



15 October 1926 Paul-Michel Foucault is born in Poitiers, France
1936–40 Attends Lycée Henri-IV Poitiers
1940–45 Attends Collège Saint-Stanislaus, Poitiers
Autumn 1945 Enters Lycée Henri-IVV Paris (to study for khâgne – a year of special preparatory training for entry into the Ècole Normale Supérieure); meets Jean Hyppolite
Autumn 1946 Enters Ècole Normale Supérieure, Paris; meets Louis Althusser
August 1951 Achieves Agrégation de Philosophie; examined by Georges Canguilhem
Autumn 1951–Summer 1952 Fondation Thiers, Centre de recherches humanistes, Paris
June 1951 Earns a Diploma in Psychopathology from the Paris Institute of Psychology
1952–55 Assistant Lecturer at University of Lille
1955–58 Cultural Delegate to the University of Uppsala, Sweden; meets Georges Dumézil in March 1956
1958 Director of Center for French Civilization, Warsaw, Poland; teaches in the Romance Languages Institute at the University of Warsaw
1959 Director of French Cultural Institute, Hamburg, Germany; teaches in the Department of Romance Languages at the University of Hamburg
1960–66 Member of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, University of Clermont-Ferrand; becomes a tenured professor in 1962 after successfully defending his thesis
1961 Publication of Folie et déraison. Histoire de la folie à l’âge Classique (Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason)
1963 Publication of Naissance de la Clinique. Une archéology du regard médical (The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception)
1966–68 Visiting Professor of Philosophy, University of Tunis, Tunisia
1966 Publication of Les Mots et les choses. Une achéologie des sciences humaines (The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences)
1968–69 Tenured Professor of Philosophy, University of Paris VIII, Vincennes
1969 Elected to the Collège de France; Publication of L’Archéologie du savoir (The Archaeology of Knowledge)
December 1970 Delivers inaugural lecture at the Collège de France, “L’Ordre du discours” (The Discourse on Language)
1971 Founds Groupe d’Information sur les Prisons (GIP)
1975 Publication of Surveiller et punir. Naissance de la prison (Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison)
1976 Publication of La Volonté de Savoir: Volume I of Histoire de la sexualité (Volume I of The History of Sexuality)
1980 Visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley; delivers the Howison Lectures in October
Autumn 1982 Spends eight weeks at the University of Vermont
Autumn 1983 Visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley
1984 Publication of L’Usage des plaisirs: Volume II of Histoire de la sexualité (The Use of Pleasure: Volume II of The History of Sexuality)
1984 Publication of Le Souci de soi: Volume III of Histoire de la sexualité (The Care of the Self: Volume III of The History of Sexuality)
2 June 1984 Foucault collapses in his apartment; he is admitted to the Hôpital Salpêtrière on 9 June
25 June 1984 Foucault dies in the Hôpital Salpêtrière, Paris

All information comes from Eribon (1991).