




abilism 534

abnormal 7, 32, 389, 53, 61, 634, 93, 101, 131, 161, 177

abnormality 64, 177

agency 23, 52, 90, 93, 128, 1678

agent(s) 6, 20, 112, 1289, 169

Alcibiades (Plato) 11415

Alcoff, Linda 167

Al-Qaeda 51

Alexander the Great 153


critical 122, 180, 184

historical 19, 756

ancient philosophers 135, 137, 139

philosophy 1023, 13940, 143, 145, 1478, 152

antiquity 1024, 117, 146, 148

Apology (Plato) 115, 148

Archaeology of Knowledge, The 59

archeology 112

architecture 31, 35, 162


critique as 169, 1789

of distributions 29, 31

of governing 178

of living 11516, 13541

ascesis/askesis67, 1023, 106, 108, 112

assujettissement67, 15962, 1647, 16970

attitude 181

critical 106, 181, 1826

limit 121

spiritual 110


Augustine 113, 11618, 192

autonomy 104, 108, 163, 169, 171, 178


Being 72

Bentham, Jeremy 345, 60

biopolitics 22, 27, 4554

biopower 1314, 41, 436, 4850, 54, 177

birthrate 456

Birth of the Clinic, The62

bodies 2831, 423, 456, 48, 812, 856, 100101, 13031, 1612

docile 369, 756, 869

female 95

pleasures and 915, 97

sexual 9093, 96

Bordo, Susan 54, 956

Buddhism 1078

Butler, Judith 956, 180


care of/for the self 1024, 11418, 1289, 13440, 1446, 153, 1556; see also epimeleia heautou; souci de soi

Carrette, Jeremy 99, 100, 1034

Christianity 104, 107, 144, 1756

classism 524

Confessions (Augustine) 11618

confession 61, 1347, 141, 1524, 165, 1746, 177


examination of as self-practice 1378

conversion 146, 1745; see also metanoia

criminology/criminal psychiatry 27, 89, 101

critical attitude 106, 1812, 1845

critical ontology 122

critique 11922, 15051, 169, 171, 1734, 17884

Cynics 129, 1523, 155


death 117, 131

biopower and 413, 4852

delinquent 89, 177

Deleuze, Gilles 76

Descartes, René 71, 1056, 129, 1447

diet 423, 85, 88, 117, 173

dieting 95, 155, 171

Diogenes 1523

disciplinary power 3, 1314, 2735, 39, 41, 446, 59, 889, 91, 1323, 159, 1613, 165, 1678, 171, 177

disciplinary practices 289, 369, 67, 156

disciplinary techniques 22, 45, 89, 101

discipline(s) 14, 28, 41, 445, 48, 55, 76, 878, 100102, 103, 112, 1334, 141, 1613, 165, 167, 170

Discipline and Punish2, 14, 17, 22, 27, 589, 61, 63, 67, 756, 778, 80, 867, 89, 161, 1646

