The Nine Waves of Creation


Up until the end of the nineteenth century, physicists essentially believed the world to be made up of solid matter in the form of indivisible particles called atoms. People in general also believed they were living in a solid universe that behaved according to known mathematical laws. But then, similarly to how our own century has begun with dramatic findings regarding the macrocosmic birth of the universe, the twentieth century began with some dramatic discoveries about the microcosmos, which would forever change the science of physics.

In the first few years of the twentieth century, the apparent solidity of matter was shattered by experiments performed by Max Planck (black-body radiation, 1900)1 and Albert Einstein (photoelectric effect, 1905),2 effectively birthing the new era of quantum physics. These experiments would be the initial steps by means of which pioneers such as Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, and Erwin Schrödinger would enter the world of the subatomic cosmos and, in the first decades of the twentieth century, develop the basic concepts of quantum physics.3 Following the proposal of Niels Bohr’s atom model in 1913 (fig. 2.1a), the existence of electrons, protons, and neutrons was verified, and the idea of the indivisibility of the atom could no longer be maintained. As the nature of matter was studied on smaller and smaller scales, particles were found to behave as quanta, or energy packages, which could be described or quantified in accordance with Einstein’s famous formula E = mc2: the old physics of solid matter disappeared.

One of the most remarkable concepts of quantum physics prompted by several experiments was the wave-particle duality.4 What this meant was that elementary particles, such as photons and electrons, were also waves whose energies could be determined by their frequencies. Depending on the experimental settings, matter could be seen as constituted of either particles or waves. The atom, for instance, could be seen as composed of a nucleus surrounded by electron particles moving in circular orbits much like planets as in figure 2.1a. But the model that has become favored is indeed the one in figure 2.1b, where the electrons do not behave as particles in definable positions but appear to exist as electron “clouds,” or wave patterns, that determine the respective chemical properties of the different kinds of atoms.

In the latter model, the basic building blocks of matter, such as in this case the electrons, may then be seen as waves whose precise location in space cannot be determined. They only exist as potentialities. Accordingly, the locations of electrons in atoms (fig. 2.1b) really do not have fixed positions as implied in figure 2.1a. Instead they should be described as electron clouds, which reflects the different probabilities that an electron exists in a certain location of this cloud. Surprising as it may seem, electrons and other elementary particles are thus not solid particles with clearly defined positions in time and space. Only a conscious observer will bring about the “wave function collapse,” allowing the electron to behave as, and be measurable as, a particle.


Figure 2.1. a. Bohr’s original (particle) atom model. b. The orbital (wave) atom model (both for helium).

This wave function collapse has consequences for what happens when a human brain receives a quantum, for instance in the form of an electromagnetic light wave. We do not actually see this in the form that it exists out there: like a wave. Instead, as the quantum is being observed by us, the “wave function” collapses and is transformed into electrical signals that in the brain give rise to an experience, for instance of a yellow color. A remarkable consequence of this is that we never really see reality as it exists “out there”—in the form of waves—and this fact may make us wonder about how “real” the “reality” we experience really is.

Although quantum physics is now accepted science, it is easy to understand how scientists like Einstein raised questions about the worldview underlying this new branch of physics. He is famously known to have said, “Quantum mechanics is certainly imposing. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory says a lot but does not really bring us any closer to the secret of the ‘old one’ [his expression for God]. I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not throw dice.”5 After all, we may all ask the question regarding where our coherent experience of the universe would come from if an indeterminate and probabilistic quantum field is all that exists.

I believe that what Einstein was saying was that he found it difficult to reconcile the probabilistic model of quantum theory with the notion of a coherent universe that has a purpose and a direction as well as an intelligent source. For such a reconciliation to happen I believe that quantum physics now has to be reconstituted within a new and wider framework of nine waves of creation emanating from the structure provided by the Cosmic Tree of Life, which was described in the previous chapter. What this would mean is that the probabilistic and indeterminate processes that go on at the atomic level in figure 1.5 are subordinated to creation waves that develop the large-scale structure of the universe as well as of ourselves.

