I would like to thank:

My husband Neil for all of the love and support you’ve lavished on me over the years, not to mention all of the love notes scribbled on the backs of grocery store receipts and midnight trysts and the drive-in theater.

My mum Roxanne for all the unflagging devotion as my constant reader, and the well-stocked bookshelf she has always kept for me to raid. And thank you to my mum’s wonderful husband Gord, for all of your kindness and enthusiasm over even the most meager of my successes.

My dad Kelly, who shared my fascination with ghosts so much that he decided to become one. I hope the Elysian Fields are wondrous, and that you can read this book from there …

My delightful in-laws for never batting an eyelash at my impractical career choice! I hope to make you proud.

My wonderful editor Chelsey Emmelhainz for taking a chance on a complicated love story that transcends both time and, at times, logic. You are clever and brave!

Everyone at Avon Books who helped bring this book to life, from the copyeditor to the cover designer and publicity team, and everyone I haven’t mentioned whose jobs I don’t have a clue about.

My dearest friend Shivanee, for all of the small-hour assignations we keep together while the rest of the world dreams.

My oldest friend Sarah for all of the Star Trek fan fic we wrote together back in the day, and the many hours spent acting out all of the nuances of our imaginary worlds.

I’d like to shout a thank-you across the pond to my dear correspondent Miss Mariana Heron, whose epic replies to novel-length letters sustain me in my belief that gossiping about things that happened several hundred–plus years in the past is not irrelevant.

Last but not least, thank You, whoever you are, holding this book. I hope you like it, and that after you’re done with it, you’ll pass it on to someone else so they can enjoy it, too!