Almantas Samalavicius
The great social changes that occurred in Lithuania in the 1990s were triggered by the collapse of the Soviet empire, which had colonised the Baltic nations and ideologically controlled the whole of central and eastern Europe for half a century. This, along with the onset of Gorbachev’s perestroika, hastened the events that led to the start of a second hard-won independence for Lithuania. For the first time my generation – born and raised in the Soviet era – had the opportunity to breathe in the life-giving and heady air of freedom. The current crop of twenty-year-olds, born in an already independent country, accept what for us was an intoxicating independence as something natural and ordinary. Though many Lithuanians had long dreamed of life in a free country, for my generation and our elders, it was most likely something that would occur and be experienced only once in a lifetime, and only under favourable historical circumstances.
Similarly, for most writers of the 20th century, freedom and independence were not self-evident truths, and nor was independence seen as guaranteed to last; it was only in the second decade of the 20th century that Lithuanians succeeded in shaking off the yoke of the tsarist Russian empire. This ancient and at times vast country, which at one point stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea, bore this subjugation from the very end of the 18th century, when the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth – a union which was constantly undermined by external forces and internal disagreements – was weakened and collapsed. In the end, having lost its sovereignty, it was an easy prey for an expanding Russia. For nearly 150 years Lithuania was ruled by a foreign colonial regime that consciously and maliciously ravaged and ruined the country’s cultural and religious institutions, crippled collective historical memory and fiercely suppressed (but fortunately did not extinguish) even the merest manifestations of a desire for freedom.
As the storms of the First World War raged, all of the regional representatives in Lithuania gathered in Vilnius for a conference. It was there that the Lithuanian people announced their decision to reclaim their independence. On 16 February 1918, the Council of Lithuania proclaimed the historic Act of Independence of Lithuania and quickly took action to consolidate independence. This event was a natural outcome of the formation of a national consciousness that started at the beginning of the 19th century – a process later described by Czeslaw Milosz, the Polish poet of Lithuanian origin and Nobel Prize laureate, as bordering on the miraculous.
The same could also be said about the incredible, phoenix-like reconstruction of the Lithuanian language, which formed the basis of the intellectual programme of the 19th century national liberation movement. It had been pushed out of public life and into the cultural fringes by the Russian colonial regime and its use had been entirely forbidden in public, in print and in schools after the second of two uprisings in the 19th century. But through great and often brave efforts spanning just a few decades, the Lithuanian language had been reborn.
Throughout the decades that the ban was in effect, the life of the Lithuanian language was maintained by way of books, mostly of religious content, which had been smuggled in from Prussia. However, even this could not effectively stop the degradation of the language. Many of the works published in Lithuanian in the 19th century clearly reflected that foreign vernacularisms and words had been imported into, and were undermining, the Lithuanian language. Elements of the Russian and Polish languages relentlessly penetrated into the structure and vocabulary of written Lithuanian, turning an archaic language into a combination of native and foreign tongues that quickly lost its characteristic identity and life. After the colonial regime brought into effect the ban on the Lithuanian language in 1864 that would last another forty years, the written word continued to grow sickly and wither, becoming a caricature of its former self. Fortunately, the national newspaper Ausra (Dawn), which was established in the 1890s, and later Varpas (The Bell) took up the mission to revive the Lithuanian language, strengthen national consciousness and rebuild historical memory in order to strengthen the foundations of Lithuanian identity. In a relatively short period of time, both periodicals played extremely meaningful and unexpectedly successful roles in the achievement of these goals. Even after the newspapers ceased publication, the work towards establishing an independent state and a shared sense of nationhood did not stop. It was taken up by other periodicals which continued to foster the seedlings of modern Lithuanian consciousness and identity. It would later become clear that this work was indispensable to the restoration of the lost institutional foundations of Lithuanian statehood.
It is therefore unsurprising that the themes of history and national identity have often been reflected by Lithuanian prose and poetry. It is probably also not difficult to understand why, for a nation deprived of its independence on several occasions, untangling these problems is so important. After nearly two centuries of Russian subjugation that witnessed the erosion of national traditions and identity, the inter-war period of independence only lasted a little over two decades. It was marked by a rapid, even feverish, period of creation of culture and cultural institutions but was followed by the occupation by the Soviet Union in 1940, which resulted in a new fifty-year period of colonisation. All of this left significant marks on the collective memory of Lithuanian society, culture and the body politic. The lasting mentality and institutional legacy, though sometimes bemoaned, are still felt in Lithuanian culture today.
