The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
academic freedom
Academy of Political Science
Acheson, Dean
Act of Chapultepec
Adenauer, Konrad
Akers, Milburn
Alphand, Herve
Alsop brothers
Ambrose, Stephen
American Association for the United Nations
American Baptist Convention
American Legion
American Nuclear Disarmament Dilemma, The (Tal)
Anderson, C. Elmer
Anderson, Robert B.
Andrews, Hiram G.
anticommunism: Stassen relationship to Joseph McCarthy; Stassen’s defense of academic freedom as president of the University of Pennsylvania; Stassen’s handling of the McCarthy challenge as head of the Mutual Security Agency
Arab League
arms control: Eisenhower and. See also nuclear disarmament
Arms Control Committee (UN)
Asia: Marshall Plan for Asia; Stassen’s management of US foreign aid as director of the Mutual Security Agency
atom bombs: dropped on Japan; Stassen and the debate on control of; Stassen on Soviet development of atomic weapons. See also nuclear disarmament
atomic energy: Stassen and the regulation debate; US atomic policy
Atomic Energy Commission
“Atoms for Peace” proposal
atoms-for-police program
Baldwin, Hanson
Ball, Joseph
Baltimore Sun
“Ban the Bomb” program
Baptist Church
Baruch, Bernard
Benson, Elmer A.
Berding, Andrew H.
Blaine, James G.
Bloom, Sol
Bohlen, Charles E.
Borah, William J.
Bowie, Robert W.
Bradford, Robert F.
Brands, H. W.
Brown, George
Brownell, Herbert
Bulganin, Nikolai: April 1956 meeting with Stassen; Eisenhower and; Geneva summit; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions of 1955 and; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions of 1956 and; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions of 1957 and
Burger, Warren
Butler, Hugh
Campaign Advisory Committee
Canham, Erwin
Capehart, Homer
Catledge, Turner
CBS radio network
Chicago Daily News
Chicago Sun
Chicago Tribune
Churchill, Winston
Civilian Defense Board
civil rights movement
civil service law (MN)
Clay, Lucius
college students: support for Stassen as president of the University of Pennsylvania; support for Stassen in the presidential elections
Columbia University
communism: Stassen’s 1947 meeting with Stalin; in Stassen’s 1948 campaign biography; Stassen’s support for the Truman Doctrine
Communist Party
Connally, Tom
Cooke, Jay
Council of Foreign Ministers
County District Attorney Association (MN)
Cousins, Norman
Cowles, John and Gardner
Daily Pennsylvanian
Dakota County district attorney (MN)
Dalin, David G.
Davenport, Walter
Dewey, Thomas E.: presidential election of 1940; presidential election of 1944; presidential election of 1948; presidential election of 1952
“Diaper Brigade”
district attorney for Dakota County (MN)
Doolittle, James H.
Duff, James H.
Dulles, John Foster: diplomatic credentials of; Eisenhower’s “hidden hand” presidency and; Eisenhower restores to primacy in foreign policy making; Foreign Operations Administration and; McCarthy’s anti-Communist investigations and; relationship with Stassen as director of the Mutual Security Agency; Stassen’s letter to Stalin in 1950 and
—DISARMAMENT AND: Geneva summit; response to the Soviet peace offensive of 1956; the Stassen-Dulles relationship; Stassen memo to Zorin; Stassen’s appointment to special assistant for disarmament; Stassen’s fall in status and departure from the Eisenhower administration; Stassen’s shift to the State Department; Stassen’s UN Disarmament Subcommittee proposals in 1955; Stassen’s UN Disarmament Subcommittee proposals in 1956; Stassen’s UN Disarmament Subcommittee proposals in 1957
Eaton, Charles A.
Eisenhower (Stassen & Houts)
Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Konrad Adenauer and; as adviser to James Forrestal; Nikolai Bulganin and; Foreign Operations Administration and; “hidden hand” presidency and the handling of Stassen and Dulles; intention to restore the State Department to a policy-making role; Joseph McCarthy and; overview of Stassen’s relationship with; presidency of Columbia University; presidential election of 1948; presidential election of 1952; presidential election of 1956 and Stassen’s attempt to oust Nixon; Rockefeller and; Stassen’s appointment as director of the Mutual Security Agency and, (see also Mutual Security Agency); Stassen’s departure from the administration of; Stassen’s letter to Stalin in 1950 and; Stassen’s support for as Supreme Allied Commander of NATO; US foreign policy and the Stassen-Dulles relationship
—DISARMAMENT AND: creation of the special assistant for disarmament post, (see also special assistant for disarmament); Geneva summit; guidance letter to Stassen in March 1956; the Stassen memo to Zorin incident; Stassen’s fall in status and departure from the administration of; Stassen’s UN Disarmament Subcommittee proposals in 1955; Stassen’s UN Disarmament Subcommittee proposals in 1956; Stassen’s UN Disarmament Subcommittee proposals in 1957
European Defense Community
Evatt, Herbert V.