discourse(s) 18, 934, 101

reverse 645

scientific 8990, 923, 95, 165

of truth 179, 184

domination 35, 8, 16, 18, 112, 1679


education 33, 43, 46, 52, 131, 134, 162

embodiment 812, 945

enlightenment 6, 7, 77, 100101, 106, 12022

Epictetus 116, 154

Epicureans 152, 155

epimeleia heautou102, 114, 116, 135, 1445

ethics 11112, 127, 145

as a way of life 1028, 118, 1379

in antiquity 1023

ethos 1024, 115, 118, 1212, 15051

eugenics 514

evil 11617

examination, as disciplinary technique 312, 34, 39, 44, 889, 101, 163

experimentation/experimenting, as practice of freedom 79, 77, 8081, 93, 97, 185


feminism 160, 181

Islamic 10810

Flynn, Thomas 115, 123, 169

Fraser, Nancy 2, 4

freedom 18, 245, 7183, 856, 93, 97, 104, 1069, 11113, 116, 119, 1224, 169, 18082

agonistic 116

creative 11213, 123

democratic 113, 116

ethopoetic 116, 119

metaphysical 712, 734, 77, 813

practices of 86, 97, 1034, 1078, 111

political 734, 789

friendship 150


gaze, disciplinary power and 312, 39, 589

gender 5761, 62, 645, 926, 1089, 179, 181

Gender Identity Disorder (GID) 57, 64, 656

gender variant children 657

genealogy 867, 92, 106, 11213, 122, 168

God 72, 77, 111, 11619, 131, 1445, 1756

government 115, 123, 155, 1767

governmentality 27, 80, 123, 132, 1767, 1789, 181; see also art of governing

Greeks, ancient 111, 114, 116, 118, 1356, 1467, 150


Habermas, Jürgen 2, 168

Hadot, Pierre 102, 113

health 62, 67, 184

biopower and 458, 50, 54

mental 65, 67

public 456, 170

Heidegger, Martin 72

Hellenists 143, 146

Herculine Barbin49, 86, 94

hermeneutics 112, 1346, 139

of the self 11819, 178

Hermeneutics of the Subject, The1025, 114, 118, 1436, 147

hierarchical observation 312, 39, 1623

History of Madness 53

History of Sexuality 117

Vol. I7, 14, 41, 45, 47, 50, 59, 61, 634, 66, 80, 86, 9091, 934, 96, 101, 159, 1646

Vol. II114, 117

Hobbes, Thomas 424

homosexuality 635, 96, 170

depathologization of 64

homosexual(s) 64, 96, 160, 166, 17071

human sciences 7, 55, 101, 1623


institutions, disciplinary power and 1617, 23, 335, 446, 56, 59, 87, 101, 1323, 152, 170, 173

I, Pierre Rivière …” 49

Iran 10910, 191

Iranian Revolution 108, 110, 1912

Iraq 51

US invasion of 5051

Islam 1079


justice 11314, 116


Kant, Immanuel 113, 11922, 151, 156, 194


language 18, 934, 107, 149

liberty 769


biopower and 416, 4852, 912

disciplinary power and 13035

philosophy as a way of 113, 1458

limits 93, 109, 113, 1212, 145, 147, 1689


madness 35, 67, 100

management, as a technique of modern power 278, 356, 39, 50, 1623, 17071, 180

Marcus Aurelius 1378

Marxism 25, 105

materiality, of the body 86, 912, 95

McNay, Lois 967

McWhorter, Ladelle 54, 97

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 812


metaphysics 712

middle classes 513

mind(soul)–body relation 71, 812, 86, 89, 100103, 130, 185

modernity 102, 103, 106, 110, 146, 1623, 176

modern power 24, 85, 89

morality 114, 119, 1468, 1556


Nietzsche, Friedrich 86, 129

norm(s) 5, 78, 32, 38, 434, 53, 612, 64, 8990, 101, 160, 163, 1734, 177, 17981, 1845

beauty 85

gender 58, 179

normality 62, 64, 100101, 177

normalization 62, 64, 67, 89, 112, 133, 135, 141, 173

normalizing judgement 312, 38, 163



disciplinary power and 378, 95

normalization and 1756, 181

ontology 71

of the present 2

of ourselves 1212

Order of Things, The120, 146


panopticism 58, 60

Panopticon 345, 5860, 63, 163

parrhēsia1056, 11516, 143, 14753, 155, 157

parrhēsiastēs105, 115, 14951, 153, 155; see also truth-teller

pedagogy 61, 101

penitence 1756

Plato 6, 11415, 148

politics 127

feminist 96

queer 96

relationship to philosophy 148

sexual 96

population 7, 14, 22, 27, 323, 4451, 534, 117, 160, 165, 170, 177

pouvoir/savoir see power/knowledge

power 18, 1331, 416, 4950, 556, 5861, 63, 758, 8593, 957, 1234, 15969, 1734, 17881, 1834; see also biopower; disciplinary power; sovereign power

conformity and 767, 163

normalizing 634, 95, 161

pastoral 28, 104

techniques/technologies of 18, 29, 313, 45, 59, 61, 63, 76, 889, 925, 1613

power/knowledge 556, 63, 5963, 657

power relations 48, 1516, 18, 2025, 589, 96, 160, 163, 168, 171, 176, 17881, 1846