This implies including quantum theory in a broader wave theory. While quantum theory within established physics is usually confined to the subatomic microcosmos and applied only to the electromagnetic wave spectrum, strictly speaking the word quantum refers to anything that can be quantized, and as we shall see soon the creation waves do meet this criterion. For this reason I will also refer to the study of the basic creation waves as quantum theory, because these have very precise and discrete frequencies. In this way we will be able to see that the statement that “everything is waves” is meaningful also when it comes to the macrocosmos. Hence, with an expansion into a new frequency range of a fractal-holographic universe it will become clear that God does not play dice. It is by integrating the waves that the Cosmic Axis emits into this scientific framework that we may expand our understanding of our existence. From this perspective, we will better understand where we come from, where in the evolution of the cosmos we are now (2016), and in what direction the universe intends to take us.


A critical property of waves, and especially of their interference patterns, is that they may carry information. This property is made use of in all modern communication technologies, such as radio, TV, mobile phones, and so on. As the waves reach their receivers, for instance TVs, a reality that we can experience through our senses is reproduced on a screen from the interference patterns transmitted by carrier waves.

Holography is an example of how the interference patterns of waves can be reproduced to create a physical reality. Technically speaking, a three-dimensional hologram is produced in two steps. In the first, laser beams (producing coherent light of a specific wavelength) are split (fig. 2.2, below) so that one beam goes unobstructed to a recording film while another is reflected by an object.6 As the two beams come together on holographic film, on which they have been focused, an interference pattern is produced that incorporates all the information about the size and shape of the object.

This information is then stored on the two-dimensional film as an interference pattern of the two beams. To produce a holographic image of an apple, a beam of light is directed to the film, which results in a three-dimensional image that may be projected into thin air. Most of us have seen such three-dimensional images or holograms, in which we can see depth and behind corners, produced on a two-dimensional surface, but maybe this is also a model for how the universe is created on a larger scale.

Even though the interference pattern of waves as such has no meaning to us, the information held in it may. It is this information, as well as the possibility of transmitting such information through waveforms, that will primarily be of interest to us here. It gives an example of how interference patterns between waves, even if we cannot see them directly, may re-create a view of reality that we can experience. Hence, wave patterns in the quantum field may provide an essential invisible underlying reality to the one we experience, and this model forms a significant principle throughout this book. Holographic images produced in our brains are then seen as projections generated by wave patterns in the quantum field. They generate these projections for the simple reason that we are conscious and are able to make the wave function collapse.


Figure 2.2. The production of a hologram on holographic film by means of two beams of light. (Courtesy of Bengt Sundin)

The holographic principle for creating three-dimensional images “in thin air” was suggested by theoretical physicist David Bohm as the basis for a holographic model of the universe.7 Similarly, brain researcher Karl Pribram has likened the human mind to a hologram.8 This is relevant here as we will demonstrate a holographic model, which shows how the human mind is created by the Tree of Life. A good book discussing the consequences of their findings is The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot,9 and an informative video series exists on YouTube that goes by the same name.10 Recently, physicist Leonard Susskind11 has also proposed the idea that the universe in its entirety is a hologram created from the two-dimensional surface, or boundary area, of the universe. This is an intuitively attractive idea but leaves many questions unanswered, for instance: Who designed this two-dimensional surface? What, in my view, is missing in these accounts is an identification of the Source of the waves, which created the holograms that pervade the universe. I assert this Source is the Cosmic Tree of Life and that the holograms it transmits are broadcast by creation waves outside of the normal frequency range.


The breakthrough of quantum physics in the twentieth century has in many ways dissipated into the population at large, and increasing numbers of people now describe their experiences in terms of frequencies and waves with which they resonate. Quantum terms have entered the common language in expressions such as “I like his vibes,” “We were at completely different wavelengths,” and “It all depends on the frequency.” Some have also come to ask the philosophical question regarding what the ultimate nature of reality is, given that according to quantum physics the world we are living in is not as solid, or real, as was previously thought. Could there then be an underlying wave field that determines not only how the universe evolves but also generates our coherent experience of the world? If so, what would be the nature of such a wave field? It seems that it was an understanding of this for which Einstein was hoping.

From physics we know of a few different forms of waves that may be candidates for creation waves. There are the electromagnetic waves covering a whole spectrum from radio waves to gamma rays (fig 2.3). There are also mechanical waves, such as ocean waves, or acoustic waves propagated through air, which give us different experiences of sounds. In addition there are the recently discovered gravitational waves.12 One of the properties that characterize waves is that they have frequencies, and we will here study especially the electromagnetic spectrum in this regard.