faculty loyalty oaths
Farmer-Labor Party
Federal Republic of Germany: entry into NATO and the Soviet response; German reunification issue and; response to the Stassen memo to Zorin incident; US–Soviet nuclear disarmament negotiations and
Fine, John S.
Foreign Operations Administration (FOA)
Foreign Policy Association
Forrestal, James V.
France: Indochina and; nuclear disarmament discussions and; response to the Stassen memo to Zorin incident; Suez crisis of 1956; US foreign policy and
Friends of Stassen Committee
Fulton, James P.
Geneva Conference
Geneva summit
Gildersleeve, Virginia
Gimbel, Bernard
Goodpaster, Andrew J.
governor of Minnesota
Great Britain: nuclear disarmament discussions and; nuclear testing and; response to the Stassen memo to Zorin incident; Suez crisis of 1956; US foreign policy and
Gridiron Club
Griswold, Dwight
Gromyko, Andrei
Gruenther, Alfred
Grundy, Joseph R.
Gunther, John
Hagerty, James
Hall, Leonard
Halsey, William F.
Hamilton, John
Hammarskjöld, Dag
Hancock, James M.
Hanson, Kenneth
Harold Stassen (Kirby et al.)
Harold Stassen (Matteson)
Harriman, W. Averell
Harrison, William Henry
H-bomb testing
Heffelfinger, Mrs. Peavey
Herter, Christian
higher education: issue of federal aid to; Stassen’s defense of academic freedom. See also presidency of the University of Pennsylvania
Historical Society of New York
Hollister, John
Holmes, Julius C.
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, Herbert, Jr.
House Appropriations Committee
House Foreign Affairs Committee
Houts, Marshall
Hughes, Emmett
Humphrey, George
Ickes, Harold
Illinois primary
International Cooperation Agency
International Council on Religious Education
International Development Act (1950)
internationalism: Stassen and; Willkie and
Inter-Religious Committee for Peace
Iowa primary
Jackson, C. D.
Jessup, Philip
Johnson, Hiram
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy
Judd, Walter
Khrushchev, Nikita
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kirby, Alec
Knox, Frank
Korean War
Krock, Arthur
Kuznetsov, Vasilii
labor: 1952 presidential election and; Stassen and
labor conciliation law
labor strikes
LaFollette, Philip
LaGuardia, Fiorello
Landis, James M.
Landon, Alf
Lawrence, Ernest
Lilienthal, David E.
Lincoln Day dinner
Lindley, Ernest K.
Lisagor, Peter
Lodge, Henry Cabot: Eisenhower’s 1952 presidential election and; nuclear disarmament discussions and; Stassen on the UN Disarmament Commission and
Logan Act (1798)
Lopez, Herbert B.
loyalty oaths
MacArthur, Douglas: presidential election of 1944; presidential election of 1948; presidential election of 1952; removal from command in Korea; Stassen and
Macmillan, Harold
Maine primary
Malone, George
Manhattan Project
Man of the Week (CBS news show)
Marshall, George C.
Marshall Islands
Marshall Plan
Marshall Plan for Asia
Martin, Joseph W., Jr.
Matteson, Robert E.: on Dulles’s victory in disarmament policy; monograph on Stassen; with the Mutual Security Agency; relationship with Stassen; on the Stassen-Dulles relationship; on Stassen’s shift to the State Department while special assistant for disarmament; on Stassen’s success as special assistant for disarmament; on Stassen’s vendetta against Nixon in 1956
McCarthy, Joseph R.
McCormick, Robert R.
McCracken, Robert T.
McLeod, Scott
Meet the Press (NBC news show)
Mencken, H. L.
