1. First Principles

A science is any organized body of knowledge that is possessed of first principles. The first principles of any science are those fundamental truths upon which the science is founded and by which all its activities are informed. Logic, as a science, has its first principles, but logic stands in a unique relationship to all other sciences because the first principles of logic apply not just to logic but to all the sciences. Indeed, their coverage is more comprehensive still, because they apply to human reason as such, however it might be exercised. This being so, the terms “the first principles of logic” and “the first principles of human reason” can be said to refer to the same thing.

There are four first principles of logic (or of human reason); the one we are most concerned with here is the principle of contradiction. To put it in its proper context, however, let us first review the three other first principles of logic.


Stated: A thing is what it is.

Explanation: The whole of existing reality is not a homogenous mass. It is a composition of individuals, and the individuals are distinguishable from one another. If a thing is what it is, obviously it is not something other than what it is. An apple is an apple. It is not an orange, a banana, or a pear.


Stated: Between being and nonbeing there is no middle state.

Explanation: Something either exists or it does not exist; there is no halfway point between the two. The lamp sitting on my desk is either really there or it is not. There is no other possibility. We might ask: How about becoming? Isn’t the state of becoming between those of being and nonbeing? The answer is no. There is no such thing as just becoming; there are only things that become. The state of becoming is already within the realm of existence. A lamp in the process of being made is not yet a lamp; however, the parts that will go to compose it actually exist, and the lamp’s “becoming” depends entirely on their existence. There is, then, no becoming in the absolute sense, no passage from nonbeing to being. Elaine, who is becoming every day a more accomplished musician because of assiduous practice, could not be becoming a musician if she were not already Elaine. There is no becoming with respect to the very existence of a human person. Elaine is “becoming” relatively, not absolutely: She is not becoming Elaine; she is becoming Elaine the more accomplished musician. Again, the basic idea behind the principle of excluded middle is that there are no gaps in being. What we call “becoming” is not a passage from nonbeing to being, but an alteration in a thing or in things already in existence.


Stated: There is a sufficient reason for everything.

Explanation: The principle could also be called “the principle of causality.” It states that everything that actually exists in the physical universe has an explanation for its existence. What is implied in the principle is that nothing in the physical universe is self-explanatory or the cause of itself. (For a thing to be a cause of itself, it would somehow have to precede itself, which is absurd.) One thing is said to be the cause of another thing because (a) it explains the very existence of that thing, or (b) it explains why the thing exists in this or that particular way, the “mode” of its existence. Larry’s mother and father are the cause of his very existence; if it were not for them, he would not be. Larry’s tennis coach in high school is a cause of his being a good tennis player. The coach is the cause of Larry’s being in a particular way—in this case, a good tennis player. The coach did not, as did Larry’s parents, bring him into being, but he caused a modification in his being. (Of course, there could have been other causes contributing to Larry’s being a good tennis player, so the coach may be only one among several causes.)


Stated: It is impossible for something both to be and not be at the same time and in the same respect.

Explanation: This principle could be regarded as a fuller expression of the principle of identity, for if X is X (principle of identity) it cannot at one and the same time be non-X (principle of contradiction). The phrase “in the same respect” in the statement refers to the mode of existence in question. There would be no contradiction if something both was and was not at the same time but in different respects. For example, you can be physically in New York right now and mentally three thousand miles away in San Francisco. But you cannot right now be physically (i.e., in the same respect) both in New York and in San Francisco. Two statements are in contradiction if what one says completely negates what the other says. For example:

a) Alexander Hamilton was a member of George Washington’s cabinet.

b) Alexander Hamilton was not a member of George Washington’s cabinet.

Both of these statements cannot be true. If one is true, the other must be false, and vice versa. As it happens, (a) is true; (b), therefore, is false.

The word “contradiction” comes from two Latin roots, contra (“against”) and dicere (“to speak”). A contradictory statement in effect speaks against itself, for it is saying something that does not correspond to the objective facts. The avoidance of contradiction, therefore, is simply the avoidance of falsehood. If the primary purpose of logic is to attain the truth, then it is evident that nothing could be more important than avoiding the opposite of truth.

Sometimes we entertain contradictions without realizing that they are such, because we are ignorant of the relevant objective facts. This is excusable so long as we are not responsible for our ignorance. If we are going to make deliberate statements about important matters in a serious context, we are under obligation to make sure our statements square with what is actually the case. This goes back to the importance of paying attention.

There are times when we hold contradictory views and we know it, at least at one of the deeper levels of consciousness. Most of us could not comfortably live with ourselves if we made a habit of holding flatly contradictory statements at the forefront of our consciousness. For example, I could not explicitly say to myself “I tell many deliberate lies to Stephanie” and “I never lie to Stephanie.” What I do, assuming the first statement reflects objective facts, is suppress the second statement. Another way I can allow myself to hold on to statements that contradict the facts is deliberately to refrain from examining the facts to which the statements refer. This attitude is expressed by the quip “Don’t bother me with the facts; I’ve already made up my mind.” Mental operations of these kinds are not so much instances of reasoning as evasion of reasoning. Obviously, this can have nothing to do with logic. Those forms of unhealthy reasoning can be known as “rationalization.” Rationalization is reasoning in the service of falsehood.

Having now reviewed the first principles of reasoning, I am assuming that nothing you just read struck you as radically new. That is because these principles express truths we all become aware of very early in our careers as conscious, rational agents. There are a couple of other things about first principles—all first principles—that need to be noted. They are self-evident. For instance, the first time you read the principle of contradiction, you may have to puzzle over it a moment. But as soon as you see what it is saying, your natural response is, “Of course!”

Another trait of first principles—it follows from their being self-evident—is that they cannot be proven. This means that they are not conclusions that follow from premises; they are not truths dependent upon antecedent truths. This is because first principles represent truths that are absolutely fundamental. They are “first” in the strongest sense of the word.

Consider the principle of sufficient reason. I cannot prove that everything that exists must have a cause, nor do I need to, since it is a truth self-evident to me simply by my observing the way the world works. I either see it or I don’t. If the first principles of a science are not seen as self-evident and accepted at face value, the science could not proceed. It would stall right there.