In the 1940s the hopes held by some of the country’s leftist intellectuals – that the composite nature of the Soviet Union would protect the most essential elements of Lithuanian society and provide an element of cultural autonomy – were dashed. The onset of the first Soviet occupation brought with it mass deportations of citizens to Siberian gulags. Although the deportations targeted representatives of the intellectual class, the ensuing suffering was not inflicted solely on adults but also on children, even infants – a fact which graphically demonstrated the true face of the communist regime and the real aspirations of the occupiers. This experience also encouraged a second significant loss of Lithuanian intellectuals when a large number of writers and other artists moved to the West at the end of the Second World War. Following the movement of the front lines, they understood that if they remained in their homeland, they would be condemned – if not to death, then to prison, exile and other forms of repression. Their suspicions were soon confirmed. The post-war communist regime proved to be particularly brutal and the returning Soviet government initiated a fresh wave of deportations. Writers whose pasts, works or views raised even the slightest suspicion or doubt were questioned, tried, deported to gulags and condemned to a long exile. Those who had managed to avoid repression – typically as a result of their social origins, the expression of an outlook more acceptable to the Soviet state or a chameleon-like ability to adapt – were left with two options: either sing the praises of Stalinism or remain silent for decades on end. However, just keeping quiet was a dangerous option. A silent (non-writing) writer could be accused of harbouring a conscious desire not to glorify Joseph Stalin, not to support the ideology of the Communist Party and not to enact its requests. That mindset was a prelude to new types of persecution. As a result, the first decade after the end of the Second World War was the most difficult for the survival of Lithuanian literature. Some writers retreated underground or joined anti-Soviet fighters in the forests and lived in bunkers where they wrote poems in their notebooks that rarely reached the wider masses. For most of these writers, their fates ended tragically. In 1953, when the armed anti-Soviet resistance was finally quelled, the occupying regime made short work of free speech.
Soviet censors used every means at their disposal to control literary content and form. Any deviation from socialist realist norms was severely punished. Many of the works written in the post-war period were in reality the fruit of forced ‘collaboration’ between authors and censors. In certain cases writers were forced to rewrite their novels or short stories several times in accordance with suggestions made by censors, especially in those instances when the writer’s family or loved ones were imprisoned in Siberian gulags. In exchange for this literary collaboration, the writers were offered the promise that the suffering of their incarcerated loved ones would be lessened or shortened. It was in this way that the work of the inter-war writer Antanas Vienuolis was compromised: his son was serving time in a Soviet gulag. He wrote a second version of his socialist-realist novel Puodziunkiemis under the strict supervision of a Communist Party ‘co-author’, paying careful attention to the ‘editing’ provided.
Some writers became victims of both physical and intellectual oppression. The talented writer Kazys Boruta, whose excellent novel Baltaragis’ Windmill (Baltaragio malunas) was widely acclaimed and has been translated into English, was imprisoned in independent Lithuania for his membership of the outlawed socialist-revolutionary party; in the post-war period he was incarcerated by the Soviet regime for defending his position on national independence. Poet, dramatist, critic and professor at Vilnius University, Balys Sruoga was incarcerated along with other Lithuanian intellectuals at the Stutthof concentration camp by the Nazis. He died before the publication of Forest of the Gods (Dievu miskas), a memoir of his time in the Nazi camps. A book which critics later hailed as staggering and ironic, it was banned by the censors and languished for decades in a publishing-house drawer.
Censorship greatly affected the literary climate, spreading mediocrity and opportunism whilst studiously assisting in consolidating the socialist-realist literary canon. Conditions changed somewhat after Nikita Khrushchev’s famous speech at the 20th Soviet Party Congress in 1956. Encouraged by the new, apparently more moderate tone emanating from Moscow, Lithuanian writers became bolder in liberating themselves from the clutches of the compulsory canon and searched for new literary forms as well as more diverse creative motifs. An interest in literary techniques such as impressionism, interior monologue and increasingly individualised styles of expression began to appear in Lithuanian prose. At the same time growing attention was being paid to themes that had earlier been forbidden such as forced collectivisation as well as sudden and massive urbanisation, while there was also rising interest in drama depicting post-war existence. Lithuanian filmmakers also attempted to crack open this latter genre and a fine example of this trend came in the form of art film No One Wanted to Die (Niekas nenorejo mirti), by the renowned director Vytautas Zalakevicius. Unfortunately, the ‘thaw’ in the Soviet regime’s stance towards any kind of independent thought was short-lived, shattering the naïve illusions held by writers and other intellectuals that it was going to be possible to create ‘socialism with a human face’ in the Soviet bloc.
One might expect that there might be a search within literary forms for ways to express one’s true feelings and ideas in a society where free speech is restricted and repressed. However, unlike in other central and eastern European countries where fierce censorship created stronger preconditions for the blossoming of self-publishing (samizdat), nothing of the sort occurred in Lithuania. Although banned periodicals and regularly issued self-published editions did appear in the country such as the multi-volume Chronicle of the Catholic Church (Kataliku Baznycios kronika), most publications of this type reached only a very small circle of readers.