Military Staff Committee (UN)
Minnesota: 1952 Republican presidential primary; civil service law; eastern Republican establishment and; Stassen as assistant district attorney for Dakota County; Stassen as governor; Stassen’s later political ambitions in
Minnesota Labor Peace Act (1939)
Moch, Jules
Mollet, Guy
Monroe Doctrine
Morse, Wayne
Mundt, Karl
Mundt-Nixon bill
Murphy, Robert
Mutual Assistance Advisory Committee
Mutual Security Agency (MSA): 1953 European inspection tour by Stassen and Dulles; Foreign Operations Administration and; Kenneth Hanson as deputy director; overview of Stassen’s directorship; Stassen’s administrative abilities; Stassen’s foreign policy management; Stassen’s handling of the McCarthy challenge; Stassen’s relationship with Dulles; State Department and
National Governors’ Conference
National Republican Club
National Security Council
National Security Council (NSC): nuclear disarmament under Eisenhower and; Stassen’s last proposals to; Stassen’s membership in as director of the Mutual Security Agency; Stassen’s progress reports on nuclear disarmament
Nebraska: presidential primary of 1948; US Senate election of 1946
Neutrality Act
New Hampshire primary
New Republic
New York Herald Tribune
New York Republican Club
New York Times: on the 1952 Republican National Convention; coverage of the Trusteeship Committee at the San Francisco Conference; on Dewey and Stassen; reviews of Stassen’s Where I Stand; on Stassen and foreign aid under Eisenhower; on Stassen and the 1948 presidential election; on Stassen and the 1952 presidential election; Stassen questioned about the inevitability of war; on Stassen’s appointment as director of the Mutual Security Agency; on Stassen’s appointment to the presidency of the University of Pennsylvania; Stassen’s articles on disarmament; on Stassen’s departure from the Eisenhower administration; on Stassen’s handling of McCarthyism; Stassen’s letter to Stalin in 1950
New York Young Republican Club
Nixon, Richard M.
Nixon-Mundt bill
Norris, George W.
Norstad, Lauris
North Atlantic Council
North Atlantic Treaty
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): nuclear test ban talks in 1957 and; Stassen cited as a potential secretary-general; Stassen memo to Zorin and; US foreign policy and the Stassen-Dulles relationship; West Germany and
nuclear disarmament: “Atoms for Peace” proposal; atoms-for-police program; Dulles and (see Dulles, John Foster); Eisenhower and (see Eisenhower, Dwight D.); Geneva summit; German reunification issue and; nuclear test ban proposals (see nuclear test ban proposals); Open Skies initiative (see Open Skies initiative); overview of and reflections on Stassen’s career and contributions; Soviet Union and (see Soviet Union); Stassen’s assignment as special assistant for disarmament (see special assistant for disarmament); Stassen’s convictions regarding. See also UN Disarmament Subcommittee
nuclear test ban proposals: Geneva summit and; legacy of Stassen’s attempted test ban treaty of 1957; Adlai Stevenson and; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions in 1956 and; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions in 1957 and
nuclear testing: Eisenhower’s pursuit of nuclear disarmament and; Great Britain and; H-bomb testing; US nuclear tests in 1956
Nutting, Harold
Ohio primary
Olsen, Floyd B.
One World (Willkie)
Open Skies initiative: concept of; Geneva summit discussions and; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions of 1955 and; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions of 1956 and; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions of 1957 and
Oregon primary
Organization for European Economic Cooperation
O’Shaughnessy, Elim
Owsley, C. H.
Pasvolsky, Leo
Pauling, Linus
Paul Revere Riders
Peaslee, Amos J.
Pennsylvania: 1952 Republican presidential primary; Stassen’s involvement in state politics as president of the University of Pennsylvania; Stassen’s pursuit of the governorship
People’s Republic of China
Philadelphia (PA)
Phillips, Cabell
Point 4 program
Prescott, Orville
presidency of the University of Pennsylvania: critics of Stassen’s national political ambitions; Stassen’s advocacy of a progressive path for the Republican Party
presidency of the University of
Pennsylvania; Stassen’s appointment to; Stassen’s attempt to bring Churchill to Philadelphia in 1951; Stassen’s criticisms of and commentaries on US foreign policy under Truman; Stassen’s defense of academic freedom; Stassen’s departure from; Stassen’s involvement in Pennsylvania state politics and; Stassen’s participation in the 1952 presidential election; Stassen’s support from the Board of Trustees and students
presidential election of 1940
presidential election of 1944
presidential election of 1948: Oregon primary and crisis for Stassen; Stassen and the rival candidates; Stassen as president of the University of Pennsylvania; Stassen’s 1947 overseas trip and meeting with Stalin; Stassen’s campaign biography; Stassen’s early engagement in and decision not to run for the Senate; Stassen’s vulnerabilities
presidential election of 1952: MacArthur and; Stassen as a stealth candidate for Eisenhower; Stassen on Truman’s dismissal of MacArthur; Stassen’s behavior during; Stassen’s role at the convention
presidential election of 1956
Production for Peace Program
Quarles, Donald A.
