I give myself a few minutes to indulge my fantasies. The dry air of the plane is already starting to irritate my sinuses, so I distract myself with images of Mia on her knees, eagerly sucking my cock. Her green-brown eyes sparkling with delight. Maybe I’d keep her naked for a week so I could watch her levels of arousal throughout the day. Tease her with brief touches, then pretend to walk away or say something naughty so she blushes all over. All this while trying to keep the smile off my face.
Teasing Mia is my new favorite hobby, although I didn’t miss her flicker of interest when I threatened to spank her. Something we can explore when she’s ready and everything has calmed down. I don’t actually want or need her to follow my commands blindly. That might be fun for a few minutes, but my real life concern here is that she’s not putting her safety first. That has got to be her top priority at all times because it sure as fuck is mine.
How I convince her to adopt a new attitude about that is a challenge. I’ll come up with something. Meanwhile, it feels good to let her fuss, just a little.
“Alexei?” Her voice suggests she might be on to what I’m picturing on the backs of my eyelids so I open them reluctantly. Her hazel eyes are watching me with suspicion. I wait for her to say what’s on her mind.
“You told those government clones I was your fiancée.”
I nod affirmatively, confused as to where this is going. We’ve talked about our future together.
“You never actually asked me. Or even said it directly to me.”
I frown. Sure I did. When… Okay, maybe I didn’t. “Won’t that feel a little fake if I ask you now?” I ask her, eyeing the narrowness of the aisle. I’ve got my doubts that if I tried to get down on one knee, I’d ever get up again.
“Right this minute, yes. It would. But that doesn’t let you off the hook. I don’t want you taking me for granted.” She’s biting her lip again. Fuck.
“Mia, sweetness. That’s exactly the point I’ve been trying to make. I don’t take you for granted because you are the most precious thing in my life. I want you to see yourself the same way. So when I say jump, you jump and keep that sweet ass safe so I know you’re somewhere I can find my way back to. Can’t do that if you’re dead.”
“Oh.” Silent tears are leaking out of the corners of her eyes, making them glisten. I brush them away with my thumb and lean down for a soft kiss. Then I can’t help myself from whispering in her ear, “So you’ll marry me, right? So I can spank you when you forget how precious you are?”
Her gurgling chuckle lights my heart. “We might need an edited version of that to tell the grandchildren. And I thought we just agreed you weren’t asking now?”
“Kitten, I do not schedule marriage proposals on my calendar. It’s either right or it isn’t. And before you get too caught up in where your mind just went, you are the only woman I’ve ever proposed to. You wouldn’t want to scar my psyche by saying no.”
Her smile broadens. “No, I wouldn’t want to do that. I guess I’ll have to marry you then.”
“Don’t sound so excited.” I kiss her again to seal the deal. She unbuckles her seatbelt so she can lean into me more easily, and I hold her there.
“It’s better than all my fantasies, Alexei,” she mumbles.
Wait. “What fantasies, Mia? I want to hear them all. Now. With details. That’s an order.”
She laughs again and nestles into my side.
I sigh at her refusal. “Fine. Then tell me how you know how to hot wire a car? I hate to be judgmental but you don’t seem the type.”
She giggles softly into my shoulder. “It was one of those adult education classes to teach women how to deal with basic car repairs on their own. It wasn’t technically part of the curriculum but the instructor showed us, so we’d know what was involved. I think he was trying to make a point about locking up. Anyway, he let us try it on the junker car we were using for class. I was just really good at it, like immediately. I have no idea why and I’ve never used it since outside of that classroom until this week.”
“Any other hidden talents I should know about?”
She rolls her eyes at me. “Like I’m going to tell you that before the wedding? Pfft.” She blows her hair out of her face in mock annoyance. I know to the marrow of my bones I’m never going to be bored living with Mia. I can’t fucking wait.
My apartment shrank while I was gone. Like a lot. Or maybe it’s just because Alexei is huge, even though he can move without making a sound. When we arrived straight from the airport we did nothing more exciting than order pizza to be delivered and fall into bed. Both of us too tired to do more than sleep.
And the first half of the day has been taken up with answering frantic emails, canceling credit cards and all the stuff that goes along with having Russian agents steal your purse. I wouldn’t worry so much if they’d taken it with them, but my guess is they dumped it so who knows where all that stuff is now. Sarah was of course frantic based on the emails in my inbox, but I had to leave her a voicemail. Likely she’s out in the jungle somewhere and we’ll have to catch up later.
Alexei, whose wallet is intact and doesn’t have to listen to annoying hold music for hours on end, is busy figuring out how and when to get us legally married. I wouldn’t have put that as a day one priority, but there was no moving him on the subject and at least it keeps him seated at my kitchen table out of the way.
We are going to need to figure out where we want to live long term really soon. I wish he had a stronger opinion about that and whether he wants to continue working at Alpha Corps, but he insists he’ll adapt to whatever I decide.
Now that we’re both safe, I have to admit I had some fun being a spy, even if it didn’t have anything to do with the war games, really. And I surprised myself with how well I did, thinking on my feet. Maybe that had something to do with the need to rescue Alexei, but there’s a part of me that wants to try it again. But then I think that might give my future husband a heart attack. Sooo… I’m just not sure.
