I stumbled into history hungry for food and desperate for sleep. Writing Brody’s paper took longer than I thought it would, so lunch wasn’t my usual pile of fries and pizza slices but a can of Coke and my last two aspirin instead. I was in no mood to hear about the problems of the Greeks or listen to the geeks in the class kiss up to Mr. Lomax. It seems to me that history is simple. I wanted to say, Some people get powerful, then they mess things up and other people take over, until they mess up. I used to like history but wanted out of the class in the worst way since my own history lesson, Nicole Snider, sat two chairs away.
I tried not to look, but I wasn’t that strong. It would’ve taken all the muscle mass in Brody’s arms to stop me from turning my head to look at her. Like most everyone in the school, she wore the red and white game-day colors. Under her bright red sweater, she had on a white blouse with a button-down collar tucked into black button-fly jeans. Whenever she’d worn these jeans before, I couldn’t help but focus on one round gold button, almost at the crotch—no man’s land thanks to the purity pledge.
Today as I sat in history class, I thought about Nicole’s future with Kyle and couldn’t help but wonder if that promise was a lie. The truth is like oxygen: it’s all around but you can’t see it. You take it on faith that it is there and you would die without it. But lies are like poison gas: you can’t see it either, but if you pay attention, you can sometimes smell it before it’s too late.
Lomax rambled on about Athens, like any of it mattered. He spoke in a monotone voice that went well with his monochrome brown outfit. I finally snapped back to attention when he asked the rare question. While my hand stayed down, half of the others’ in the room went up. It was like he had said, Okay, raise your hand if you have a future.
When Nicole answered Lomax’s question, it was overwhelming. I wasn’t thinking so much about her voice speaking, as I was about her mouth against Kyle’s ear, not mine; of her lips touching Kyle’s lips, not mine. I could feel and smell them together, and that imagined touch and smell was like throwing another log on a fire, adding another brick in a wall, or hammering another nail in the coffin. She was the last straw.
“Mr. Lomax?” I raised my hand like a drowning victim calling for help.
“Yes, Mr. Salisbury. You have a comment about Athenian government?” Lomax said.
“I need a bathroom pass,” I replied, embarrassed but unbowed. “Now.”
Mr. Lomax sighed, which, other than writing on the board in something resembling hieroglyphics, was what Lomax did best. I grabbed the pass from the desk and walked outside. The minute the door closed behind me, I bent over trying to catch my breath.
I walked toward the bathroom farthest away from the classroom to give me the most possible time out of class. I kept thinking about Nicole signing the purity pledge and wondered how many other girls at school had done the same. I know I couldn’t do it; I don’t know many guys at school who could. It’d be like promising not to take a piss in the morning.
I wanted to confess to Nicole, tell her, I know you think I’m sex crazed, but I can’t help myself. Everywhere I looked—at school, on TV, on the net, or in my own DVD player—were girls I wanted. Ex-Dad was no help: at his apartment, he couldn’t let a TV show or even an ad go by without some dirty remark about a girl on the screen. So it was no surprise when at his apartment, I found, watched, and then stole the DVD Filthy First Times #18.
He never said anything to me about it. I figured either he didn’t notice it was missing or was too embarrassed to confront me about it. I kept the stolen DVD hidden away, although I lived in fear Mom would find it, or catch me red-handed watching it one-handed. After each viewing, I promised myself I would throw it away, but then I’d give in and watch just one scene, then another, and another. Sometimes I’d go a few days, but rarely longer.
I’d hinted to Brody about it, but finally showed it to him the first day of summer vacation after ninth grade. It was just the two of us. Something about Garrett was bothering me, and our smackdown was just days away. And while Aaron had bought his way into the circle, I still didn’t trust him totally. When Brody said his mom was out, I brought over the DVD for him to see. Even before the first scene ended, we both felt embarrassed watching it together—lying on the floor, alternating between cracks and moments of silence, shock, and awe. I guess we watched so intently that we didn’t hear the door open and his mom come in. I wondered how her fire alarm-volume voice didn’t wake the dead when she saw what was on her TV screen.