Radford, Arthur M.
religion: Stassen and
Republican National Committee
Republican National Convention (1936)
Republican National Convention (1940)
Republican National Convention (1952)
Republican Party: delegation to the United Nations Charter conference; presidential election of 1940; presidential election of 1944; presidential election of 1948 (see presidential election of 1948); presidential election of 1952 (see presidential election of 1952); presidential election of 1956 and Stassen’s attempt to oust Nixon; Stassen and internationalism; Stassen’s advocacy of a progressive path from 1948 to 1952; Stassen’s early rise in; Stassen’s political ambitions and failures; Stassen’s support among young Republicans
Reston, James
Robertson, Norman
Rockefeller, Nelson
Romulo, Carlos
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano: Gridiron Club of 1939; Republican delegation to the United Nations Charter conference; Willkie and
Rothmann, John F.
Rovere, Richard
Ryan, Elmer J.
Saturday Evening Post
Saturday Review of Literature
Schweitzer, Albert
Scott, Hugh D., Jr.
“Secretary of State vs. the Secretary of Peace, The” (Tal)
Senate Banking Committee
Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee
Shanley, Bernard
Shevchenko, Arkady N.
Shipstead, Henrik
Smith, Fred
Smyth, Henry D.
Sobolev, Akadii A.
Southeast Asia
South Vietnam
Soviet Union: 1956 invasion of Hungary; Stassen on Soviet development of atomic weapons; Stassen’s 1947 trip to; Stassen’s concerns about atomic energy control and; Stassen’s criticism of US trade with; Stassen’s fear of Soviet ambitions in 1950; Stassen’s letter to Stalin in 1950
—DISARMAMENT AND: “Ban the Bomb” program; Eisenhower’s arms control proposals; Geneva summit; nuclear test ban proposals (see nuclear test ban proposals); overview of Stassen’s approach to in the disarmament discussions; peace offensive of 1956; the Stassen memo to Zorin incident; Stassen’s April 1956 meeting with Bulganin and Khrushchev; Suez crisis of 1956; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions in 1955; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions in 1956; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions in 1957
Spaak, Paul-Henri
special assistant for disarmament: creation of the office; Eisenhower’s guidance letter to Stassen in March 1956, (see also Eisenhower, Dwight D.); Geneva summit; Julius Holmes appointed Stassen’s deputy; nuclear test ban proposals (see nuclear test ban proposals); Soviet peace offensive of 1956 and; Stassen and the presidential election of 1956; Stassen downgraded and transferred to the State Department; the Stassen-Dulles relationship and, (see also Dulles, John Foster); the Stassen memo to Zorin incident and its aftermath; Stassen’s appointment to; Stassen’s April 1956 meeting with Bulganin and Khrushchev; Stassen’s convictions regarding nuclear disarmament; Stassen’s fall in status and departure from the Eisenhower administration; Stassen’s progress reports to the National Security Council; Stassen’s proposals and UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions in 1955; Stassen’s proposals and UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions in 1956; Stassen’s proposals and UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions in 1957; Stassen’s staff and task forces. See also nuclear disarmament; UN Disarmament Subcommittee
Stalin, Joseph: Stassen’s 1947 meeting with; Stassen’s letter to in 1950
Star Journal
Stassen, Glen
Stassen, Harold: atomic energy regulation and; convictions regarding nuclear disarmament; correspondence with family members; Dewey and; as director of the Foreign Operations Administration; as director of the Mutual Security Agency (see Mutual Security Agency); early life and achievements; early political ambitions; Eisenhower’s “hidden hand” presidency and; as governor of Minnesota; internationalism and; keynote speech at the 1940 Republican National Convention; loyalty of aides and followers; overview of and reflections on the political career of; personality of; political advisers of; political ambitions and failures; presidential election of 1940; presidential election of 1944; presidential election of 1948 (see presidential election of 1948); presidential election of 1952 (see presidential election of 1952); presidential election of 1956 and the attempt to oust Nixon; as president of the University of Pennsylvania (see presidency of the University of Pennsylvania); Production for Peace Program proposal; proposals for United Nations Charter revisions; pursuit of the governorship of Pennsylvania; religion and; Republican Party and (see Republican Party); San Francisco Conference and the United Nations Charter; scholarly works on the career of; as special assistant for disarmament (see special assistant for disarmament); Stalin and; support for the United Nations; Willkie and; World War II and
Stettinius, Edward R., Jr.
