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Aboukir Bay, battle of
Actium, battle of
Adolf, King Gustaf II (of Sweden)
Africa: contribution to defense of France; French possessions in
Agadir Affair. See Moroccan Crisis, Second
Aircraft: commercial; in communications war; in defensive war; geography and; impact on strategy; limitations of; reconnaissance by
Aircraft carriers
Algiers, French conquest of
Al-Mansūra, battle of
American Civil War; maritime communications in
American Independence, War of; activities in the West Indies during; communications during; France’s posture at onset
Amet, Admiral
Anglo-Dutch wars: First, July 1653; geography’s role in; Holland’s defense of its interests; Second, June 1666; Sicilian campaign during
Anglo-French staff talks
Aston, Major General George Grey
Austerlitz, battle of
Austria, as perturbateur
Austria-Hungary, role in defense of the West
Bacon, Admiral Sir Reginald Hugh Spencer
Bantry Bay, battle of
Bart, Jean
Beachy Head, battle of; fleet in being strategy at
Beatty, First Earl David: at battle of Jutland; service in late 1914, early 1915
Benso, Camillo, Conte di Cavour
Bernhardi, Friedrich Adam von; defines strategy
Bernotti, Admiral, writings of
Bethmann-Hollweg, Chancellor Theobald von
Bismarck, Prince Otto von
Blücher, Field Marshal Gebhard Leberecht von
Boer War
Bompard, Jean-Baptiste-François
Bonamico, Dominico
Bonaparte, Napoleon: on the conduct of war; negotiates for peace; as perturbateur; Trafalgar and; unifies policy and strategy; uses manoeuvre. See also France, Revolutionary and Napoleonic
Bonnal, General Henri
Boulogne Flotilla
Bridge, Admiral Sir Cyprian
Bridport, Viscount. See Hood, Admiral Alexander
Brueys, Admiral de
Bruix, Admiral; 1799 campaign in the Mediterranean
Camperdown, battle of
Cape Saint Vincent, battle of
Cardinal Islands, battle of
Caribbean, French possessions in the
Castex, Admiral Raoul Victor Patrice: affirms morality of submarine war; biographical sketch; on freedom of the seas; on French colonial policy; methodological approach of; on other strategists; role in Washington Naval Conference; on strategy and tactics; writes Théories stratégiques
Cavite (battle of Manila Bay)
Charles, Archduke (of Hapsburg)
Charles V (of Hapsburg)
Charles XII (of Sweden)
Châteaurenault, Admiral François Louis Rousselet
China, threat to Indochina from
Churchill, Winston Spencer
Clausewitz, Carl von: Castex’s opinion of; an “idealogue”; influence of, on Lenin; writings of, quoted by Castex
Clemenceau, Georges
Cluseret, Paul
Colomb, Admiral Philip Howard
Colonies, as dispersion of French effort
Combined operations: general strategy and; importance of; technology and
Convoys: air cover for; attacking escorted; protection of
Corbett, Sir Julian: Castex’s opinion of; on fleet in being doctrine; held chair of maritime history, Oxford; on the limitations of sea power; proposed a theoretical study of strategy; on relation of strategy to policy; view of combined operations
Coronel, battle of
Corticelli, Lieutenant Colonel Carlo
Cotton, Admiral Sir C.