“What the hell is going on here?” she shouted as she dropped bags of groceries on the floor. Brody made a futile dive for the DVD player, but it was too late. “Oh my God, I don’t believe this. I don’t believe this!”
“Shut up!” Brody shouted. I didn’t know who he was talking to, but I assumed it was me.
“What is the meaning of this?” His mom charged into the living room, unplugged the TV, and then pushed it on the floor for a glass-shattering finale. I breathed a quick silent sigh of relief that she only smashed the TV, not the DVD player, so Filthy First Timers #18 was safe.
“Mick Salisbury, I would never have guessed. When your mother hears—”
“It’s not Mick’s fault,” Brody said. He spoke the lie like it was the pure truth. I just looked at the floor, memorizing the pattern of the well-worn brown shag carpet. “Mick had nothing to do with it. He didn’t even want to be here. It was all my idea.”
“I don’t believe you.” Brody’s mom retreated to the kitchen and reached for the phone.
“I swear on Dad’s grave, it’s true.” I sat in awe at Brody’s powers of deceit.
“You’re grounded for one month,” she said as she moved away from the phone, and her voice finally returned to its normal high volume. “One month, you understand?”
“Yes,” Brody mumbled, and he tried to hide a smile.
“No television, no phone calls, nothing,” she continued, then walked toward a broom closet in the kitchen. “And you’re going back to Mass with me every Sunday. And confession.”
“Right,” Brody said, finally catching my eye. When Brody’s mother turned around to get something out of the closet, Brody quickly ejected the DVD. He handed it back to me, and I buried it under my shirt. Brody leaned toward me and whispered, “We’re cool, right?”
Brody’s mom turned around, still angry. “And clean this mess up!”
Brody just grunted, while I hid my guilty eyes from Brody’s innocent mother.
“And you help him,” Brody’s mom said sharply to me. “And then I don’t want to see you over here for the rest of the summer, you understand me?”
I also just grunted. I knew his mom never followed through (and she didn’t this time either. I was back over a week later). She shook her head again, then left the room. I started to speak, but Brody whispered, “Shut up.” As we swept up the mess, I knew that although a lot of glass had shattered that day, our friendship was sealed forever.
I took my time returning to class. I was in no hurry to sit so close to Nicole yet be so far away from her. As I walked back through the hallways, I wished I was on the beach, walking in the sand. In the sand, you could see your footprints and always know where you’ve been and what you’ve seen. In life, you only had your memory, and it seemed to me the worse the memory, the bigger it was in your mind. I didn’t think I could have worse memories than cheating on Nicole and Dad cheating on Mom. I didn’t know as I walked back into history class that the evening would end with the worst memory of all, and footprints left in blood, not sand.
Why do guys think about sex all the time?
I thought once I had a girlfriend that things would be different. I didn’t know that while I’d promised myself I would stop, Nicole had taken a pledge of her own. It was August 6, my birthday, when we’d slipped into the back row of the movie theater and made out, just like I’d imagined. Even though our tongues tangled, Nicole kept my hands from feeling anything other than her back or brushing the hair from her eyes. I was exploding with lust and frustration. On the screen, bodies tossed in the sheets, while in the seats, the heat rose in me like water steaming on a sun-baked street. After the movie, we went outside to wait for our ride. The sun was shining brightly, and I was blinded by the contrast to the darkness of the movie theater moments earlier and the even darker words coming from Nicole’s mouth. At her church, she said, she’d taken a purity pledge not to have sex until marriage. She explained to me about her church, her faith, and this pledge, which meant not just sex itself, but most everything else beyond what we’d done just moments ago. I wanted to persuade her to break her pledge, but for all my imaginary conversations, I couldn’t find the words, so I nodded in agreement. What I couldn’t explain to her, and what I still don’t understand, is the answer to my question: why do guys think about sex all the time?