Stevenson, Adlai
Stimson, Henry
Strauss, Lewis
Suez crisis of 1956
Taft, Robert A.: McCarthy’s anti-Communist investigations and; presidential election of 1940; presidential election of 1948 and; presidential election of 1952; Stassen criticizes the return to isolationism in 1950
Taft-Hartley Act (1947)
Tal, David
tariff policy
Taylor, Francis Henry
Teamsters Union
Technical Cooperation Administration
Teller, Edward
Third World
Thompson, Llewellyn E.
Thye, Edward J.
Truman, Harry S.: Douglas MacArthur and; election in 1948; International Development Act of 1950; McCarthy’s anti-Communist investigations and; response to Stassen’s letter to Stalin in 1950; Stassen’s criticisms of; United Nations charter and; US atomic policy
Truman Doctrine
Trusteeship Committee (San Francisco Conference)
Twining, Nathan F.
UN Disarmament Commission
UN Disarmament Subcommittee: proposals and meetings in 1955; proposals and meetings in 1956; proposals and meetings in 1957; the Stassen memo to Zorin and its aftermath
United Nations: Arms Control Committee; controversy over admission of the People’s Republic of China; Disarmament Commission; Disarmament Subcommittee (see UN Disarmament Subcommittee); Stassen and the debate on the control of atomic energy; Stassen and the San Francisco Conference; Stassen’s concerns about the veto power; Stassen’s support for; Stassen’s views of US foreign policy and; Willkie’s support for
United Nations Charter: Rockefeller at the San Francisco Conference; Stassen at the San Francisco Conference; Stassen’s concerns about the veto power; Stassen’s proposals for revisions of
United Nations General Assembly
United Nations Security Council
University of Minnesota Law School
University of Pennsylvania: library bicentennial and the attempt to bring Churchill to Philadelphia; Stassen as president (see presidency of the University of Pennsylvania); Stassen’s impact on as president; student support for Stassen
University of Pennsylvania Board of Trustees: on Stassen’s appointment as director of the Mutual Security Agency; Stassen’s appointment to the university presidency and; support for Stassen
University of Wisconsin
Urey, Harold
US Congress: Dulles keeps members out of the Geneva summit; Mutual Security Agency and
US foreign aid: Stassen’s management of as director of the Mutual Security Agency
US foreign policy: Eisenhower’s pursuit of arms control and nuclear disarmament, (see also nuclear disarmament); overview of and reflections on Stassen’s career and contributions; Stassen as director of the Foreign Operations Administration; Stassen as director of the Mutual Security Agency (see Mutual Security Agency); Stassen as special assistant for disarmament (see special assistant for disarmament); Stassen’s criticisms of and commentaries on while president of the University of Pennsylvania; Stassen’s support for the United Nations and; tensions and conflicts between Stassen and Dulles over
US Information Agency
US Navy: Stassen’s service during World War II
US State Department: Eisenhower’s intention to restore to a policy-making role; Foreign Operations Administration and; International Cooperation Agency; McCarthy’s anti-Communist investigations and; Mutual Security Agency and, (see also Mutual Security Agency); Stassen placed under Dulles while special assistant for disarmament. See also Dulles, John Foster
Vandenberg, Arthur H.: presidential election of 1940; presidential election of 1948; support for Stassen in 1944; United Nations Charter conference and
veto power
Vietnam War
Warren, Earl
Washington Post
Western Europe: nuclear test ban proposals and; Stassen’s management of US foreign aid as director of the Mutual Security Agency; US foreign policy and the Stassen-Dulles relationship
West Germany. See Federal Republic of Germany
Wharton School
Where I Stand (Stassen)
Whitney, John Hay
Willkie, Philip
Willkie, Wendell: activities during World War II; death of; internationalism and; presidential election of 1940; presidential election of 1944; Stassen and
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, Woodrow
Wisconsin primary
World Council of Churches
World Federal government
World Stabilization Force
World War II: end in the Pacific; Stassen’s service during; United Nations Charter conference; Willkie and
Youngdahl, Luther
Zorin, Valerian: Stassen’s memo to and its aftermath; Stassen’s relationship with; UN Disarmament Subcommittee discussions in 1957 and