Early Whippoorwill

I have a letter from Oklahoma—

A professor of logic, part-time ornithologist,

Doubts that Kentucky has had the chance to hear

A whippoorwill’s song the third month of the year

When the Sooner State must wait till April at least.

I’d heard a whippoorwill’s stout-hearted call

And printed the fact and thought it within reason

For bird or man to sing in or out of season

As any might err, might sound a note quite new,

Deny the systems and set the graphs askew.

I hold this state is not alone in being lucky

It has a whippoorwill uncommonly plucky;

I believe I’m not indulging in idle misnomer

By calling all fortunate, including Oklahoma,

When bird or thought makes lists and manuals vain.

O earliest whippoorwill, come again!