Extracts from the author’s recent book Pointers from Ramana Maharshi
“The desire for happiness (Sukha-prema) is a proof of the ever-existing happiness of the SELF; otherwise desire would not arise. If headaches were natural to human beings, no one would try to get rid of it. Man desires that which is natural to him. Happiness is natural to him. Man’s attempt can only be to get rid of that which prevents happiness from happening.
Dukha nasham = Sukha prapti”
– Ramana Maharshi
[The human being pursuing pleasure, at some point of time, depending on his destiny, comes to the conclusion that pleasure depends upon a desired object, and therefore that the happiness he is seeking cannot be found in the pleasures of life, but in his attitude to life, and, finally, that the happiness he desires can happen only when he has surrendered his sense of doership and purified the ego. Such happiness lies beyond the waking, dream and sleep states. This is the Reality and consists of the original happiness – nijananda].
QUESTION How can I do my duties without attachment? There are my wife and children for whom affection and work is necessary. Am i right?
RAMANA Yoga Vasishta says: “Detachment within and attachment in Appearance.”
“There is a difference between the intellect of man and that of other animals because man not only sees the world as it is, and acts accordingly, but also seeks fulfillment of desires. In his attempt to fulfill his desires, he extends his vision far and wide. The desire for permanency of happiness and of peace bespeaks such permanency in his own nature; i.e. the SELF. That found, all is found. That is realization, the finality, the goal.”
“When the real effortless, permanent, happy nature is realized, it will be found to be perfectly consistent with the ordinary activities of daily living.”
“It says in the Upanishads that the jnani looks forward eagerly to the time when he can throw off the body, just as the labourer carrying a heavy load looks forward to reaching his destination and laying it down.”
– Ramana Maharshi