safety measures added by YouTube, 366–67
sam bacile, 142
Samberg, Andy, 33–34
San Bruno offices of YouTube
Sandberg, Sheryl, 195–96
Sandlin, Destin, 246
Sandy Hook school shooting (2012), 327
San Mateo offices of YouTube, 28, 30
Sanyo, 111
Sargon of Akkad (Benjamin), 223, 264, 294–95, 299, 378–79
Sarkeesian, Anita, 293
satisfaction ratings, 296–97
Saturday Night Live, 33–34
Saudi Arabia, 320
scandals, 50
scapegoating of social networks, 398–99
Scare PewDiePie, 253, 254, 274, 279
Schaffer, Micah
“age-gating” policy of, 86
background of, 37
on conspiracy theories on YouTube, 366
and culture of YouTube, 30
defense of content, 87
and Finland’s mass shooting, 64
and Ghonim’s imprisonment, 142
and Google’s acquisition of YouTube, 54, 55
guidelines for content moderation, 31–32, 85–86
and move to San Bruno offices, 52
and Viacom lawsuit, 97, 98
and Viacom negotiations, 60–61
and Viacom’s content, 62
Schindler, Philipp, 286–87
Schmidt, Eric
and advertisers’ boycott, 287
expectations for profitability, 93, 96
and Google’s acquisition of YouTube, 53
and Google Video, 47
on growth as priority of YouTube, 68
and losses associated with YouTube, 97
recruited to Google, 46
romantic relationships of, 59
transition from CEO to chairman, 146
schools, YouTube in, 170, 282–83
Schrock, Jasson, 58, 63
Scott, Kim, 198, 401
search system of YouTube, 5, 155, 360, 361
Section 230 of Communications Decency Act (1996), 35, 342
self-driving cars, 147
sell-through rate, 108, 109–10
Sequoia Capital, 29–30, 50, 390
server space required by YouTube, 25
Sesame Street, 167
sexism/sexual harassment, 224, 301–3, 348–50
sexual content, 86, 283, 306, 309
sharing videos, button for, 23
Sherratt, David, 221, 222, 223, 225, 264, 343
Shey, Tim, 211
shitposters, 275
Shkreli, Martin, 269–70
shock jocks, conservative, 224–25, 347
Shorts format, 393
Sierra Mist, 68
Sievers, David, 120–21, 162, 243, 252, 276, 307
Simpson, O. J., 61
Singh, Lilly, 276
Sjøberg, Jakob Høgh, 317–18, 320
skeptics, YouTube, 221–23, 226
skin-detection algorithms, 100
Slashdot, 29
Slate, 47
SmarterEveryDay, 246
Smith, Joseph “Big Joe,” 56
Smith, Shane, 132–33
Smith, Will, 351–52
Smoothie King, 67
Smosh, 67, 68–69, 73, 94, 110, 160, 248
Snapchat, 250, 256–57, 265, 390
Snoop Dogg, 162
Snowden, Edward, 215, 230
Social Blade, 352–53
social-justice-warriors rhetoric, 224–25
social networks/media
business models of, 6
creators’ posts to, 250–51
explosive growth of, 138
power of, 138–39
and process of building platform, 179–80
YouTube as, 345
See also specific platforms, including Facebook
Soderberg-Rivkin, Daisy, 320
Some Good News (Krasinski), 377
Sony Pictures, 76
Soros, George, 264
Sorrell, Martin, 284, 285–86
sound synced to videos, 21
Southern, Lauren, 343–44
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), 226, 261, 381
South Park (television show), 275
speech, gatekeeping/moderation of, 83–85
speed of videos loading, 151–52
Spencer, Richard, 299, 379
Spider-Man, people dressed as, 305–7, 309, 312
Spinosaurus Kin, 223. See also Sherratt, David
Spotify, 390, 391
“Spotlight” page of YouTube, 208, 261
SQUAD (Safety, Quality, and User Advocacy), 31–33, 52, 85–88, 319. See also content moderation
Stack, Andy, 119, 183, 255, 256, 393
staff meetings, Friday
of Google, 81–82, 99, 146
and move to San Bruno offices, 52–53
and presidential election postmortem, 273
and Viacom lawsuit, 99
and Wojcicki, 244
on extreme violence, 291–93
as moving target, 380
and PewDiePie scandal, 279
on white supremacists, 379–80
Stapleton, Claire
background of, 80, 81
and brand mission of YouTube, 5
on coolhunter team, 207, 208
and Damore memo, 303
departure from YouTube, 374
early days at Google, 80–81
and Friday staff meetings, 82
newsletters of, 209, 300, 301, 374, 400
and Nightmare Fuel, 7
and PewDiePie/Kjellberg, 373, 400
on positive aspects of YouTube, 401
and queer creators, 347
recognized by Page, 147–48
recruited to Google, 81
and “restructuring” of role, 355–56
and retreat at Indian Springs, 2–5, 10–11, 356
and “Rewind 2018” reaction videos, 354
and Rubin’s sexual misconduct, 348–49
scriptwriting responsibilities of, 82–83
and sexism at Google, 301
and values of YouTube, 338–39
walkout organized by, 2, 3, 348–50, 354–55, 373–74
on Wojcicki, 261
Starbucks, 286
stars/celebrities of YouTube
difficulty of work for, 254–55, 256–57
disconnect between YouTube and, 252–53
fans’ fervor for, 6, 248
international reach of, 323–24
and leadership at YouTube, 392
leaving creator life, 257
merchandise of, 324
and Originals series of YouTube, 253–54, 261
PewDiePie on number of, 352
recruited by big media, 210
trust in judgement of, 323–24
and Wojcicki, 262
and YouTube Creator Summit, 250–51, 253, 262
See also PewDiePie
stars, ratings with, 95, 296, 369–70
stasis, leadership’s concerns about, 149
Stef. See Molyneux, Stefan
Stepleton, Luke, 124–25
Stewart, Jon, 24, 99
Stewart, Martha, 50
Steyer, Jim, 402
Stolboushkin, Alexei, 191, 192
Storyful, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144–45, 190, 399
Stream (off-site meeting), 291
Strompolos, George
and commercial concepts for content producers, 69
and Fullscreen, 180–81, 182, 184
and Google’s acquisition of YouTube, 54
and Google Video, 43, 44
and product placements, 110–11
and Wong’s YouTube road trip, 116
Studio71, 128, 306, 322
stupidvideos.com, 16
Styxhexenhammer666, 325, 326
subscribers, cleanup of dormant/fake accounts, 275
subscriptions model, 50, 393
suicide victim, Paul’s video of, 321–24, 352
Sun Valley summit, 48–50
Supan, Julie, 49
superheroes content, 305–6, 314
Suster, Mark, 185, 186
Swoozie (Adande Thorne), 262
sxephil, 69, 112
Syria, 140, 145
Syrian refugees, 264