Crimean War
Cromwell, Oliver
Darrieus, Captain Gabriel de Vaisseau
Daveluy, Admiral René
Defensive, the: characteristics of; defensive-offensive and; direct and indirect protection in; geography and; manoeuvre and; minor counterattacks and; relationship with the offensive; technology and
De la Clue
Delcassé, Théophile
Dogger Bank, battle of
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Duckworth, Admiral John
Engels, Friedrich
English Civil War
Falkenhayn, General Erich von
Falkland Islands, World War I battle of
Ferdinand II (of Spain)
Fisher, Admiral Sir John
Fleet, as principle objective
Fleet in being, strategy of
Foch, Field Marshal Ferdinand
Four Days Battle
Fox, Charles James
France: Conseil Supérieur de la Défense Nationale; as perturbateur; strategic position of
France, Revolutionary and Napoleonic: command of the sea disputed; conduct of operations in; limits to sea power in; local sea control in; manoeuvre in; policy and strategy in; requirements of the offensive demonstrated by; role of geography in; struggle over communications in; Waterloo
Franco-Prussian War
Frederick II (of Prussia)
Freedom of the seas, doctrine of
Galles, Morard de
Ganteaume, Honoré-Joseph-Antoine, Comte de
General strategy
Geography: the defensive and; influence on strategy of; technology and
Germany: as perturbateur; role in the defense of the West; strategic position of
Gilbert, Jean-François-Georges
Gneisenau, General Count August
Goodenough, Commodore Sir William Edmund
Great Britain: Committee on Imperial Defence; strategic position of
Grey, Sir Edward, Viscount of Fallodon: on French-Anglo relations; influence of United States on Foreign Office of; memoirs of, quoted by Castex
Groix, Ile de, battle of
Groos, Captain von
Grotius, Hugo
Guibert, Jacques Antoine Hippolyte, Comte de
Haig, Field Marshal Sir Douglas
Hartely, Brigadier General
Helgoland Bight, battle of
Herbert, Arthur, Earl of Torrington
Hindenburg, Field Marshal Paul von
Hipper, Admiral Franz von; at battle of Jutland
Hitler, Adolf
Hoche, General Lazare
Hogue, battle of the
Holland Rose, John
Hood, Admiral Alexander, Viscount Bridport
House, Edward Mandell “Colonel”
Howe, Admiral of the Fleet Richard, Earl
Humbert, General Joseph Amable
Indian Ocean, French possessions in the
Indochina, French possessions in
Ingenohl, Admiral von, advocate of manoeuvre
Interservice cooperation
Ironside, Field Marshal William Edmund, First Baron
Italian wars
Italy: as perturbateur; role in the defense of the West; strategic position of
James II (of England)
Japan: rise of; strategic position of; threat to Indochina from
Jellicoe, Admiral of the Fleet John Rushworth, First Earl; at battle of Jutland
Jervis, Admiral John, Earl Saint Vincent
Jeune Ecole
Joffre, General Joseph Jacques Césaire
Jomini, Antoine-Henri de
Jutland, battle of
Keith, Admiral Lord, blockading Mazzaredo in Cadiz
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Kempenfelt, Rear Admiral Richard
Killigrew, Admiral Henry
Lanrezac, General Charles Louis Marie
Laughton, John Knox
Laurent, Captain, quoted by Castex
League of Augsburg, War of the
Leduc, Armand
Lee, Lord
Leissègues, Corentin de
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, interest in military issues
Lepanto, battle of
Lissa, battle of
Lloyd George, Prime Minister David: disgreement with Admiralty; disagreement with General Sir William Robertson
Louis IX
Louis XIII
Louis XIV; aspired to hegemony; enemies of; troops of
Louis XV
Ludendorff, Erich
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, Admiral: concept of “aggressive restlessness”; critique of Tourville; importance of the Mediterranean; keen analyst of geography; principles of, adopted by French and British; quoted by Castex; on relation of strategy to policy; on strategy and tactics
Manoeuvre: aircraft and; battle as objective of; communications war and; defensive; defined; dispersion and concentration in; economy of force and; impact of technology on; initiative in; intelligence in; liaison of arms in; with matériel; minor counterattacks in; principal objective of; principles of, applied to tactics; security and; submarines and; surprise and
Maritime communications: attack and defense of; defense of, not primary; importance of; intelligence in struggle over; as internal communications; primacy of defense of; variable importance of
Maritime communications, war over; compared to piracy; geography in; minor counterattacks in; political considerations in; role of fleet in; surface raiders in
Marlborough, John Churchill, First Duke of
Marmont, Auguste Frédéric Louis Viesse de, view of strategy
Marselli, General Nicolo, view of strategy
Martin, Rear Admiral
Marx, Karl, hatred of pacifists
Mary, Queen (of England)
Mastery of the Sea: air mastery compared to; in the defense of the West; defined; disputed; limitations to; as principle objective; relativity of; submarine mastery compared to; variable importance of; versus local control
Mazzaredo, Admiral Lord Keith blockades at Cadiz
Mine warfare
