As with all books this is the work of many hands, and we have drawn our information from a great variety of sources. Thanks to Faye Kert, Roger Sarty, and Doug Knight for the pioneering research they produced for their books in the New Brunswick Military Heritage Project series, upon which we have shamelessly built. Thanks also to Louis-Philippe Campeaux at the Directorate of History and Heritage, National Defence Headquarters, for material on Saint John, including photos of its fleet; to Chantal Leblanc of the Lieu historique national du Canada de la Bataille-de-la-Ristigouche for the photos of Fred Werthman’s wonderful model of Le Machault; to Michel Boudreau, president of the Société historique Machault, for sharing that society’s illustrations of the Battle of the Restigouche; to Armand Robichaud for sharing his research on Acadian privateers; to Harold Wright of Saint John for sharing his illustrations; to Josh Smith of the US Merchant Marine Academy for sharing his work on privateering in the War of 1812 (which will appear in due course in this series); to Gary Copeland for sharing his experience at Saint John Shipbuilding and for the use of some of his photos; to Doug Knight for ordering photos for us; and to Janet Bishop of the New Brunswick Museum. Thanks also go out to the staff at the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick and the University of New Brunswick Archives. As in the past, thanks to Mike Bechthold for his wonderful maps, to Brent Wilson, Barry Norris, and Megan Woodworth for their editing, to Angela Williams for compiling the index, and to Julie Scriver and Jaye Haworth for their superb design work. We would like to extend an especial thank you to John Horton for allowing us to use his painting of H.M.C.S. Sackville on the cover.