Furthermore, the heavy repressions enacted in the first post-war decade and the suppression of the anti-Soviet armed resistance had considerable long-term effects on the collective memory. Many writers, creators and intellectuals imagined their role in the legal public sphere as one of being devoted to fostering and protecting Lithuanian culture, particularly language, while at the same time safeguarding its continuation. However, this type of thinking had controversial consequences on the development of Lithuanian culture and literature. A communist nomenclature rapidly formed in all spheres of cultural production. The Communist Party elite began to wield significant influence on creative development, retaining an iron grip on these institutions and blocking the way into the public world for braver, more original thinking authors and nonconformist literature. Even after more than two decades have passed since the end of the Soviet period, the question of collaboration and conformism still remains relevant because post-war habits of thinking and behaviour rooted in official culture continue to be felt today. They are also evident in the evaluation of literary development of the past few decades and in the bestowal of the most prestigious prizes for cultural creators based on criteria that developed in the late Soviet era and remain alive today.
The only writers to be unaffected by the array of controls over literary forms were those who chose exodus at the end of the Second World War. After spending some time in German displaced persons camps, they eventually travelled west, often ending up in the US. For quite some time, these prose writers and poets living in emigration, a few of whom had managed to become well known in independent Lithuania and were even regarded as having written classics, rallied together in a strong group. They established Lithuanian literary presses, literary journal editorial boards and other institutions of literary life. Some of these writers, having seen with their own eyes the process of Sovietisation in 1940 in Lithuania and upon finding themselves on the other side of the Atlantic, conveyed their experiences in literary form, with Vincas Ramonas telling his story in the 1947 novel Crosses (Kryziai). Writers Algirdas Landsbergis and Marius Katiliskis used other aesthetic means to describe the themes of exodus, and the existential dimensions of exile were strongly and dramatically revealed in one of the most famous novels by a Lithuanian émigré: The White Shroud (Balta drobule, 1958) by Antanas Skema. In this novel the narrator seeks to speak with an eternally silent God “whose presence reveals itself only in the suffering and total destruction of man”, as the well-known critic of émigré literature, Rimvydas Silbajoris, observed when commenting on this work.
For most of the works created by emigré writers, the path back to Lithuania was difficult. A large part of their readership was in Lithuania and these works could only find domestic readers through illegal means. As a consequence, their impact on the literary consciousness forming in Soviet Lithuania was unavoidably limited. Works by emigré authors, for example, were not included in the literary programme at secondary schools or universities, and so an entire generation of readers only became acquainted with this part of Lithuanian literature after 1990. Eventually the production of émigré literature slowed, although the last few decades have witnessed the emergence of several prominent English-speaking Lithuanian writers in the United States and Canada.
The Soviet period in Lithuania nurtured its own literary leaders who, regardless of certain controversies, played a meaningful role in the formation of Lithuanian historical consciousness and national identity. When discussing Lithuanian literature of the Soviet period, it is impossible to ignore the poet and dramatist Justinas Marcinkevicius and his historical trilogy Mindaugas (1968), Mazvydas (1977), and Cathedral (Katedra, 1971). These plays strengthened the foundations of national identity and pride despite the hostile environment created by Soviet ideology and cultural colonisation. As a writer recognised by the regime and awarded the most important literary prizes, he had a huge impact on several generations of readers and became an object of adoration for a large part of the public. Many Lithuanian authors explored the processes of destruction affecting traditional village structures and communities, describing the incremental loss of the traditional ways of life and examining the consequences of collectivisation. In the 1990s these literary themes were woven into Romualdas Granauskas’ literary opus. Granauskas presents an epitaph for the village epoch in Lithuanian culture, his realism tinged with more than a hint of sadness. His short story Life under the Maples (Gyvenimas po klevu), which was later made into a popular television film, showed the ideologies and political processes of the Soviet period irrevocably damaging the Lithuanian village. Characters in the village who are repositories of traditional wisdom end up disappearing, while the newly developing homo sovieticus is shown losing his cultural memory.
As a result of rubbing up against the ideology and censorship of the Soviet regime, authors in the Soviet period perfected the Aesopian manner of speaking. This was the case not only for poets, who were used to juggling complex metaphors, but also for prose writers of that era who found individualistic ways of expressing encoded meanings in their texts. Some wrote about madness, split consciousness, and the development of dualism, while others skilfully wove ambiguous post-war episodes or historical dates important to Lithuanians into their stories. For example, in one of his stories Romualdas Lankauskas describes the dealings his character has with Satan: he is being pressured to accept huge material gains in exchange for altering the ending of the book he is writing. The reader, knowing how to read between the lines, no doubt understood that to use such a metaphor was to speak about the relationship between the writer and the KGB. Censorship stifled freedom of speech, but it also played a role in stimulating writers to perfect their artistic voice, to arm themselves with inventive modes of expression that would not be noticed by censors, and to create multiple meanings, the nuances of which were only revealed in the process of encoding and decoding.
