The Translators

Jura Avizienis has a Master’s degree in Lithuanian literature from the University of Illinois. Jura is a Fulbright Scholar (Lithuania, 2000), and has been teaching at Boston University since 2008. Her translations of contemporary Lithuanian literature appear regularly in The Vilnius Review.

Ausrine Byla is the granddaughter of Balys Sruoga. She has a Master’s degree in English from Arizona State University and is currently living in Vilnius, Lithuania, where she is working as a translator and language instructor.

Violeta Kelertas received her PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Wisconsin Madison. She was Endowed Chair of Lithuanian Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago 1984–2008. She has translated and edited widely, mostly Soviet era Lithuanian prose fiction, focusing on Aesopian language, used to evade Soviet censorship. Currently under the auspices of the University of Washington Baltic program she is engaged in preparing a translation of the 19th C. feminist Lithuanian writer Zemaite.

Elizabeth Novickas has a Master’s degree in Lithuanian Language and Literature from the University of Illinois. She has worked as a bookbinder and fine printer in Urbana, Illinois; as a newspaper designer and cartographer in Springfield, Illinois; and as editorial system administrator at the Chicago Sun-Times. Besides translating Lithuanian into English, she is the editor of the journal Lituanus. In 2011 she won the St. Jerome Prize from the Association of Lithuanian Literary Translators.

Medeine Tribinevicius holds a MA in creative writing and an MA from the Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at the University of Toronto. She is a writer, editor and curator, as well as a translator of Lithuanian literature and poetry.

Ada Mykote Valaitis is a writer, editor, and translator with a Masters degree in Literature from George Mason University. In 2007, Ada was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to study and translate Lithuanian literature. She currently works as a Writer-Editor in the Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation and lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

Jayde Will has a master’s degree in Fenno-Ugric languages from the University of Tartu, and is currently an assistant at the Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies at Vilnius University. His poetry and prose translations of Lithuanian, Estonian and Russian authors have appeared in a number of anthologies, including the most recent Best European Fiction 2012 Anthology. He is currently working on a collection of selected poems by Estonian poet and prose writer Eeva Park. He resides in Vilnius.