Horse Swapping

Splintery as legs of spring foals the willows bend

Over Troublesome’s sudden banks hemming drifts of sand

Against slow thin water, against the mare’s stiff heels

Wheeling in the dry creek bed with casual step;

And the sun-pierced shade of willows settles unsteadily

Among the throng of stallions champing their bits

And straining new leather with arrogant heads.

High in their polished saddles the traders ride

With stinging lash and blunt spur deep against the side

Of goaded pony, of anxious filly swinging heavily,

Of spavined mare plucking heels with sharp precision

From bedding sand. Combed, curried, and clipped,

Their smooth breasts glisten, and long muscular necks

Rise clean and springy into tight bridles.

The traders measure with keen practiced glance

The height from withers to croup, feel trembling flesh,

Rub hard careless hands over quivering muscles

And peer coldly into moist sad eyes.

Only the foals toss unbound heads

With flash of hock and unsheared flowing manes,

Flexing clumsy legs in short unhindered quests

Down the aisles of sand to the hill’s uplifted girth.

An untamed heart is swift upon the earth.