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Le1f. Soda. Directed by Sam B. Jones. Music Video, 2:57.2013.
Le1f. Spa Day. Directed by Jesse Miller-Gordon. Music Video,4:24. 2013. Le1f. Sup. Directed by Jesse Miller-Gordon. Music Video,3:33. 2014.
Le1f. Umami/Water. Directed by Le1f. Music Video, 5:39. 2017.
Le1f. Wut. Directed by Sam B. Jones. Music Video, 2:49.2012.
Lopez, Jennifer. Ain’t Your Mama. Directed by Cameron Duddy. Music Video, 5:08. 2016.
Lopez, Jennifer. Booty. Directed by Hype Williams. Music Video, 4:16. 2014.
Lopez, Jennifer. I Luh Ya, Papi. Directed by Jessy Terrero. Music Video, 5:17. 2014.
Lopez, Jennifer. Same Girl. Directed by Gomillion and Leupold. Music Video, 3:32. 2014.
Lopez, Jennifer. Waiting for Tonight. Directed by Frances Lawrence. Music Video, 4:09. 1999.
Madonna. 4 Minutes. Directed by Jonas & Francois. Music Video, 4:05. 2008.
Madonna. American Life. Directed by Jonas Åkerlund. Music Video, 3:54. 2003.
Madonna. Bedtime Story. Directed by Mark Romanek. Music Video, 4:27. 1995.
Madonna. Bitch I’m Madonna. Directed by Jonas Åkerlund. Music Video, 4:03. 2015.
Madonna. Borderline. Directed by Mary Lambert. Music Video, 3:59. 1984.
Madonna. Erotica. Directed by Fabian Baron. Music Video,5:14. 1992.
Madonna. Everybody. Directed by Ed Steinberg. Music Video, 5:56. 1982.
Madonna. Express Yourself. Directed by David Fincher. Music Video, 5:02. 1989.
Madonna. Frozen. Directed by Chris Cunningham. Music Video, 5:23. 1998.
Madonna. Girl Gone Wild. Directed by Mert Atlas and Marcus Piggott. Music Video, 3:50. 2012.
Madonna. Give Me All Your Luvin’. Directed by Megaforce. Music Video, 3:45. 2012.
Madonna. Hollywood. Directed by Jean-Baptiste Mondino. Music Video, 3:58. 2003.
Madonna. Human Nature. Directed by Jean-Baptiste Mondino. Music Video, 4:34. 1995.
Madonna. Hung Up. Directed by Johan Renck. Music Video, 5:27. 2005.
Madonna. Justify My Love. Directed by Jean-Baptiste Mondino. Music Video, 5:01. 1990.
Madonna. Like a Prayer. Directed by Mary Lambert. Music Video, 5:38. 1989.
Madonna. Like a Virgin. Directed by Mary Lambert. Music Video, 3:49. 1984.
Madonna. Material Girl. Directed by Mary Lambert. Music Video, 2:21. 1985.
Madonna. Music. Directed by Jonas Åkerlund. Music Video, 4:47. 2000.
Madonna. Open Your Heart. Directed by Jean-Baptiste Mondino. Music Video, 4:28. 1986. Madonna. Papa Don’t Preach. Directed by James Foley. Music Video, 5:08. 1986.
Madonna. Rain. Directed by Mark Romanek. Music Video,4:36. 1993.
Madonna. Ray of Light. Directed by Jonas Åkerlund. Music Video, 5:08. 1998.
Madonna. Sorry. Directed by Jamie King. Music Video, 4:22. 2006.
Madonna. Vogue. Directed by David Fincher. Music Video,4:54. 1990. Manson, Marilyn. Putting Holes in Happiness. Directed by Philippe Grandrieux. Music Video, 4:00. 2007.
Manson, Marilyn. The Dope Show. Directed by Paul Hunter. Music Video, 3:58. 1998.
M.I.A. Bad Girls. Directed by Romaine Gavras. Music Video,4:11. 2012.
Michael, George. Faith. Directed by Andy Morahan. Music Video, 3:44.1987.
Michael, George. I Want Your Sex. Directed by Andy Morahan and George Michael. Music Video, 4:56. 1987.
My Chemical Romance. Helena. Directed by Marc Webb. Music Video, 3:31. 2005.
Nine Inch Nails. Happiness in Slavery. Directed by Jon Reiss. Music Video, 4:48. 1992.
Ocean, Frank. Nikes. Directed by Tyrone Lebon. Music Video,4:56. 2016. Ocean, Frank. Thinkin’ Bout You. Directed by High6Collective. Music Video, 4:00. 2011.
Paramore. Careful. Directed by Brandon Chesbro. Music Video, 3:56. 2010.
Paramore. Ignorance. Directed by Honey. Music Video, 3:39.2009. Peaches. Talk to Me. Directed by Price James. Music Video, 3:26. 2009.
Perfume Genius. Hood. Directed by Winston H. Case. Music Video, 1:59. 2012.
Perfume Genius. Take Me Home. Directed by Palo Duro. Music Video, 2:45. 2012.
Perry, Katy. I Kissed a Girl. Directed by Kinga Burza. Music Video, 3:05. 2008.
Pink. Stupid Girls. Directed by Dave Meyers. Music Video, 3:32. 2004.
Salt-N-Pepa. Let’s Talk About AIDS. Directed by Millicent
Shelton. Music Video, 4:48. 1991. Salt-N-Pepa. Let’s Talk About Sex. Directed by Millicent Shelton. Music Video, 4:48. 1991.
Shakira. Can’t Remember to Forget You. Directed by Joseph Kahn. Music Video, 3:25. 2014.
Shakira. She Wolf. Directed by Jake Nava. Music Video, 3:48. 2009.
Solange. Cranes in the Sky. Directed by Alan Ferguson and Solange. Music Video, 4:32. 2016.
Solange. Don’t Touch My Hair. Directed by Alan Ferguson and Solange. Music Video, 4:24.
SSION. Earthquake. Directed by Cody Critcheloe. Music Video, 5:12. 2012.
Star, Jeffree. Beauty Killer. Directed by Austin Young. Music Video. 2010.
Star, Jeffree. Prom Night. Directed by Robby Starbuck. Music Video, 3:52. 2012.
The Strokes. The End Has No End. Directed by Sophie Muller. Music Video, 2:59. 2004.
TLC. Ain’t 2 Proud 2 Beg. Directed by Lionel C. Martin. Music Video, 4:18. 1992.
West, Kanye. Bound 2. Directed by Nick Knight. Music Video, 4:14. 2013.
West, Kanye. Fade. Directed by Eli Linnetz. Music Video, 3:44. 2016.
West, Kanye.Famous. Directed by Kanye West. Music Video, 3:20. 2016.
West, Kanye. Wolves. Directed by Steven Klein. Music Video, 7:00. 2016.
Young Thug. Turn Up. Directed by Garfield Larmond. Music Video, 3:34. 2016.
Zebra Katz. 1 Bad B*tch. Directed by Nicklaus Lange. Music Video, 3:35. 2014.
Zebra Katz. Blk Diamond. Directed by Elvar Gunnarsson. Music Video, 3:00. 2015.
Zebra Katz. Ima Read. Directed by RUBEN XYZ. Music Video,4:06. 2012.