Jobs aside, if I could pick any place in the world to live it would be on an island. One big enough to have some basic services like a doctor and a grocery store but not so big that it has bridges everywhere. Maybe when Alexei is done researching, I’ll do some of my own.
As if he heard my thoughts, he snaps my laptop shut and stands up. “You about done over there?”
“For the moment.” I cross the last item off of my emergency list — getting my driver’s license reissued. 8-10 days in the mail, they said. Great.
“Then you and I have some unfinished business, kitten.”
Startled, I look up from my notes to see him pointing firmly towards the bedroom.
“Um, Alexei?”
“Now, Mia.” His voice is stern, but his eyes are gleaming. A flutter of excitement starts in my belly. Slowly, I stand up from my small desk and walk over to him. He spins me by my shoulders and gives me a gentle push. “Naked and on the bed, Mia. By the time I get in there or there will be consequences.”
Oooh, my panties are starting to steam, I think. I don’t know why I find this side of him so enticing, but I do. I’m not sure I’m ready for what he has in mind, though. I glance uncertainly over my shoulder as I pause at the doorway. He gives me a wicked smirk and I relax. Alexei is never going to go anywhere I’m not ready for. And I’m thrilled to have the bossy Alexei back in rotation. In moderation, of course.
I strip and think about how I want him to find me. He didn’t say, so he must be leaving this part up to me. Flat on my back just seems so obvious and I’m no gymnast so in the end I lie on my front facing the door so I can watch him when he comes in. I’m lying on top of my favorite pink patchwork quilt and it occurs to me I have no idea of the etiquette for this sort of thing. Are you supposed to pull the quilts back? Or just expect to wash everything on a daily basis? Obviously hotel rooms are a different story, but maybe I should have…?
Alexei comes in less than a minute after I got undressed. He grins when he sees me watching him, my eyes just about level with his impressive bulge.
“I believe I owe you a serious fucking, young lady. And it’s several days overdue so there will be interest.”
“There will?” I squeak. I mean, how much more can he add on? Or do I even want to know?
“Absolutely. I always pay my debts.” He strips efficiently and my mouth goes dry at the sight of his impressive cock, ready and eager for me. I lick my lips and Alexei groans. “Not now, kitten. This time is all about you.”
I start to sit up, but he stops me with a gentle but firm hand on my spine. “No. You picked this position, and this is where you’re going to stay.”
Oh. I gulp. Because once he moves from directly in front of me, I’m staring at myself in the mirror over my dresser. How did I not notice that before?
Alexei pulls me up slightly at my hips and slips a pillow under and then straddles me from behind. I watch all this in the reflection, my pussy aching and wet as he leans down and slowly kisses up my spine, lingering for what feels like hours at the juncture of my neck and shoulder. He nips the top curve of my ear and my pussy throbs in response. His dark head looks even more black against the medium brown of my hair as I watch what I can’t feel and feel what I can’t see.
I’m groaning audibly when he finally scoots backwards and adds another pillow under my hips. The dent in his chin somehow looks extra deep in the reflection. His hands part my ass cheeks and he blows gently on my hot folds. I gurgle, “Gah!” is all I can manage. Alexei’s chuckle is pleased and I lower my head to the bed when he starts licking my pussy from my clit down. I spasm hard and fast when he bites down gently, my legs quaking under his thighs. “Alexei!”
“Stop torturing me. Just fuck me already.”
“Mia, you seem to have gotten the wrong idea. I believe I promised to fuck you until I was dry. Nothing in that statement should give you the impression that this is going to go fast or be over with anytime soon. So I suggest you relax.”
“Fuck!” I groan into my folded arms. He laughs, and that’s when I feel the head of his thick cock nudge my entrance. He pulls my hips up slightly for a better angle and then he slides home in one long slow stroke. I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath until I let it out in a sigh of deep satisfaction.
He feels so good. I want to hang onto this moment and frame it. That’s when I bring my head up to look in the mirror again. Alexei’s green eyes meet mine in the reflection and he holds my gaze as he pulls out and drives back in. His eyes are wild and they grow hotter as I push my hips back, meeting his thrusts with my own. Each stroke hits that magic spot, and I can feel my climax building again. But I’m ignoring that. Mostly. I’m watching for his. I need to see him lose control, to lose himself in my body and really let go.
I get my wish. Just as the tremors of another orgasm start to ripple outwards, Alexei pounds into me with a furious rhythm before leaning his head back with a roar. I feel long ropes of his cum pulse into me as I watch his chest heave as if he’s gasping for air. Then he’s down over me. Bracing his weight on his arms on either side of my head, his cock still throbbing deep inside me. I lean slightly to kiss his arm, the only part of him I can reach in this position and the change in angle sends a fresh spurt of cum deep into my channel. Alexei groans as if I really did wring him dry.
“Kitten. Give me a sec,” he rasps into my ear.
I’m content to feel him, in me, all around me, in this little apartment where I used to daydream of this very moment, even when I couldn’t quite imagine the details. I tighten my internal muscles around him in a subtle warning not to dispel the magic too quickly. He groans again with a half-laugh. And finally, finally, says something in Russian before dropping a kiss on my shoulder blade.
I haven’t got a freaking clue what he just said.