It is one of the successes of twentieth-century science to have integrated the many different types of electromagnetic radiation within one theoretical framework.13 Research over the past century has, however, also shown that the part of the spectrum that we may experience through our senses, that is to say light in the visible range, is only a very small portion of this spectrum. There also exists a wider range of the spectrum that we can only measure and detect with the help of technology (fig. 2.3). The frequencies in this technical range form the basis for many inventions, such as the mobile phone, radio, and television. What is much less commonly realized is that the technically accessible range of the electromagnetic spectrum is only a limited portion (about a third) of its full (theoretical) range. In theory electromagnetic wavelengths up to the diameter of the universe as a whole may even exist. This diameter is currently estimated to be in the range of a hundred billion light-years (1027 m),14 but at the time shortly after the Big Bang, the Cosmic Axis had a length in the range of a billion light-years.15


Figure 2.3. The frequencies of the nine creation waves placed for comparison with the ranges of visible, technically measurable, and full ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. Depending on the frequency, creation waves may belong either to the morphogenetic (biological) or mental range. (Diagram by the author, design courtesy of Bengt Sundin)

Hence, the general rule is that you can only measure a wave if it has a wavelength in the range of the object, such as for instance an antenna,16 that you are using to detect it. Because it is impractical (at least on our present technological level) to build antennas the size of the solar system or the galaxy, we simply do not know anything about the nature of waves with very high wavelengths or what roles these may be playing for the organization of the universe.

We will soon study the frequencies of the creation waves, but it is already important to note the fact that they are way outside of the range that humans may directly detect (or manipulate). This is very consequential and in itself provides an explanation to why they have not been discovered through the use of instruments. In the next chapter we will look at these nine waves one by one, and we will then find that they may be subclassified into a morphogenetic (or biological) as well as a mental range.

Considering how our detection of the electromagnetic spectrum has expanded our knowledge of the universe and increased our technological prowess, it stands to reason that the frequencies we cannot yet detect likely play crucial roles in how the universe functions. The alignments of the large-scale astronomical structures and the Cosmic Tree of Life may in fact depend on interactions mediated by such very long wavelengths. The theoretical frequency range of electromagnetic radiation is much larger than what we can directly experience with our senses or even measure with our current technology.


None of the abovementioned types of waves, however, including electromagnetic, would be likely to generate coherence in the universe. What I instead suggest is that the structure of the universe fundamentally is a result of resonance with the creation waves. Creation waves are carrier waves for vibrational holograms, structuring reality by means of straight and perpendicular lines emanating from the Cosmic Tree of Life. These waves have been placed in figure 2.3 together with the waves of the electromagnetic spectrum to facilitate the comparison of their frequencies and presumed wavelengths with those of electromagnetic waves, but this is not to say that by themselves they are electromagnetic in nature.

Hence, there are gaps in our knowledge regarding the creation waves. What we do know about them are their frequencies as well as their polarities, and this is undeniably a strong foundation for further study. Yet, we do not know in what kind of medium these waves travel (if any) or with what speed they propagate (even if I have assumed that they propagate with the speed of light). Although creation waves may have significant properties in common, for instance with acoustic or electromagnetic waves, I believe the creation waves form a distinct class of waves that is more basic for organizing the universe than other types of waves. Serving this end, they provide pure geometries at all levels of the universe. I feel confident that future research will more clearly be able to describe these waves in physical and mathematical terms. Yet, I believe that what is critical at the current time is to convey the knowledge that these waves really exist and indeed are the most meaningful waves for human beings to study when it comes to understanding why we are here and where we are going.

The reader may then ask, what is the evidence for the existence of waves, with periods in the range of a billion light-years, if there is no way that we can directly measure them? The answer is, as we will see in the following chapters, that it is still possible to measure some of their effects, and while this is mostly based on the modern database of knowledge, we have been profoundly helped by some ancient peoples who identified nine levels of the universe or even the nine waves of creation.

