/* --------------------------------------------------------- Better Homes and Gardens The Ultimate Quick and Healthy Books Format: EPUB3, KF8 Last modified: April 22, 2014 Modified by: Rebecca Springer, rebecca.springer@hmhco.com */ /* Fonts */ @font-face { font-family:"Glypha LT Std"; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; src : url("../font/GlyphaLTStd.otf"); } @font-face { font-family:"Glypha LT Std Black"; font-style:normal; font-weight:900; src : url("../font/GlyphaLTStd-Black.otf"); } @font-face { font-family:"Glypha LT Std"; font-style:normal; font-weight:bold; src : url("../font/GlyphaLTStd-Bold.otf"); } @font-face { font-family:"Glypha LT Std Light"; font-style:normal; font-weight:300; src : url("../font/GlyphaLTStd-Light.otf"); } @font-face { font-family:"Glypha LT Std Light"; font-style:italic; font-weight:300; src : url("../font/GlyphaLTStd-LightOblique.otf"); } @font-face { font-family:"Glypha LT Std Light"; font-style:oblique; font-weight:300; src : url("../font/GlyphaLTStd-LightOblique.otf"); 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font-size:0.8em; font-weight:300; line-height:1.3; clear:both; } span.nutrition-hed, span.var-hed { font-family:"Glypha LT Std", serif; font-size:1.143em; line-height:1; } div.box { margin:1em auto; width:80%; padding:3%; border-radius:15px; page-break-inside:avoid; border:1px solid #FFF; } p.prep-var { color:#FFFFFF; /*white*/ font-family:"Seravek", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; } span.var-hed { font-weight:bold; } div.subrecipe { margin:1em auto; width:95%; padding:2%; border-radius:15px; page-break-inside:avoid; font-size:90%; } .tip-hed, .note-hed { font-family:"Glypha LT Std", serif; line-height:1; } .note-hed { color:#FFFFFF; padding:4px .25em 0 .25em; display:inline-block; } /* ---- rear matter styles ---- */ .rm-page p, .rm-page li { font-family:"Seravek", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; font-weight:300; } .rm-page h1 { color:#562500; /*brown*/ font-family:"Seravek", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; font-size:2.5em; line-height:1.2; } p.index-nav { font-size:1.1em; letter-spacing:2px; text-align:center; margin:1.5em 0; } h2.IndexLetter { color:#C4323D; /*red*/ font-family:"Seravek", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; font-size:1.333em; font-weight:600; line-height:1.2; margin-top:4px; } div#index p { line-height:1.5; } p.index-1 { margin-left:1.5em; text-indent:-1.5em; } p.index-2 { margin-left:2.5em; text-indent:-1.5em; } h3.index-main { color:#562500; /*brown*/ font-family:"Glypha LT Std", serif; font-size:1.1em; margin-top:.3em; } span.index-xref { font-style:italic; } span.rm-hed-emph { font-family:"Glypha LT Std", sans-serif; font-weight:bold; } p.chart-headnote { font-style:italic; } .rm-page h2 { color:#562500; /*brown*/ font-family:"Glypha LT Std", serif; font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.2; margin-top:1em; } .rm-page ul { list-style-type:disc; margin-left:2em; } .metric-table, .subs-table { page-break-inside: avoid; margin:0 0 .5em 0; } .metric-table th, .subs-table th { border-top:none; border-left:none; border-right:none; border-bottom: solid 2px #A34873; padding-right: 1em; 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margin: 0 .5px; } .dimens-x { padding: 0 2px 0 2px; font-size:0.9em; } /* ---- colors ---- */ .themeA .time-hed, .themeA .step-num, .themeA .nutrition-hed, .themeA .tip-hed, .themeA .subrecipe-title, .themeA .step-hed, .themeA span.tip-leadin { color:#EC732D; /*orange*/ } .themeA .subrecipe { border:solid 2px #EC732D; } .themeA .note-hed, .themeA .box, .themeA .banner .running-head { background-color:#EC732D; } .chapter-opener .themeA, div.themeA-bg { background-color:#FCE7D7; } .themeA .veg { background-color:#F4A62D; } .themeA .fast { background-color:#E03D48; } .themeA .nocook { background-color:#F29A61; } .themeB .time-hed, .themeB .step-num, .themeB .nutrition-hed, .themeB .tip-hed, .themeB .subrecipe-title, .themeB .step-hed, .themeB span.tip-leadin { color:#996FAE; /*purple*/ } .themeB .subrecipe { border:solid 2px #996FAE; } .themeB .note-hed, .themeB .box, .chapter-opener .themeB, span.themeB-bg, .themeB .banner .running-head { background-color:#996FAE; } .chapter-opener .themeB, div.themeB-bg { background-color:#E7E0E8; 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} .themeD .veg { background-color:#40C2CC; } .themeD .fast { background-color:#B086BB; } .themeD .nocook { background-color:#869ACC; } .themeE .time-hed, .themeE .step-num, .themeE .nutrition-hed, .themeE .tip-hed, .themeE .subrecipe-title, .themeE .step-hed, .themeE span.tip-leadin { color:#C4323D; /*red*/ } .themeE .subrecipe { border:solid 2px #C4323D; } .themeE .note-hed, .themeE .box, .themeE .banner .running-head, .chapter-opener .themeE { background-color:#C4323D; } .chapter-opener .themeE, div.themeE-bg { background-color:#EFD4C9; } .themeE .veg { background-color:#EC732D; } .themeE .fast { background-color:#F4A62D; } .themeF .time-hed, .themeF .step-num, .themeF .nutrition-hed, .themeF .tip-hed, .themeF .subrecipe-title, .themeF .step-hed, .themeF .tip-num, .themeF span.tip-leadin { color:#0B929E; /*turquoise*/ } .themeF .subrecipe { border:solid 2px #0B929E; } .themeF .note-hed, .themeF .box, .themeF .banner .running-head, span.themeF, span.themeF-bg { background-color:#0B929E; } .chapter-opener .themeF, div.themeF-bg { background-color:#DCF1F3; } .themeF .veg { background-color:#9162A7; } .themeF .fast { background-color:#5A7CBB; } .themeF .nocook { background-color:#86D2D9; } .white { color:#FFFFFF; /*white*/ } .aqua { background-color:#B6DEE2; } /* ---- media queries ---- */ @media amzn-mobi { p.index-1 { margin-left:0; text-indent:0; } p.index-2 { margin-left:1em; text-indent:0; } .virgule { font-size: inherit; } div#copyright p, .intro, .acks, .source, #index h2 { color:inherit; } li.cotoc-item { margin-left:0; text-indent:0; } li.ing { text-indent:0; margin-left:0; } img.spot { width:100%; } .themeA, .themeB, .themeC, .themeD, .themeE, .themeF { background-color:none; color:auto; } } @media amzn-kf8 { img.spot { width:100%; } }