A Vision Of Possibilities

Even with a greater understanding of the five messages of positive parenting, being a good parent is not easy. It is a learn-as-you-go process. Parenting pushes you beyond your limits of how much you thought you could give. Yet, no matter how good you get, you always find yourself once again in uncharted territory wondering: “What do I do now?” A clear vision of possibilities is needed. Fortunately, you can return to this guide again and again. When something doesn’t seem to be working, or you don’t know what to do, review the different messages of positive parenting. You will discover what is missing and be better equipped to do the right thing.

As parents, we don’t get a lot of practice to prepare ourselves or to perfect our parenting abilities. Suddenly we are faced with the awesome responsibility of caring for a vulnerable child, and we are not always certain what is best for them. Even though we remind ourselves that children are from heaven and that they have their own unique potential destiny, their future is literally in our hands. How we hold and care for them greatly influences their ability to succeed in manifesting their full potential.

Parenting requires a tremendous commitment on our part but our children are certainly worth it. Parents only “back off” or withdraw from parenting when they don’t know what to do or when what they do seems to make matters worse. Studying the easy-to-understand (but not always easy-to-remember) principles of positive parenting will always remind you that you are needed and that by making a few adjustments you can succeed in giving your children what they need.

Always remember that no one can do it better than you can. Although your children come from heaven, they also come from you and they need you. Learning how to parent is the most worthwhile study a person can make if planning to have a family. Without the understanding of positive parenting, most parents have no idea how important they are to their children and their children’s future. Not only do their children miss out, but they do as well.

Parenting is a difficult job, but it is also the most rewarding. To be a parent is an awesome responsibility and a great honor. Now, with an awareness of what our children really need from us, parents can fully understand how much their help is needed. This clear insight into our responsibility allows us to feel the true dignity of being a parent and to take pride in doing what is required in caring for our family.

By fully committing yourself to the new principles of positive parenting, you are a courageous pioneer exploring new territory, a brave hero creating a new world and, most important, you are giving your children the opportunities for greatness that you never had.

Even with this guide by your side, you will still make mistakes, but then you will be able to use your mistakes to teach your children the important skill of forgiveness. We can’t always give our children what they need or want, but we can help them respond to their disappointments in healthy ways that make them stronger and more confident. You will still be unable to always be there when they need you, but you will know how to react to their feelings and unmet needs in a way that heals their emotional wounds and makes them feel loved and supported once again. Using the five messages of positive parenting and remembering that children are from heaven, will help you give your children the best preparation they could have to make all their dreams come true, which is what all parents want for their children.