Hence, the First Wave (fig. 2.4, below) of the Mayan calendar system,17 with the lowest frequency, started at the time of the emergence of the Tree of Life (the Big Bang), some 16.4 billion years ago, and has since completed thirteen hablatuns, each lasting 1.26 billion years. This wave is a sine function that alternates between peaks and valleys (also called DAYS and NIGHTS), and a full wave period lasts for 2 × 1.26 = 2.52 billion years, and if this wave is propagated with the speed of light this would mean a wavelength of 2.52 billion light-years. The wavelength of the First Wave is thus in the range of the size of the Cosmic Axis around the time of the CMBR, estimated by Dr. Longo to about 0.5 billion light-years.18 There is thus a reasonable concordance between the wavelength of the First Wave and the diameter of the Cosmic Axis, which indicates that the latter may indeed have been the “antenna” from which this wave has been broadcast.


Figure 2.4. The First Wave going from the Big Bang to the emergence of life on our planet. (Diagram by the author, design courtesy of Bengt Sundin)

As we can see in figure 2.4, the beginning points of the last two DAYS gave rise to the first simple life-forms on our planet, prokaryotic cells (3.8 BYA),19 followed by eukaryotic cells (1.5 BYA), which amounted to some of the greatest jumps known in all of biological evolution. It should also be noted that the neo-Darwinist model upheld by official science has never provided any kind of explanation for how this kind of a jump could take place. Is it then really an accident that the most significant steps in the evolution of cellular life on our planet (upon which all further biological evolution is based) occur at significant shift points (when DAYS begin) in this First Wave? What I instead suggest is that the hologram defining the limits of a cell (its spherical halo) is what brought life to manifest on Earth exactly as the sixth peak of the First Wave began and that this was followed by a considerably more advanced cell form as the seventh peak began. The holograms creating these entities may very well have existed from the very beginning of the wave as the Cosmic Tree of Life came forth, but it was only as planets with the right physico-chemical conditions, such as our own Earth, emerged 4.5 billion years ago that the hologram could manifest as biological life.

All nine creation waves in this calendar system have wavelengths that are considerably longer than what we can possibly measure directly. Yet, because of the extensive knowledge that we currently possess about the dating of events in the evolution of the universe it is still possible to verify the existence of the creation waves. This will become much more evident in chapters 6 and 7 as we make a more detailed study of recent history.

If the First Wave of creation actually goes back to the Big Bang then there is truly a meaning to the phrase “In the Beginning was the Word,” or in other words that a vibration, or a set of vibratory waves with distinct frequencies, began the process of evolution of the universe all the way to the present time and beyond. If this is true, we should recognize that we have an origin already in the birth of the universe and that we could look upon the world as it is now not as a product of random processes but as a result of a directed, purposeful process. I thus suggest that the universe was meant and designed to go through a number of stages to what it is now, and the stage created by the First Wave was the first one of these. Before we go on to study the other eight waves, it is prudent to survey the special role the number nine has played in ancient traditions.


Even if we know more about the universe than the ancients, it seems as if they knew something more essential about it than we do.


Part of our basic knowledge about the creation waves is that they number nine. This is really information gained from ancient cosmologies in which the number nine played a central role. In various spiritual and religious traditions, nine has often been seen as a number signifying completion, and in the decimal system currently used all over the world, the number nine is the completing single-digit number. The origin of the number nine as a base for our counting system can be found in the early Indus Valley culture,20 which, circa 3100 BCE, was one of the first civilizations to appear on our planet and develop a mathematical system of measurements. Still today, the number nine is revered in Hinduism and is considered to be a complete, perfected, and divine number. In both Hinduism and Buddhism, and various other Eastern spiritual traditions as well, the number 108 (9 × 12) is also the most sacred number.21

In ancient China as well, the number nine was deemed special, as it is the highest possible single digit. In China, the number was frequently connected with dragons, the main spiritual powers of Chinese mythology.22 A Chinese dragon normally has 9 attributes and 117 (9 × 13) scales out of which 81 (9 × 9) are yang and 36 (9 × 4) are yin.23 (Remarkably, this gives a proportion between yang and yin, 81/36 = 2.25, which is practically identical to the proportion between quasars, 33/15 = 2.2, counted on the two sides of the Cosmic Axis as mentioned in chapter 1.24) Further there are nine forms of dragons, and notably, in our context of studying waves, nine sons of the cosmic dragon. Nine was also recognized as the number of the emperor, the representative of heaven on Earth. The Chinese developed a hierarchical system for determining how many dragons an official could display on his robe. The emperor himself wore his dragon robe with only eight of the nine dragons visible. High-ranking officials underneath him must, however, have all nine dragons hidden, while lower-ranking officials were only allowed to wear robes with five or eight dragons, all of them covered by surcoats. This tells us that in ancient Chinese mythology, the ninth dragon (wave) had a special connection to heaven. There were also nine great social laws, nine classes of officials, nine sacred rites, and nine-story pagodas,25 all adding to the picture that the nine-level cosmology was very deeply ingrained in ancient China.