navigation/negotiation of 56, 179, 181

practices of the self 112, 156, 173

early Christian 174, 177

Principles of Scientific Management, The (Taylor) 27, 28, 31

as a disciplinary programme 359

prisoners 58, 87, 889, 162

prison(s) 14, 345, 446, 49, 60, 756, 869, 101, 1612, 1656, 177

Psychiatric Power27, 53

psychiatry 7, 14, 34, 65, 101, 165

psychoanalysis 25, 61, 101, 105, 155, 164

psychology 7, 34, 55, 101, 127

punishment 27, 32, 44, 49, 75, 161, 163


queer theory 967

Qur’an 109


race 46, 5053

racism 5054

refusal, as a practice of the self 8, 1825

religion 99, 104, 1078, 119

repressive hypothesis 1645

resistance 14, 18, 245, 29, 36, 49, 636, 856, 934, 967, 100, 106, 1679


salvation 104, 117, 152, 1745

Sartre, Jean-Paul 81, 193, 195

schools, disciplinary power and 33, 44, 46, 878, 101, 13032, 1623, 177

Security, Territory, Population 44


confessional 135

moral 1556

normalized 141

renunciation/sacrifice of 1746, 17880, 1824, 186

techniques/technologies of the 66, 102, 1039, 11619, 123, 1379, 156, 180

true 12730, 1334, 141, 180

see also practices of the self

self-constitution 178, 18085

self-examination 1389, 1534, 175

self-knowledge 102, 135, 140, 1445

self-mastery 154

self-reflection 141, 177

self-relation 138

self-transformation 1, 99, 103, 1046, 107, 1089, 194

Seneca 1389, 1534

sex 478, 50, 57, 612, 8896, 117, 1645

sexual difference, disciplinary enforcement of 5761

sexuality 14, 17, 57, 86, 9097, 1646

deployment of 90, 93

Social Darwinists 523

Society Must Be Defended41, 45, 50

Socrates 11316, 129, 148, 153, 1945

souci de soi128; see also care of the self

sovereign 4, 32, 423, 4951, 75, 1612, 167

sovereign power 34, 13, 16, 18, 22, 278, 414, 4850, 162, 168, 176, 184

sovereignty 28, 41

Spencer, Herbert 52

spiritual practices 101, 1034

spirituality 99100, 1026, 108, 1456

political 99, 1067, 10910

Spivak, Gayatri 56

state power 78

Stoics 129, 146, 1535

life 139, 153

model of care of the self 155

strategies 14, 1819, 226, 534, 89, 912

subjection 32, 34, 58, 60, 89, 112, 159, 1634

subjectivation 113, 159, 174, 178, 182; see also assujettissement

subjectivity 34, 68, 234, 27, 67, 1056, 12830, 1345, 13841, 1436, 155, 159, 1612, 1669, 171, 1734, 17881

disciplinary 13034

subjugation 16, 46, 11112

surveillance 31, 44, 58, 61, 76, 101, 133, 161


tactics 223, 25, 44, 46, 48, 53, 162

Taylor, Charles 2, 4, 169

technē1356, 150

thinking differently 23, 89, 93, 967, 1345, 18081

tools, Foucault’s work as providing 8, 24, 57, 95, 97, 104, 181

transgression 107, 1212, 153

truth 1056, 10810, 11517

freedom and 79, 1234

inner 1012, 134

power and 613, 1656, 169, 1736, 1789, 1815

regime of 107, 10910, 169

sexual 165

spirituality as access to 105

subjectivity and 14356

truth-teller 14951, 156


utility 289, 36


verbalization, as practice of the self 1756


weight loss 156, 159, 17071

Weight Watchers 155

Western philosophy 6, 72, 106, 109, 111, 114, 178


Islamic 109

oppression of 7, 51, 181

women’s bodies 91, 95

women’s sexuality 478, 53, 62


disciplinary power and 29, 44, 46


yoga 1556, 185


Zen 108, 191