This acclaimed series offers informative and durable biographies of important authors, British, European and North American, which will include substantial critical discussion of their works. An underlying objective is to re-establish the notion that books are written by people who lived in particular times and places. This objective is pursued not by programmatic assertions or strenuous point-making, but through the practical persuasion of volumes which offer intelligent criticism within a well-researched biographical context.
Also in this series
- The Life of Walter Scott
John Sutherland
- The Life of William Faulkner
Richard Gray
- The Life of Thomas Hardy
Paul Turner
- The Life of Celine
Nicholas Hewitt
- The Life of Henry Fielding
Ronald Paulson
- The Life of Robert Browning
Clyde De L. Ryals
- The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer
Derek Pearsall
- The Life of Daniel Defoe
John Richetti
- The Life of George Eliot
Nancy Henry
- The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rosemary Ashton
- The Life of Evelyn Waugh
Douglas Lane Patey
- The Life of Goethe
John R. Williams
- The Life of W. B. Yeats
Terence Brown
- The Life of John Milton
Barbara Lewalski
- The Life of Samuel Johnson
Robert DeMaria, Jr
- The Life of Ann Brontë
Edward Chitham
- The Life of William Shakespeare
Lois Potter
- The Life of William Wordsworth
John Worthen
- The Life of D. H. Lawrence
Andrew Harrison