An important characteristic of late Soviet-era literature was the marked increase of women writers in a literary domain traditionally belonging to men, and along with them new themes pushed their way into the literary sphere. Women writers paid more attention to relationships, revealed the dominance of male philosophies and stereotypes, and wrote about the fate of women and other Soviet-era realities with a more subtle hand that sparkled with new colour. It is reflected in this anthology by the work of contemporary women writers such as Birute Jonuskaite and Giedra Radvilaviciute.
In 1989, as the national reform movement, known as Sajudis in the West, was actively expressing its opinions – though no one had yet publicly dared to declare independence and most of the participants were still talking about supporting Gorbachev’s ‘reforms’ – Ricardas Gavelis’ novel Vilnius Poker (Vilniaus pokeris) appeared. It was destined to become the most significant late Soviet-era work of Lithuanian literature, crossing aesthetic and psychological thresholds as well as becoming a paradigm for post-modern discussion. The novel, which was written over nearly a decade and sections of which were hidden in the homes of the author’s most trusted friends, examines the nature and mechanisms of power and coercion. Gavelis writes about what he called eternal conspirators against humanity, who are found in various forms throughout all periods of history from the time of Plato onwards. The novel, which sought to solve the mysteries of power and mind control, also revealed a new type of human – homo lithuanicus – who, in his wretchedness, cowardice and duplicity, surpasses his older spiritual brother, homo sovieticus. In this gloomy, post-modern text, full of sexual coercion, moral perversions and images of violence, the author attempted to answer the question: what happened to this nation which had lost its dignity, and spiritual orientation, one which safeguarded only empty symbols of past greatness that had lost their essence? Gavelis was also the first Lithuanian novelist who, quite early on, openly discussed the experiences of Lithuanians in the Siberian gulags, specifically in his story Handless (Berankis). Vilnius Poker broke all the literary sales records set in the previous decade; when the novel was released, nearly 100,000 copies were printed at lightning speed. A comparable print-run has only been seen since with the publication of a poetry collection by the well-known, previously banned émigré poet, Bernardas Brazdzionis, and was released to mark his triumphant return to Lithuania on the eve of independence.
The final years of the Soviet Union are often referred to as a period of ‘stagnation’. It was during this time that I, having become a literary critic, encountered a strange and especially paradoxical situation: though the intellectual atmosphere of the time was gloomy and grim, with no prospect of changes to freedom of expression in sight, the regime’s facade was manifesting signs of weakness. At that time I had published several critical reviews of the literary press and the literary situation in Lithuania, and I was scolded and accused of ‘slandering Soviet Lithuanian literature’ at the official annual meetings of the Writers’ Union (ironically, an organization I was invited to join just a few years later). However, unlike the bravest critics of previous generations who in earlier decades, after similar public condemnations, had lost their right to publish for a few years or sometimes more, no one even tried to block my career. An obvious lack of vigilance in censorship was also apparent in the fact that in 1988, the popular weekly Literature and Art (Literatura ir menas) quoted insights from Encounter magazine, which was widely known to be a Western, anti-Soviet magazine. The regime had wasted away from the inside and, as demonstrated by the bloody events of January 1991 in Vilnius, was desperately relying on its military strength. Its days were numbered.
This anthology attempts, admittedly fragmentally and without laying claim to any panoramic vision, to convey the more essential developments in Lithuanian literature over the last few centuries, a period that was closely connected to the evolution of statehood – its creation and loss – and the quest for freedom and independence. In the last century Lithuanian prose was dominated by themes related to agrarian life, bearing witness to the social and cultural developments taking place on the colonised edges of Europe. Many prominent writers of the past century observed, reflected on and wrote about the fate of traditional village culture in a modernising society (this view is exceptionally rendered in the work of one of the most prominent modern Lithuanian writers, Vincas Kreve). They responded sensitively to the historical calamities that tormented the country – both of the world wars, the Holocaust, the Soviet occupation, the gulags and exile as well as the Sovietisation of the nation’s identity and the controversies created in a late-forming urban culture. Under these circumstances, many writers, even into the present day, have used their work to examine both the distant and the not-so-distant past because it is connected not only with individual existential experience but also with questions about the future of society. Clearly, literature has many different objectives; it should not and cannot be reduced merely to elementary social commentary. However, keeping in mind the copious complicated historical changes that are a part of Lithuania’s cultural development, one can see that it is entirely natural that writers often seek answers to the questions that eternally plague literary creators: Who are we? Where did we come from? And where are we going? It is my hope that the works published in this anthology will help make comprehensible the value and meaning behind these questions.
Translated by Medeine Tribinevicius