I hope you enjoyed reading about Emilee as much as I enjoyed writing about her even though this wasn’t the book that I had originally set out to write. If you’ve read any of my other books, you were probably hoping for a spin-off from the Metro Love Stories, which is exactly what I had started to write. But Emilee had other ideas. She spoke so loudly to me that I couldn’t ignore her anymore.
Let me tell you a little bit about my writing process. Do you know the difference between a pantser and a plotter? A pantser doesn’t outline their books. They literally just sit down and start to write and see where the story takes them. A plotter, however, outlines everything and follows it completely during the writing process. Plotters spend time with character development and world building. They know where the story starts, every little thing that happens along the way, and how the story ends. I’m a plotter, most of the time. I spend so much time outlining my stories from beginning to end that all I have to do is follow the outline and let the words put themselves together.
So, what does that mean about Emilee? Guys, I started writing a spin-off book from my Metro Love Stories series. I really did. It’s completely outlined and ready to get to ‘putting it together’. But one day, I sat down at my laptop, and I started writing. It started as an exercise in ‘blind writing’ and ended in a book. Emilee was born at the tips of my fingers with a story to tell. I was just her vessel to get it out to the world.
What does that mean going forward? Well, I have several books already being outlined as we speak (my brain doesn’t stop thinking of more ideas). Will I do another pantser style book again? Honestly, probably not. This was the single most frustrating experience of my entire life. Did it take me a year to bring out another book? Yes. Yes, it did.
I’m excited to get started on the next book I have outlined and ready to go. If you haven’t read the Metro Love Stories books, I’d recommend you do that. The next book is going to feature a character that made her appearance in Cypress’ book, The Story of Her Redemption.
See you again soon!