Figure 2.5. The nine-story Buddhist temple Hwangnyongsa in Korea (a miniature replica is shown here) was once the tallest building in East Asia and the tallest wooden structure in the world until the Mongols burned it down in 1238 CE. This restoration image of the nine-story pagoda of Hwangnyongsa was made by the National Museum of Korea. (Photograph by Historiographer)

In ancient Egypt, the Ennead,26 a group of nine gods—Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys—were worshipped in the city of Heliopolis. Among the Ennead, the self-begotten deity Atum, who is also identified with Ra, stands out. Before the gods were separated into genders, Atum masturbated to produce Shu, air, and Tefnut, moisture. Shu and Tefnut then mated, and Geb, representing Earth, was born as well as Nut, of the nighttime sky. The children of Geb and Nut, the brothers Osiris and Set and their sisters Isis and Nephthys, in turn formed couples. The Ennead embodies a creation story, with different aspects of the universe sequentially coming into existence through the activation (or birth) of the nine different gods.

We may then travel from China and Egypt to another part of the world, to Scandinavia, only to find that my Viking ancestors also had a view of nine “worlds” to which the branches of Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life, stretched.27 The universe was divided into three levels, each with three worlds, totaling nine worlds. At the highest level were the worlds of Asgard, the home of the Aesir, the gods; Vanaheim, the home of the Vanir, an ancient group of gods; and Alfheim, the home of the light elves. At the midlevel were Midgard, the home of the humans; Jotunheim, the home of the giants; and Svartalfheim, the home of the dark elves. At the lowest level were Nidavellir, the home of the dwarfs; Helheim, the home of the dead; and Muspelheim, the home of the fire giants and demons. This cosmology may sound like something taken from a fantasy novel (and, indeed, it has formed the basis of many stories in that genre), and for this reason it is often not taken seriously. Nonetheless, it is just another expression of the theme that the universe is constituted of nine levels, or worlds, all connected to the Tree of Life. I suggest that these “worlds” are echoes of various holograms broadcast by the Cosmic Axis and that the four cosmic directions in figure 2.6 (below) are related to the cosmic directions that we now, as discussed in chapter 1, know to exist.

In the following chapters I will try to explain these worlds in ancient mythologies in terms that are understandable to modern people. It should, however, already be clear that the notion of nine levels, or nine waves of creation, was very widespread in the ancient world. To give some further examples, in the Celtic tradition the number nine was the central number, and the existence of nine waves was explicitly recognized.28 The Aztecs counted nine underworlds,29 and the Hopi had nine universes.30 The number nine is also a holy number in many current world religions. In Judaism, nine doors opened to the holiest part of the Temple in Jerusalem, and in the Hanukkah ceremony31 there are nine candles in the menorah, one used to light the other eight. In Christianity there is a hierarchy of nine choirs of angels, while in the Muslim calendar Ramadan is the ninth month. Based on this concordance around the number nine, it is hard to believe that this number does not play some fundamental role in how the universe is designed.

When considering such a role, we should also take note that many of the cultures that conceived the universe as organized into nine different levels or structures had no contact with one another, and so their cosmologies must have arisen independently. This suggests that the nine-level cosmology has an essence of truth that was experienced by humans living all over the planet—from China in the East to the Maya in the West, with Europe, India, and many other places in between. What I am suggesting is that peoples all over the planet downloaded global holograms created by waves emanating from the Cosmic Tree of Life, which made them aware of the nine levels of the universe.


Figure 2.6. Yggdrasil with its nine worlds and four cosmic directions. (Nine Worlds of Norse Religion, courtesy of Cush)

Despite this concordance, these nine-level cosmologies from different traditions naturally display some variation as the holograms were subject to cultural and individual differences among the people who downloaded them, resulting in varied interpretations. Yet, it is indisputable that a common theme runs through all of these ancient traditions: the universe was perceived as hierarchically organized into nine worlds, underworlds, or levels, created by dragons or serpents. Especially in the Chinese and Nordic traditions, the nine waves were also valued differently, and not even the Chinese emperor had permission to associate himself with the Ninth Wave. This of course evokes curiosity regarding what kind of information the nine waves, and especially the ninth one, were carrying. What holograms were the waves engendering that led humans to create what they referred to as different “worlds”?