Moltke, Field Marshal Helmuth Karl von: view of strategy; allied with Otto von Bismarck
Moltke, General Helmuth Johannes von
Monk, George, First Duke of Albemarle, war with Holland
Mordacq, General Jean Jules Henri
Moroccan Crisis, First
Moroccan Crisis, Second
Müller, Vice Admiral Georg Alexander von
Navarino Bay, battle of
Navigation Acts, British
Nelson, Admiral Horatio, Viscount Nelson; on Napoleon Bonaparte in Italy; strategist; uses manoeuvre
19 August 1916, engagement of
Noli, battle of
North Foreland, battle of
Offensive, the: aircraft and; characteristics of; against coasts and communications; primacy of; requirements of; role of fleet in; submarine and; technology and
Pacific Ocean, French possessions in the
Persano, attack on Lissa
Perturbateur; defined; as mystic
Perturbation: communist; fascist; imperialism and; militarism and; nationalism and; regular and irregular
Peter the Great (of Russia)
Philip II (of Spain): head of militarist state; as perturbateur
Pitt, William
Pitt, William, 1st Earl of Chatham
Pohl, Admiral Hugo von; attitudes toward Admiral von Ingenohl’s idea of manoeuvre; as commander, High Seas Fleet
Poitiers, battle of
Policy, relationship to strategy. See Strategy
Popham, Air Chief Marshal Sir Henry Robert Moore Brooke
Prairial, battle of
Quiberon Bay, landing at
Raleigh, Sir Walter, quoted by Castex
Richmond, Admiral Sir Herbert
Robertson, Field Marshal Sir William
Root Resolutions
Rossel, Louis, influence of, on Lenin
Russia, as perturbateur. See Soviet Union
Russia, strategic position of
Russo-Japanese War; communications during; dispersion in; general strategy; Japanese “mastery of the sea”; role of geography in
Ruyter, Michael Adriaanszoon de; response to manoeuvre; as tactician
Saint-André, Admiral Jean Bon, strategy of
Salamis, battle of
Santiago Bay, battle of
Scheer, Admiral Reinhard: Admiral Wolfgang Wegener’s criticism of; benefitted from use of dirigibles; character of, as High Seas Fleet commander; tactics of; used submarines
Schlieffen, Alfred von
Schofield, Admiral Frank Herman
Scott, Admiral Sir Percy
Sechi, Admiral Giovanni; quoted by Castex
Second Balkan War, subordination of strategy to policy in
Seldon, John
Seven Years War; British attitude toward privateers; the Elder Pitt’s role in
Shovell, Admiral Cloudesley
Siam. See Thailand
Sims, Admiral William Snowden, views on submarines
Sino-Japanese War
16 December 1914; lessons of, repeated at battle of Jutland; missed opportunity for Germany
Smith, Sir William Sydney, manoeuvre in the Mediterranean
Soviet Union, as perturbateur; communism bestirs
Spain: French relations with; as perturbateur
Spanish-American War; provoked by Americans; role of geography in
Spanish Succession, War of the
Spee, Admiral Maximilian von
Stratégie générale. See General Strategy
Strategy: as art or science; defined; historical approach to; peacetime; policy and; positive approach to; tactics and
Strategy, naval: French School of; Italian School of
Submarines: commercial; defensive use of; geography and; impact on strategy of; morality arguments concerning; use in reconnaissance
Suffren, de Saint-Tropez, Pierre-André de, manoeuvres of
Surcouf, Robert
Syria, French position in
Tactics. See Strategy
Technology, impact on warfare of
Tegethoff, Admiral Baron Wilhelm von
Texel, battle of
Thailand, threatens Indochina
Thiers, Louis Adolphe
Tirpitz, Alfred von, attitudes toward Admiral von Ingenohl’s idea of manoeuvre
Tondern, British raid on
Tourville, Anne-Hilarion de Cotentin; pitted against Lord Torrington
Trafalgar, battle of; consequences of
Tsushima, battle of
Turko-Russian wars
28 August 1914, battle of. See Helgoland Bight, battle of
25 April 1916, German operation of
Tyrwhitt, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Reginald
United States: strategic position of; threat to French colonies from
Vauban, Marquis Sébastien Le Prestre de
Venizelos, Eleutherios
Villaret de Joyeuse, Louis-Thomas, Comte de
Villeneuve, Pierre-Charles-Jean-Baptiste-Sylvestre de
Von der Goltz, Freiherr Colmar, on combined operations; on srategy
Warrender, Sir George John Scott
Washington Naval Conference
Waterloo, battle of
Wegener, Vice Admiral Wolfgang, strategy of
Wellesley, Sir Arthur, First Duke of Wellington
West, Eastern threat against the
Wilhelm II (of Germany): approves Admiral Reinhard Scheer’s strategy; attitude toward manoeuvre; creation of navy under; influence of, on Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg
Willaumez, Comte Jean-Baptiste-Philibert
Wilson, President Woodrow
World War I: combined operations; conduct of operations in; dispersion of Royal Navy in; freedom of the seas in; importance of sea power in; interservice cooperation in; limits to sea power in; manoeuvre in; offensive in; policy and strategy in; role of geography in; sea mastery disputed during; struggle over communications in
World War I, German strategy in: absence of manoeuvre in; concept of “equalization” in; “management” of Royal Navy; manoeuvre in; risk theory; submarine war
Yalu River, battle of