert A.
Torrey, Charles T.
“To the Right Honorable William, Earl of Dartmouth” (Wheatley)
Toussaint-Louverture, Francois Dominique
Treasury Department, U.S.
Treaty of Ghent (1814)
Trent incident
Triangle Trade
Trist, Nicholas P.
Trobriand, P. Regis de
Truth, Sojourner
Tubman, Harriet, xviii
Turner, Dick
Turner, Nat
Turner, Samuel
Twain, Mark, xiv, xx
20th Maine Regiment, U.S.
20th Tennessee Regiment, Confederate
22nd Massachusetts Regiment, U.S.
24th Wisconsin Regiment, U.S.
25th Massachusetts Volunteers Regiment, U.S.,
Tyler, John
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Stowe)
Underground Railroad, xiii
free blacks and
Garrison and
impact of
numbers aided by
routes of
Tubman and
Underground Railroad, The (Still)
Union party, U.S.
United States Magazine and Democratic Review
Upson, Theodore
Vallandigham, Clement
Van Brunt, G.J.
Van Buren, Martin
Vance, Zebulon
Van Dorn, Earl
Vassa, Gustavus
Vesey, Denmark
Vicksburg campaign
Victoria, queen of England
Voices of the Civil War (Wheeler)
Wade, Benjamin F.
Walker, Jonathan
Walker, Leroy
Wallace, Lew
Ward, Mary A.
War Department, Confederate
War Department, U.S.
War of 1812
Warren, Gouverneur K.
Washburne, Elihu
Washington, George, xv, xviii
Washington, Martha Custis
Watkins, Sam R.
Webster, Daniel
Weed, Thurlow
Weitzel, Godfrey
Weld, Theodore
Welles, Gideon
Wheatley, Phillis
Wheeler, Joseph
Wheeler, Richard
Whig party, U.S.
Whitman, Walt
Whitney, Eli
Whittier, John Greenleaf
Who Was Who in the Civil War (Sifakis)
Wilderness, Battle of the
Wilderness campaign
Wilkes, Charles
Wilkins, Frederick (Shadrach)
Williams, Peter, Jr.
Williams, Roger
Wills, David
Wills, Garry
Wilmot, David
Wilmot Proviso
Wilson, Harriet E.
Wilson, Pete
Winder, John Henry
Wirz, Henry
Women's Central Association of Relief
Women's Relief Society
Wood, Thomas J.
Woodward, C. Vann
Woolman, John
Worden, John L.
Wormley, Katharine
Yancey, William Lowndes
Yellow Tavern, Battle of
Young, Bennett
Young, Jesse
Younger, Cole
Younger, James
Younger, John
Younger, Robert
Young Men's Christian Association
Young Napoleon, The (Sears)