The view I’m presenting here is not that these ancient myths are literally true, as some members of certain traditions may assert. Some aspects of these myths may indeed just be fairy tales. But neither is it my view that these myths are silly false ideas without any foundation, which is the usual modern viewpoint. My view is, on the one hand, that much common ground can be found between reality as we ourselves conceive it based on modern measurements and, on the other hand, the reality as the ancients saw it based on their “intuitions” and direct experiences of higher worlds. I believe the commonalities among these different mythologies are so striking that it suggests the existence of an underlying truth that has now been forgotten.

The ancients lived in a different world from modern peoples and experienced reality through a different hologram than we do now, one that was more conducive to understanding reality through dreams and visions. Regardless, it seems as if a unification of perspectives may now take place between ancients and moderns as modern technology has verified the existence of the Tree of Life that played such a central role in the ancient cosmologies. As we move further into this worldview I think it will become clear that today this truth is something that we badly need to recover.


An ancient culture that we may learn much from about the number nine and the nine waves is the Mayan. As we have seen, this was far from the only ancient culture on our planet to recognize nine levels of evolution in the universe, which more or less all of them did. Yet, the Maya were the only people on our planet who developed an explicit calendar system to chart the nine waves that create these levels. Hence, it is a remarkable fact that the ability of modern man to create a cosmology that is whole and unifies science and spirituality depends directly on knowledge passed down to us from an ancient Native American people. No other people on our planet developed calendars that described wave movements of progressively higher frequencies. Unlike all other calendars, these waves were not based on astronomical observations in our local solar system but on a cosmic creation scheme on a much larger scale.

Very importantly in this context, the Maya clearly stated that the calendrical waves they followed emanated from the Tree of Life32 and that they carried energies that influenced the qualities of different eras.33 We can immediately see this connection in figure 2.4 where the First Wave starts at the Big Bang with the birth of the Cosmic Axis, or Tree of Life. The connection to the Tree of Life was also directly spelled out in the inscription from Palenque describing the event that initiated the Sixth Wave (the Long Count): “the First Father erected the World Tree,” so that “the light could enter. It was made proper, the Raised-up Sky-Place, the Eight-House-Partition, is its holy name, the House in the North.”34 The sixth of the nine waves thus in their view emanated from the Tree of Life (or World Tree) and generated an eight-partitioned hologram on a global scale. It was through the effects of this hologram with straight and perpendicular lines that humans in resonance with it started to create a new reality for themselves at the beginning of the Sixth Wave, as was discussed in The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization. It was the geometric structure of this Sixth Wave hologram that created the rational mind, which in turn gave rise to civilization. The inscription from Palenque is, however, by no means the only example connecting the Mayan calendar to the Tree of Life, and the theme recurs in the surviving Mayan codices.

Even if the Maya used one particular calendar wave (the Long Count or Sixth Wave) to date their pyramids, as well as the events taking place in their political history, they looked at the nine waves very much as a whole—as nine levels belonging to one and the same hierarchical structure. We see this very clearly in that the most significant pyramids they built—at the central plazas of Chichén Itzá (fig. 2.7), Palenque, and Tikal—had nine stories. These pyramids were cosmologies cut in stone that placed the waves in a common context that connected them with many other aspects of the nine-level cosmology.


Figure 2.7. The descent of the Plumed Serpent at the nine-story pyramid in Chichén Itzá at spring equinox. (Photograph by the author)

