General and Bibliographic

acc. accusative case
BCE before the Common Era
BDAG Walter Bauer, Frederick W. Danker, William F. Arndt, and F. Wilbur Gingrich. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
BDF Friedrich Blass and Albert Debrunner. A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Translated and edited by Robert A. Funk. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961.
Black David Alan Black. It’s Still Greek to Me: An Easy-to-Understand Guide to Intermediate Greek. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1998.
Brooks and Winbery J. A. Brooks and C. L. Winbery. Syntax of New Testament Greek. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1979.
CE Common Era
chap(s). chapter(s)
Dana and Mantey H. E. Dana and Julius Mantey. A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament. New York: Macmillan, 1955.
dat. dative case
ESV English Standard Version
gen. genitive case
JSNTSup Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series
KJV King James Version
LXX Septuagint, Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible
Moule C. F. D. Moule. An Idiom Book of New Testament Greek. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1959.
Mounce William D. Mounce. The Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar. 3rd ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009.
NA28 Eberhard and Erwin Nestle, Barbara and Kurt Aland, et al., eds. Novum Testamentum Graece. 28th rev. ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2012.
NICNT New International Commentary on the New Testament
NIV New International Version
NRSV New Revised Standard Version
NT New Testament
OT Old Testament
PNTC Pillar New Testament Commentary
Porter Stanley E. Porter. Idioms of the Greek New Testament. 2nd, corrected ed. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1994.
Robertson A. T. Robertson. A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research. 4th ed. Nashville: Broadman, 1934.
SBLGNT The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition. Edited by Michael W. Holmes. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2010.
Turner Nigel Turner. Syntax. Vol. 3 of A Grammar of New Testament Greek. By James Hope Moulton, Wilbert Francis Howard, and Nigel Turner. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1963.
UBS5 Barbara and Kurt Aland, et al., eds. The Greek New Testament. 5th rev. ed. Stuttgart: United Bible Societies, 2014.
Wallace Daniel B. Wallace. Greek Grammar beyond the Basics. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996.
Young Richard A. Young. Intermediate New Testament Greek: A Linguistic and Exegetical Approach. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1994.
Zerwick Maximilian Zerwick. Biblical Greek: Illustrated by Examples. Rome: Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1963.

Old Testament

Gen. Genesis
Exod. Exodus
Lev. Leviticus
Num. Numbers
Deut. Deuteronomy
Josh. Joshua
Judg. Judges
Ruth Ruth
1–2 Sam. 1–2 Samuel
1–2 Kings 1–2 Kings
1–2 Chron. 1–2 Chronicles
Ezra Ezra
Neh. Nehemiah
Esther Esther
Job Job
Ps(s). Psalm(s)
Prov. Proverbs
Eccles. Ecclesiastes
Song Song of Songs
Isa. Isaiah
Jer. Jeremiah
Lam. Lamentations
Ezek. Ezekiel
Dan. Daniel
Hosea Hosea
Joel Joel
Amos Amos
Obad. Obadiah
Jon. Jonah
Mic. Micah
Nah. Nahum
Hab. Habakkuk
Zeph. Zephaniah
Hag. Haggai
Zech. Zechariah
Mal. Malachi

New Testament

Matt. Matthew
Mark Mark
Luke Luke
John John
Acts Acts
Rom. Romans
1–2 Cor. 1–2 Corinthians
Gal. Galatians
Eph. Ephesians
Phil. Philippians
Col. Colossians
1–2 Thess. 1–2 Thessalonians
1–2 Tim. 1–2 Timothy
Titus Titus
Philem. Philemon
Heb. Hebrews
James James
1–2 Pet. 1–2 Peter
1–3 John 1–3 John
Jude Jude
Rev. Revelation