The terrace-formed pyramids, with a staircase in the center, symbolized that the evolution of the universe was like a climb to higher and higher levels. Each level was developed by a wave movement, which was symbolized by the Plumed Serpent (called Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs and Kukulcán by the Maya). At the equinoxes, the Plumed Serpent appeared to descend from the pyramid at Chichén Itzá by forming a wave pattern of seven triangles of light and six of darkness (compare also the seven peaks and six valleys in fig. 2.4). This incidentally also reflected the wave movement that the Book of Genesis refers to as the seven DAYS and six NIGHTS of God’s creation. The Plumed Serpent was a symbol of any divine wave of creation and as such was heralded as a bringer of civilization,35 the calendar, and many other things. He also went by the name of Nine Winds (presumably as the nine wave movements were experienced as spiritual winds). In Mayan cosmology nine wave movements thus developed the nine levels of creation, and the Plumed Serpent was a symbol for each one of these waves. The pyramid at Chichén Itzá was built for the worship of the nine waves (or winds) of Kukulcán, all emanating from the center of the universe (symbolized by the house at the top). Much like in other ancient traditions, these waves were looked upon as living forces: serpents, dragons, or “gods.”

Like the Maya, other ancient peoples looked upon the nine different levels (or waves that had created them) as connected and as parts of a whole. The nine dragons in Chinese cosmology were, for instance, all connected to the cosmic dragon, and the nine worlds of the Vikings were all connected to the Tree of Life as were the nine great gods in Assyria. In their cosmology, the Mayan nine underworlds were looked upon as a totality identified with a creation god called Bolon Yookte K’uh.36 Translated to English, this name means the “Nine-Support-Deity,” or the “Nine-Step-Temple.” This tells us that we are looking at an interconnected system of nine creation waves.

Remarkably, some thirteen hundred years ago the Maya wrote an inscription at the site of Tortuguero to describe what would happen as the thirteenth baktun of the Long Count was completed in our own time. It stated that Bolon Yookte K’uh would then “be witnessed” in “his full regalia.”37 This, with little doubt, should be taken to mean that after October 28, 2011, all possibilities of the nine waves (“the full regalia”) should be available to us, since Bolon Yookte K’uh was the god of the totality of the nine waves. At the current time there are, in other words, no longer any limits to the interference patterns that may be created from the nine waves.

The shift in 2011 described by the Tortuguero Monument was a game changer of sorts as an evolution that has taken 16.4 billion years was completed. Because we are now beyond this shift, science and spirituality can be unified on a much deeper level than before. We have come to a place where all the possibilities of this creation can come into being, and it is now up to a somewhat confused humanity to manifest its destiny based on the potentialities of the nine waves. A significant aspect of accomplishing this, I assert, is for us to understand the nine-level cosmology of the ancients and learn how to create resonance especially with the Ninth and completing Wave, toward which all of creation has been aiming. This is a possibility that so far very few have realized, partly because of the lack of knowledge and partly because the Ninth Wave has only been accessible for a very short time (since 2011). Yet, the more we develop such a resonance, the greater the possibility will be for us to create lasting peace and prosperity on our planet.


In later chapters we will study, one by one, some of the effects that the different waves have had on human life. We will then use their frequencies and wavelengths as tools for deepening our understanding of the fractal-holographic model and the cosmic time plan. To facilitate this, I will provide some concrete information about the nine worlds that seems to have been a part of the worldviews of many, if not all, ancient cultures. As a starting point, the nine waves of the Mayan calendar system have been listed in figure 2.8, together with their respective durations, wavelengths, frequencies, and times of activation on our planet.

The First Wave (fig. 2.4), which was activated already at the Big Bang, generated the fundament for the eight higher levels of the pyramid. New and higher waves, each with a frequency twenty times higher than at the previous step, have subsequently become accessible at the time points shown in the right-hand column, until we reach the Ninth Wave at the top of the pyramid (fig. 2.8). This means that all nine waves were not accessible at the beginning of creation. Only now, at our present time, after March 9, 2011, are all nine waves accessible and running in parallel. In figure 2.9 (below) some basic keywords are given to describe the kind of phenomena that are created by each of the nine levels listed in figure 2.8.

In column two in figure 2.8, we find the Mayan names for the various half-wave periods of the respective waves—the baktuns, katuns, tuns, and so on. The Maya recognized that the different phases of a wave—their peaks or valleys, corresponding to DAYS or NIGHTS—affected their lives differently. Thus, the Maya did not have names for the full wave periods but only for the half-wave periods (fig. 2.10). In previous books of mine, where the consequences of shifts between DAYS and NIGHTS have been detailed on several levels, I have used this ancient Mayan terminology.


Figure 2.8. The nine waves with the respective durations of their time periods, wavelengths, frequencies, and points of activation (Y = year, M = million, B = billion, A = ago). (Diagram by the author)


Figure 2.9. Keywords for the different realities created by the nine waves. (Diagram by the author, from The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization)


Figure 2.10. Full-wave period in any of the nine waves with its DAYS and NIGHTS. (Diagram by the author, design courtesy of Bengt Sundin)

Because of the wave perspective presented here, I will now instead use the terminology of wavelengths and frequencies. The Mayan calendrical time units in column two of figure 2.8 thus represent half wavelengths, while the full wavelengths are given in column three in terms of the astronomical unit of light-years. I would then also like to repeat that the range of wavelengths of these nine waves, as we can also see at the extreme left in figure 2.3, are not on an ordinary scale. Hence, even the shortest of them, the wave period of 0.1 light-years of the Ninth Wave (fig. 2.8), is on a scale equal to the diameter of our entire solar system.38 This is all assuming that the creation waves, like electromagnetic and gravitational waves, propagate with the speed of light.

The fourth column in figure 2.8 simply provides the inverted values of the wavelengths and thus gives the various frequencies of the nine waves of creation. What we can see from this column is that each wave has a frequency twenty times higher (and a wavelength twenty times shorter) than the wave below it. As we climb (metaphorically speaking) to higher levels of the pagoda or pyramid, the frequencies increase. This hierarchical system, where new higher frequencies are activated according to an exact, mathematically determined schedule, has created an apparent acceleration of the evolution of the universe up until the present time. Consequently, up until the present time, the creative processes in the universe have been accelerating, and we humans have had the experience of time speeding up.


The waves in figures 2.8 and 2.9 also form interference patterns with one another. Especially today, after all the different waves have become accessible, it seems highly unlikely that any human resonates exclusively with only one of the waves. Any one human being is created by an interference pattern of the different waves, and as we will see in chapter 4, his or her mind is created by composites, or hybrids, of the different holograms these waves give rise to. Even if we can identify the specific phenomena that a particular wave develops (as hinted at in fig. 2.9) and follow those as a result of the unfolding of a wave, it is the multiple possible interference patterns that produce the variation in creation. These interference patterns create the great variety of biological species and also, as we will see later, mental and spiritual variations among human individuals and cultures.

In addition to the interference patterns among the different nine waves, we humans are also exposed to an enormous amount of information carried in waveform, especially in the form of visible light, from our immediate environment. The light that shines on you at this moment from the sun or from the lamps in your house are quanta that contribute to shaping your inner experience together with the electrical signals generated in your brain by the sound waves your ears sense. People are most aware of these frequencies detected by their sensory organs. Superficially, information gained through our senses may seem to comprise the main content of our lives. Some people will say that these frequencies are all that we can experience and so deny everything else.

And yet, I propose that the nine waves of creation create a more fundamental context for our lives, and it is through them that we are connected with Source. These major waves create the framework in which the everyday frequencies in the visible and audible range gain their meaning. A quantum of visible light by itself has no meaning. Meaning is gained from the nine waves and the holograms these give rise to, the reason being that these waves emanate from the Source and so these holograms provide a context and foundation for interpretation of the information we gain through our senses. Hence, even if the nine waves have frequencies in a range that cannot be experienced through our five senses, our whole beings resonate with them, and they may still create our true nature as expressions of the Divine. Because of their very low frequencies, I believe that we at least subconsciously know that they originate from the Source, the Cosmic Axis. Presumably, the sense that many may have of these waves as communicated by the Source will create an experience in them of being divinely guided and compelled to move in a certain direction in life through their influence. I also suggest that our resonance with different waves may play a decisive role in determining the quality of our lives; after all, the nine creation waves create the nature of our beings, our lives, and our connection to the Source.

These nine waves may also explain the mystery of synchronicities,39 phenomena described by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to denote remarkable, meaningful coincidences. Such experiences, sometimes of a seemingly magical nature, would likely not result from frequencies in the normal range originating in our immediate environment. Yet, they can be explained by the interference between the waves carrying an experience of deeper meaning. Synchronicities often involve several different people who may be resonating with the same frequency from one of the nine creation waves. Hence, the nine waves may contribute significantly to explaining not only synchronicities but also a host of paranormal phenomena that have defied our understanding of the world based only on the five senses. This may not be so surprising after all, since we are studying a wave field that underlies the evolution of this creation.